My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 160 No Bottom Line

Kian glanced at the time on his watch before saying faintly, “I'm afraid I can't right now, Mr. Simpson has an important client.”

“It's okay, I can wait."


Camille followed Kian out of the conference room, she offered to wait in the break area of the secretary's office, the two walked towards the secretary's office, the door of the president's office was also opened at that time, a tall, sexy and hot woman came out from inside, followed by Ayan, both of their faces with smiles, seemed to have a good chat. The woman looked at Ayan with adoring eyes and asked, "Then it's a deal, have a drink with me tonight, just the two of us, huh?"

The woman said the words, and her hand also subconsciously raised to climb on his arm and gently hitch.

Ayan did not avoid it, but just slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at her with a light smile: “I'll let someone arrange to send you back to the hotel, as for drinking anytime, eh?"

The woman grunted lightly and didn't say anything, then Ayan said, "I'll give you a ride to the elevator.”

"Well, after all, it's a great honor for Mr. Simpson to give me a ride personally.”

The woman and the man looked at each other and smiled, then headed for the elevator.

As she passed by Camille, the woman gave a faint smile of profound meaning.

As for Ayan, he naturally didn't even give Camille a straight look.

Until the two disappeared from sight, Camille followed Kian to the lounge area and sat down, but her expression was somewhat visible, her brow was furrowed, an indescribable and very inexplicable displeasure spilled out from the bottom of her heart.

A silent question spreaded in the mind.

Who was that woman?

They looked familiar, have they known each other for a long time? Camille pursed her lips tightly, and the thick gaze under her eyes grew deeper.

At the elevator, Ayan was waiting for the elevator with a woman who looked at him and said with a light smile, “That's your wife just now, isn't it?"

Ayan didn't deny it, just looked at her, "What are you trying to say?" "Quite pretty.” The woman raised an eyebrow and said lightly, "Are you having a fight now?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything.

The woman added, "I guess it must be you who is unilaterally angry, right?"

"Looks like you don't need a ride from me."

"See, I was right, I must have been, you're all irritated now.”

“Leila!” Ayan called out her name in a warm, light voice.

Leila Baker smiled lightly: "Don't be so aggressive, but women know women best, your wife is not a very easy to coax type, she is very smart and sensible, ordinary tactics can not get her to give in, do you want me to help you?"

“You think you'll be that kind?" Ayan said nonchalantly, “If you don't want to cooperate you can just say so, and if you dare to give me trouble, Leila, even if we grew up together, I won't be polite.”

"Ayan, really auntie was right, you are really unrecognizable now." "Are you done? You can leave when you're done." Ayan eyes are cold, a face is also expressionless, but his impatience has been clearly heard between the words.

Leila just laughed and then said lightly, "Ayan , if you take this attitude towards me to your wife, I reckon you'll be single soon.”

Leila's words fell, the elevator door also opened at this time, she hooked her lips to look at Ayan and then directly into the elevator, in the elevator door closed a second before, she did not forget to raise her hand and wave.

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, deep dark pupils shrunk, and then only then turned around and walked back.

He saw Camille sitting on the sofa in the lounge area, probably sensing his figure and looking up at him, and looked at each other.

But soon she got up and came towards him and she said, "Ayan , I want to ask a question related to the project, is it convenient for you now?"

Ayan did not answer immediately, but just stared at her in silence, but he looked for a long time did not see any difference from her face and eyes.

He hummed lightly, his narrow eyes were dark and cold, and his voice was as light as water: "You won't talk when I say it's inconvenient?" Camille wonders why he's looking angry again?

This was the first word between them since she arrived, so did he not want to hear her speak?

Camille was briefly silent, then Ayan gave her an indifferent glance before raising his feet and heading straight for the office, and Camille hurriedly followed.

The two returned to the office and Camille whispered, "Have you really decided to kick Fumiko Estate out of this project?”

"The project so far Fumiko Estate has not played any role and they just want a piece of the pie, but now that they have gotten what they deserve, it is normal rule that the subsequent ones have nothing to do with them."

He went to his desk and sat down, then casually lit a cigarette and took a drag, because he was smoking, Camille just stood a few steps away from the desk and did not approach.

But her actions fell into Ayan's eyes as a deliberate attempt to keep her distance.

His eyes were fleshly and cold, and his handsome profile became more and more taut and cold.

Through the curl of white smoke, Camille looked at him and said, "Will the Simpson Group be notified by the Fumiko Estate or should 1?" "Kian will contact them, you just need to do your thing, you are now working directly with Simpson Group, then you need to follow the rules of Simpson Group, the progress of the project needs to be reported every day, I need to see visible results, understand?"

Camille wrinkled her brow lightly, she felt a little surprised that the project had already passed the most important start-up phase, how come she still needed to see the progress and report every day now that everything was stable?

And he is not in charge of the project, so why do we need to report to him?

Camille was just a little surprised, but didn't think much of it.

Because Ayan seemed to read her mind and told her lightly, “This project is a project that Simpson Group is looking at this quarter, I don't care how it was before, but now that it's restarted, there can't be any slackness."

"Okay, I get it."

Camille nodded and didn't say anything further. As for the Fumiko Estate, since Kian would inform her, it would save her the trouble.

The atmosphere quieted down with it.

A cigarette was also smoked out by him and thrown into the ashtray, he lifted his eyelids and glanced at her without warmth, his voice was not warm and asked, “There is still something?"

Camille looked over her shoulder for a moment and shook her head, “It's okay, then I'll go first."

After saying that, she lightly pursed her lips and turned around with the intention of leaving.

As for the matter of Sienna, she will not mention it to Ayan, because Sienna is not his friend, he has no obligation to help her, so she does not want to impose on others, nor does she want to force again and again.

Her nature is always the same, some things to ask for but not want to ask again, even if the process is very difficult, but she is not willing to repeat the mention once, because her stubbornness and self-respect does not allow her to do no bottom line.

But Camille had just turned around and hadn't even taken a step when Ayan's phone rang.

He picked up, "Did Grandpa get over it?"

It's Talia calling.

Talia said, "Why don't you come over here and see if he got over it or not?"

"Okay, I know, she happens to be with me, I will take her with me." Ayan said without changing his face.

Talia, somewhat puzzled, asked, "What are you talking about? I just asked you to come by yourself, I didn't say Cami."

"Well, yes, Camille will come with me." After that, without waiting for Talia's response, he already cut off the call and looked at Camille: "Grandpa misses you and wants you to go to the hospital to talk with him."

Camille didn't question this, but simply whispered, "Now?"

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