My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 141 - Son-in-law

Camille pursed her lips, "I'm afraid I'll stain your ears by saying it, so it's better not to hear it."

Sienna blinked and said with some amusement, "Cami, you guys aren't doing anything juvenile in the car are you?"

Camille blushed, "What's that nonsense?"

"Who knows if it's nonsense? If not why won't you tell me?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, go out and sleep in the corridor tonight!" "Cami, are you annoyed and angry? Want to destroy me as the most direct witness?"

Camille glanced at Sienna , not wanting to explain anything more, to save the more black, she just said lightly: "I just want to tell you not to teach my baby badly."

Sienna just shut up and stopped talking.

Sienna woke up hungry in the middle of the night because Camille was pregnant and she was too embarrassed to ask Camille to get up and cook for her, and she was a kitchen killer, so she had to order takeout. I thought it was a normal thing to eat takeout and go to bed, but I didn't expect to be hospitalized for gastroenteritis before dawn after eating a late night snack.

Camille looked at her in pain and couldn't straighten up, a face pale and bloodless, she was heartbroken and helpless: "This is what happens when one person eats alone, so don't make an exception for the next time, don't do this kind of thing again.”

Sienna's face was bitter: "Don't talk about me, give me a break for the price I paid."

There was no bed in the hospital emergency room, so Sienna had to spend the middle of the night in the hallway seat with an IV.

After sending Sienna back to her room to rest, Camille went to the doctor to get some medication for Sienna to take later.

She finished prescribing the medicine to pay the bill, because she stayed up late and was a little sleepy, so she yawned with a sleepy face, and did not even notice the oncoming man and woman walking towards her.

"Camille, what are you doing in the hospital, are you unwell somewhere?" The woman's gentle voice rang out slowly.

Camille then saw the man and woman a few steps away from him, the man wore a black suit, outside a casual male trench coat, short hair under the handsome face abated a few of his usual noble and cold, appearing somewhat elegant.

And the woman beside the man, also looked at her with a smile on her face.

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, not intending to respond to the woman's words, only to lock eyes with the man.

The man spoke up and said, "What's going on? Sick?"

“It's not me, it's Sienna who isn't feeling well." She just gave a faint look before saying, "I'm going to pay the bill and get the medicine.”

After saying that, she took a step and was ready to leave, when the man took her hand in his.

Camille wrinkled her nose, "Carter, is something wrong?"

Her distancing and coldness Carter clearly felt, so his brow was slightly frowned and his eyes were flooded with displeasure, but his voice was still gentle: "I'll let Kian accompany you, huh?"

“No, I can do it myself."

"Camille!" he wrinkled his brow, his tone a little irritated.

Camille pursed her lips, "There's really no need, the person is fine now, it's just that the doctor wants to be hospitalized for a day of observation.”

After saying that, she directly broke away from his grip on her wrist, and then just walked to the line at the payment office under his watchful eyes.

Her stubbornness made Carter's brow furrow, and a handsome face was all cold.

Eileen also noticed his expression and said in a low voice, "Carter, is Camille mad at you because of me?"

Carter didn't make a sound, he just didn't look too good.

Eileen said again, "Carter, why don't you go check on Camille? It's okay with me, and the doctor won't be here until later anyway, so I'll go back to the ward and stay with mom."

Carter withdrew his gaze and did not continue to look at Camille, he looked up at Eileen and said lightly, "No, let's go."

Eileen nodded, her eyes showing a light smile where Carter couldn't see it.

Carter accompanied Eileen to Skye's hospital room. Skye was so happy that she couldn't stop talking to Carter and kept saying, "Carter, thanks to you this time, look, you found someone to arrange such a nice place for me to stay, it costs a lot of money a day, right?"

Eileen frowned and glared at Skye with some dissatisfaction, but Skye's eyes were full of Carter at the moment and she couldn't see Eileen's eyes.

Eileen was worried that Carter would be upset, so she quickly spoke up and tried to explain, "Carter, my mom, she talks like that and means nothing else, she just wants to express her gratitude to you, but she's not very educated, so ....."

"Auntie, you take care of your health, nowadays medicine is very advanced, your situation is not serious, you will be fine, as for the money, no need to worry, eh?"

Carter's words interrupted Eileen's words, and did not have any intention to respond to Eileen, but his expressionless side face surfaced a few points of coldness, so that people can not help but look a little apprehensive and uneasy.

Carter's attitude made Skye happier and happier, saying thank you thank you thank you, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Carter, look at you and Eileen, it's been so many years, when are you two going to let me have a grandchild?"

The atmosphere was abruptly quiet.

His handsome face was flat, with a faint coldness between his brows, he did not speak, but Skye waited for his answer.

Eileen, who was also silent, wanted to hear how Carter was going to respond.

But seconds passed and Carter never spoke.

Eileen wrinkled her brow and pursed her lips for nearly half a minute before saying, "Mom, what are you talking about? You're tired, take a good rest, Carter still has things to do at the company, I'll send him out first.”

Skye then hurriedly stopped and said, "Look what my mouth has said, Carter, I'm not trying to pressure you or force you, just a little worried about Eileen, after all, she has been with you for so many years." Carter's eyes narrowed slightly and his voice chimed, "You get some rest, I'll go first."

Then without waiting for any response from Skye he had already turned around and walked out of the ward, Eileen glared at Skye unhappily before rushing out after him.

When Camille returned to the ward after paying the bill, Sienna also woke up and looked at Camille with pity: "I'm really sorry for making you work so hard, you should also sit down and rest for a while, stop walking around, I'll feel guilty.”

"How are you feeling?"

Camille asked with concern.

Sienna looked sideways at Camille: "I'm much better, I'm just hungry." Camille frowned a bit to curse, less meal will be less piece of meat? But in the end, I couldn't bear to scold, and could only say, "What do you want to eat? I'll go buy it for you."

"Can I eat anything?"

"What do you think?"

“Is it okay if I have some porridge?”

Sienna pursed her lips, her face pale and bloodless, just vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night has become this look, you can imagine how fragile people are.

Camille poured a cup of warm water for her to take her medicine first before saying, "Wait, I'll go get some porridge.”

"Cami, you are so sweet, love you!"

“You're doing me the best love by tossing yourself around less." Camille pinched her cheek, grabbed her phone and walked out of the hospital room.

The hospital's cafeteria is on the same floor as the senior ward, so Camille took the elevator upstairs to the cafeteria.

She came out of the elevator and was just about to walk towards the cafeteria when she heard Eileen's voice

Her voice carried her usual gentleness as she said, "Carter, don't take my mother's words to heart, she's just too concerned about me, in her heart, she already considers you as her son-in-law, that's why she said those words, can you not be angry?"

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