The next week passes in a blur. I decide to take Jonas’s advice to heart and put my all into doing things my way. Or maybe I just keep myself busy to avoid going back to my empty apartment and the onslaught of memories from last weekend. The inside of my head is a messy place right now, and I can’t begin to count how many times I pick up my phone to text Jonas and then put it back down again. He gave me the weekend. Wanting more is greedy and unfair. It’s better to let things end now, while they’re good, than to continue to throw myself at him and force him to reject me. Again.

Instead, I throw myself into work.

My first priority is getting the Henderson account figured out. It takes two very, very long days to find an architect who will fit their vision and has availability. Grace Ramsey. She’s up-and-coming in the field and hungry to make her name. With the connections the Hendersons have, it could mean a lot of steady work for her. Convincing them to give her a shot takes another two days and countless phone calls while I patiently explain that Jonas is not available and I have the utmost faith that my pick will meet all their needs. On Friday, I get them all into a room together, and she works her magic. By the end of the meeting, they are convinced Grace walks on water and have completely forgotten than Jonas exists.

I wish I could forget him as easily.

I think about him so much, when he actually walks through my office door late Friday afternoon, I’m sure I’m hallucinating him. I stare blankly as Jonas knocks on the doorframe. “Can I come in?”

He looks good. Really good. He’s wearing jeans and one of those knitted fisherman’s sweaters that I eyed in his closet less than a week ago. I blink, but he doesn’t disappear. “Are you actually here?”

“Yeah.” His lips curve. “I’m actually here.”

I can’t move. It’s like my body has turned into a statue and fused me to my office chair. “If you changed your mind about the Henderson account, it’s too late. I already found them an architect.”

At that, he gives me a real smile. “I knew you would.”

I have no business letting his words warm me straight through. Not when I still don’t understand what’s going on. “But… Why are you here?”

“Can I come in?” he asks again.

“Yes.” I motion him forward. “Shut the door, please.” Most everyone in the office has already gone home, but there’s no reason to risk having whatever this is get brought into office gossip. Not when I don’t understand why Jonas is here.

He shuts the door and leans against it, making no move to approach. “I spent this week thinking.”

“Okay.” It’s like all my nerves spring to life at once and suddenly I can’t sit still. I push to my feet. “What’s that have to do with me?”

“I had a good time last weekend.” He’s watching me closely. “I think you did, too.”

My face feels like it’s on fire, but I manage a droll response. “I can’t imagine what gave you that idea? It’s not like I lost count of how many orgasms you gave me or anything.”

He pushes off the door and takes a step toward me. “It was more than just fucking. There’s a connection there.”

“A connection.” So he felt it, too. I swallow hard. “What are you saying?”

“I’m fucking this up.” He drags a hand over his face and gives a rough laugh. “Let me try again.” Jonas holds my gaze. “I like you a whole hell of a lot, Blake. Not just the sex, though I like that a whole hell of a lot, too.”

Holy shit, this is happening. “I like you, too,” I whisper.

Some of the tension in his shoulders disappears. “I would like a chance to take you out on a real date.” Jonas hesitates. “Not just a single date. I want to date you. To give this thing between us a chance to figure itself out.”

“You live in Washington.”

He shrugs. “I have a house down here. I’ve just been up there the last couple years because I like the quiet. I can do my work anywhere.”

He’s saying all the right things. I’m afraid to hope that this is real. “You’re my father’s best friend.”

“There’s that.” He nods. “When we’re ready, we’ll sit down and explain the situation to him.”

My head is spinning. “The situation.”

“Yeah.” Jonas takes another step toward me. “You see, I’m falling for you, baby girl. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy to figure this out. But if you’re game, I want to try.”

My heart feels like it’s attempting to beat out of my chest. I laugh, the sound hoarse. “Is that a trick question?”

“Not even a little bit.”

I’m already moving, closing the distance between us. “Yes. Yes, I want to try.” I throw myself into his arms and kiss him. Even though it’s only been a week, desperation claws through me. “I need you, Daddy.”

Jonas doesn’t argue. He just reaches behind him to lock my office door and then his mouth is on mine. We stumble back toward my desk, and he has the presence of mind to guide us around it. Our hands are everywhere. Mine shoving under his sweater. His cupping my breasts, lightly pinching my nipples to attention. He pushes me down into the office chair and shoves up my dress to my waist. The way he stares at my black lace panties is how a starving man looks at a banquet laid out in his honor.

He manages to drag his gaze to my face. “We’re in your office.”

“Yes.” I’m breathing too hard.

“You know what that means.”

I’m grinning and I can’t stop. “I’ll have to be quiet.”

“That’s right.” He dips his head down and presses a kiss to my pussy through the lace. I whimper, which earns me a sharp look. But he doesn’t stop kissing me until my panties are soaked. Only then does he nuzzle the fabric aside to get to my pussy. He curses at the first taste and spears me with his tongue as if he can’t get enough.

I lift my hips to rub myself against his mouth. “More,” I whisper.

He gives me more.

He eats me out until I’m shaking, but he doesn’t tip me over the edge. Jonas finally lifts his head and licks his lips. “I’m feeling greedy, baby girl. I want you to come around my cock.”

“Yes.” I’m already nodding. I nudge him back and climb shakily to my feet. While he does the same, I shove my panties off, bend over my desk, and lift my dress. “Like this, Daddy?”

His rough curse is music to my ears. His hands brush my ass and down to spread my legs more, and then his cock is there, notching at my entrance. It feels like coming home. The sensation only becomes stronger when Jonas bends over me and covers my mouth with his broad hand. “Have to be quiet.” His voice is rough in my ear as he keeps up the endless advance of his cock into me. “Wouldn’t want all your employees to know that you’re in here, getting your needy pussy filled.” He thrusts the rest of the way into me, trapping my moan against his palm. With his free hand, he tugs down the straps of my dress and my bra, baring my breasts. “Can’t let everyone know you like being fucked dirty, can we?”

“No,” I moan.

“That’s right.” He thrusts again, slow. Taking his time. Jonas hooks an arm around my waist and lifts me as he moves back to sit in my chair. He keeps one hand over my mouth and cups my breast with the other. “Tell me what they’d see when they walk in.”

He shifts his grip to my jaw, freeing me to talk. It’s all too easy to imagine. “My dress is wadded up around my waist. I might as well be naked.”

“Because you don’t care about being discreet. You just care about fucking.”

“Yes,” I hiss. Each roll of my hips has him rubbing deliciously inside me. “They’ll see your cock. It’s so big, Daddy. You spread me so wide.”

He shudders out a breath and drops his free hand to my pussy, using his fingers to spread me. “No hiding that, is there?”

“No.” I whimper. “I’m so wet. You’re so deep.”

“Ride my cock, baby girl. Make yourself feel good.” He keeps me spread, keeps me exposed, as I obey. Suddenly, Jonas tenses. “Did you hear something?”

No. Because the office is deserted and the door is locked. There’s absolutely no chance of us being interrupted. That doesn’t stop the fantasy from driving me into a frenzy. “I can’t stop,” I whisper. “I don’t care if we get caught. I can’t stop fucking you.”

Jonas turns my face to his and takes my mouth as he starts stroking my clit. I try to hold out. I do. I want this to last forever. But he knows my body too well. He draws my pleasure higher and higher, teasing me over the edge. I sob as I come, and he has to clamp his hand over my mouth again to keep me quiet. He bands his other arm around my waist and fucks up into me, chasing his own pleasure until he comes with a curse that sounds like my name.

We collapse back into the chair and only then does he drop his hand from my mouth. It doesn’t go far. He cups my pussy as he idly plays with one breast. I shiver. “I missed you.”

Jonas kisses my temple. “I missed you, too.” He helps me off his cock and watches as I stand, his expression hungry. “Blake—”

“I know you want go on a date.” I tug the straps of my dress up and eye his cock. “But it’s late and my apartment is only a few blocks from here. Why don’t we order in tonight?” I grab his hand and press it between my thighs. “I have five days of missing you to make up for.” I lean down and nip his bottom lip. “And I’d really like to suck your cock.”

He pushes two fingers into me. “Hard to argue with that.”

“I know.” I gasp a little as he wedges a third finger into me. “Jonas, we should go if we don’t want to end up fucking in here a second time.”

“In a minute.” He keeps fingering me. “We both know you’re too much a little slut to be satisfied with a single orgasm.” He shoves up my dress and guides me to perch on the edge of my desk. “One more should tide you over until we get back to your place.”

I brace my foot on the chair arm, spreading my legs wide. “I’m not a little slut.”

“Liar.” He grips my hip. “Look how eagerly your pussy takes three fingers. We both know that’s not enough, either. You need my cock.”

I watch his fingers press into me and retreat, soaked with our shared desire. It’s vulgar and sexier than it has right to be. “You’re right.” I whimper. “I need your cock, Daddy.”

“Too bad. You can’t have it again yet.” He leans down and sucks on my clit as he keeps fucking me with his fingers. He’s right. I do need another orgasm. I don’t understand how this man knows my body so well and won’t hesitate to give me what I need, but I’m not questioning it. I’m too busy coming all over him.

We manage to make it back to my apartment sometime later, but we barely get through the door before I’m on my knees and sucking his cock down. Just like I promised.

It’s not until the next morning that we realize we completely forgot to order in. Jonas stretches out next to me, looking perfectly at home in my bed. “Brunch.”

I blink. “Brunch?”

“Yeah. It’s the weekend.” He trails his fingers down my spine. “We’ll go out for brunch. Eat something. Get you a few mimosas if you’re in the mood.”

I smile. “And then come back here and fuck each other senseless.”

“No.” He lightly smacks my ass. “Then we’ll take a walk and talk for a bit.” Despite his words, he hooks my thigh to bring my leg up so he can play with my pussy. “I know a lot about you, but I’d like to know you better.”

“I’d like to get to know you better, too.” I lift my hips, urging him to press his fingers deeper. “Brunch sounds nice. Talking sounds better.”

“Mmhmm.” He moves to kneel behind me and urges my hips high. “Just one more thing to take care of before we go.”

“Oh?” I manage to sound curious instead of just horny. “What’s that?”

“You and your needy pussy.” He notches his cock at my entrance and grabs my hips, working me back onto his length. “You’re my baby girl, Blake. That means I take care of you in every way.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” I press my hands to my headboard so I can thrust back against him. It’s the truth, though. He does take care of me. From fucking me just the way I need to his calm confidence in my ability to handle anything my business throws my way. I don’t know what my future will bring, but I’m so fucking glad that Jonas is part of it.

I moan as he thrusts into me. “We should have known a weekend was never going to be enough.”

“That’s right.” He leans down to snake his hand down my stomach to my clit. “Not a couple days, or a couple weeks, or fuck, even a couple years.” He curses. “I mean to keep you, Blake.”

I turn my face enough for him to claim a kiss. “Good. Because I’m not letting you go a second time.”

“Damn straight you’re not.” Jonas laughs, rough and low. “You’re mine, baby girl. And I’m yours. For good.”

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