I hear footsteps and turn to find Jonas in the doorway. He should look less forbidding while shirtless, with his blond and silver hair messy from my hands, his lounge pants slung low on his hips. He should…but he doesn’t. He leans against the doorframe and crosses his arms over his chest. “Snooping?”

“Only a little.” I start working my way toward him, drifting my fingertips across the spines of the books. “You’ve read all these?”

“There’s no point of having them here if I haven’t.”

The edge in his voice sends a delicious thrill through me. I veer away from the shelves and back to stand in front of the desk. “Do you even work in here? It’s so clean, it practically shines.”

“I like things in order.” He starts moving toward me slowly. Jonas bypasses me and peers down at the surface of his desk. He sighs heavily. “Now you’ve gone and done it, baby girl.”

I barely fight down a sound of pure glee. Apparently breakfast can wait, after all. “I haven’t done anything.”

“You’ve left smudges all over my desk.” He takes one of my hands and presses it flat to the surface. “Here.” And then the other. “And here.”


“Bend over.”

The harsh command has me obeying instantly. That and the giddy anticipation to see what he’s going to do next. He doesn’t make me wait long. Jonas catches the hem of my shirt and eases it up my ass to pool at my hips. “Blake,” he says slowly.

“Yes, Daddy?”

His hand lands on my ass, a heavy impact that isn’t quite a spank, and he squeezes me. “Were you about to finger yourself on my desk?”

The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind…but now that he’s put the idea into my head, I can picture it all too easily. Me perched on the desk with my hand between my thighs. “Only a little.”

“Only a little,” he repeats. His other hand lands on my other cheek. He keeps squeezing my ass, parting me a little more with each movement. “Were you hoping I’d catch you?”

“Maybe,” I whisper.

“Thought so.” His thumbs find the dimples at the top of my ass and press lightly. “Later today, we’re going to go upstairs and I’m going to fuck your ass.”

I jolt, going hot and cold all at the same time. “Jonas, I—”

He keeps up that light touch. “Are you about to say no because you don’t like anal? Or are you about to argue because you’re afraid my cock is too big?”

I flush hot and stammer a little. “I like anal.”

“Mmhmm. That’s what I thought.” He shifts and then his mouth is there at the small of my back. “You can take it, baby girl. Just like you took me in your pussy and your mouth.”

I’m not so certain, but I can’t think clearly with him moving down, setting his teeth against the curve of my ass. “Um. What if you’re really too big?”

Jonas chuckles. “Spread your legs wider.” He waits until I obey to continue his downward path. He stops when his breath ghosts against my pussy. “Only one way to find out if it’s true or not.”

To try it.

I shiver. “Okay.” No matter how intimidating I find the idea of taking his size there, the truth is that Jonas won’t do anything that actually hurts me. If we try it and it doesn’t work, then he’s not going to force the issue. And if it does work? I shiver again. “Okay, I want to try.”

“That’s my girl.” He changes his grip on my ass, urging me to arch my back, to give him better access to my pussy. Access he wastes no time taking advantage of, licking a long line from clit all the way up my crease. The contact makes me jump, but Jonas holds me still as he does it again, and again.

I give myself over to him, laying my head on the desk. It’s only then that I register the fact the study faces the street and that all the blinds are open. “Your neighbors are going to see.”

“Nah.” He flicks my clit with the tip of his tongue. “None of their houses face this direction.” He pauses. “But anyone driving by might get a glimpse.”

I whimper. “I know I shouldn’t want to get caught.”

“Stop that.” He leans back and delivers a stinging slap to my ass. “You want this. I want this. That’s all that fucking matters, Blake. There’s no room for shouldn’t with us. Not if we’re both getting off on it.”

He’s right. I know he’s right. I’ve just never leaned so hard into playing out dirty fantasies like this. A little kink, a little nearly-public sex, a little ‘oh, but we shouldn’t do this here.’ Nothing on this level, where I’m so immersed in our fantasy, that it’s hard to remember that there’s really no reason we shouldn’t be doing this.

No reason except that he’s my father’s best friend.

Jonas seems to be waiting for a response. I swallow hard. “I know. It’s just a little overwhelming at times.”

“Do you want to stop?” A simple question.

No.” I straighten, and he moves back enough for me to turn around. Looking down at Jonas on his knees… I bite my bottom lip. “I like playing these games with you, Jonas. I like them a lot.” I reach out and sift my fingers through his hair, a small secret part of me delighting in the fact that I can simply touch this man whenever I like. At least for this weekend. “I wasn’t lying earlier. This is some of the best sex I’ve ever had. That’s not an accident, and it’s not because I’m anything less than one hundred percent into everything we do.”

He searches my face for a long moment, but seems to be satisfied by what he sees there. He sits back on his heels and drags his hand over his face. “I don’t exactly play these sort of games normally, either.” He drops his hand. “You bring out my perverse side.”

I grin. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“Time will tell if that’s the truth or not.” He pushes to his feet as a timer goes off in the kitchen. Jonas curses. “We don’t have much time.”

“What—” I let out a startled shriek as he spins me around and bends me over the desk. I don’t have a chance to brace before his hand is between my legs, expertly reigniting the pleasure he started with his mouth. He doesn’t give me a chance to catch my breath. He simply drives me into an orgasm, merciless in his delivery of my pleasure. I come fast and hard, my legs shaking and my entire weight resting on where he’s speared me with his fingers.

“That’s an appetizer.” He eases his fingers out of me and brings them to my lips. I suck them down without hesitation, the taste of myself never so intoxicating as it is when combined with him. “We’ll get to the main course after you’ve eaten.”

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