My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate
Chapter 10: Saturday mornin'

"Saturday mornin' I jumped out of bed, and put on my best suit", I sang, music blasting out of my head phones. I was getting ready to go out, I did my makeup and grabbed my phone. It was actually Saturday morning and I woke up in an enlightening mood despite what had happened last night. The smell of pancakes polluted the air as I raced downstairs. I sniffed the air and waltzed in the kitchen. "Good morning mom", I chirpily greeted my mom.

"Good morning honey", my mom replied. "How many pancakes do you want?", she asked as I sat at the table. Mom usually stayed back, while dad was out in the jewelry shop and Damion and Sean had come when I was sleeping. The dirty dishes in the sink was evidence that they were over here for breakfast.

"10", I joked. Mom joked and rolled her eyes but still brought over 5 golden pancakes and orange juice.

"Thanks mom."

"You're welcome honey", she smiled and went over to the sink to start washing the dishes.

"You looked like you had a rough night last night", mom said looking over her shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?", she asked.

I told mom about my night, purposefully leaving out that my disgusting ex had kissed me. Mom seemed satisfied and ent back to washing dishes.

I finished eating breakfast, washed my dish and cup, because mom had left out already, and went to the living room.

I watched TV for a little, before driving over to Spencer's house. I knocked energetically on Spencer's front door. From our 14 year friendship, I learnt that Spencer was extremely ignorant when she had a hangover. I heard her slam her bedroom door and groan as she walked down the stairs. She opened the door - sorry, I mean yanked - open and stared at me with blank eyes. She's still wearing her bed robe and the fluffy puppy slippers I gave her 2 Christmases ago. Her untamed hair blew in her face and her pale skin said it all. She was the perfect example of a hangover.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?", I teased. Spencer shrugs and scowls in return. "My mom left early for work, and I wanted to sleep in. I didn't know it was a fucking crime", Spencer said harshly. "I have Tylenol and I brought coffee. You're welcome."

She stepped aside for me to come inside and slammed the door. I follow her upstairs to her room where she sits on her bed. I sit down next to her on her bed and gave her a cup of coffee. "What are you doing here so fricking early?" Spencer finally asks.

"Spencer, it's 10 o'clock", I laugh, "It's far from early."

"I need you to get ready. We have a lot to talk about."


Spencer and I sit in separate booths at Joe's Cafe.

"Did you see Liam last night?", Spencer asks as we wait for the waitress to come back with what we ordered.

"Nope", I said, popping the 'p'.

Spencer nods and I turn on my phone to find some means of entertainment. Just as I was enviously looking at a Kylie Jenner Instagram photo, Spencer lened over and tapped me on my shoulder. Her pointy fake acrylic nail pointed to someone standing near the counter. I followed her finger to see who she was pointing at. It was Liam.

Liam Jones.

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