My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 7: Age Seven

"What do you want?"

"When can I go to school?"

"Never!" Tiana hisses agitated.

Lyra looks as her mother saunters out of the kitchen without even explaining why she could never go. Both her brother and sister started school at the age of seven so why not her?


"Didn't you hear what she said?"

"I did but I want to know why..."

"Do you now. Come here."

Doing as asked she walks up to her father only to get a hard slap in the face and pushed down on the floor.

"Education is a waste of money and time on someone as useless as you. You can't even understand what people say. Fucking retarded brat shouldn't even been born.”

She felt a harsh kick in her side followed by a punch in the stomach that knocked the breath out of her. Tears wells up in her eyes and falls down her cheeks. She tries her best to crawl away from the raining blows but he refuses to let her go.

"Ungrateful little mongrel!”


"You dare open your mouth?"

Curled up on the kitchen floor she cries loudly unable to keep quiet any longer. Looking into eyes similar to her own in shape but not color she sees nothing but anger and hate stare back at her. "You know what happens when you open that filthy mouth of yours.”

With a sinister looking smile, he grabs her by the hair and is about to lift her up when he looks down at her and then at the floor. What she saw flash in his cold eyes scares her like nothing else before. Paralyzed with fear she keeps on staring unable to move or speak.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" he screams out.

Violently he starts shaking her making the neck hurt badly from still holding her hair firmly while shaking and screaming profanities loudly. His rage level as reached a whole new level

"I knew you were a mutt, a total bastard and pissing down not only the floor but your clothes as well only proves my suspicions.”

"What did she do this time?" Tiana asks annoyed.

"She pissed herself and the floor."

"Just grab her and mop up the floor then let her keep the clothes on. Simple.”

"That's why I love you so much. You always know what to do."

Silently crying and trembling she feels how the urine gets soaked up by the fabric of her shirt while she's being used as a rag by her father.

"Time for the basement.”

Still held by the hair she's dragged off all the way down to the basement where he chains her to a wall in the corner. It's cold down here as always and being soaked only makes her go from trembling in fear to shaking out of sheer coldness. The only thing keeping her away from the floor are a few scattered newspapers since she doesn't deserve anything else. Still crying and hurting allover she watches him walk back upstairs slamming the door shut with a loud bang. Once again, she's alone in the darkness. Muffled laughter reaches her small ears.

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