My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 5: Flashback

Held between the wall and the unknown man she breathes deep as not to faint again. Last thing she needs now is to pass out. "C-can.... Can you..just..." Mumbling something incoherent Lyra then gave in to the darkness and goes limp in his arms for the second time.

"Why the hell would I do that? You are disgusting.”

"I am your husband and you don't take that tone with me. As a matter of fact, dear wife, as your husband it is my job to make you into a better person and your duty as my wife is to obey.”

" You can't be serious? This isn't the eighteenth century just so you know, dear husband.” She sneers. “Even if it looks like you were born around that time.” Lyra mumbles the last part without thinking.

"Say what!?" he bellows angered.

Lyra barely has time to react when one of the many vases in the living room comes flying towards her head, shocking her completely and because of her frozen state she fails to notice when Elmir’s fist hits her chin knocking her to the floor. He goes down on one knee next to her grabbing a fist full of her red hair and slams her head down hard creating spots in her line of vision.


Don't think you can do what you want, bitch, and no I will not stop.” His voice low and threatening.

As promised, he didn't stop there. With a firm grip on her hair he drags her towards their bedroom and chains her to the bed. Where the chains came from Lyra has no clue.

"I will now begin your training and I will make you into one of the greatest wives in the world or maybe history.” Licking his lips Elmir admires his own work before taking out his phone and makes a call where the only conversation was him telling someone that everything was ready and good to go. Lyra knew this man had problems, why else get married to a fifteen-year-old girl, but never could she have imagined this. She silently curses the man in front of her but thinks even more curses for her parents. The ones who allowed all this.

“My friend will be here soon but you are mine, untouched, and that is not something I'm willing to give away so why not complete our marriage now and just let my friend join in later.”

Lyra starts screaming, pulling at her restraints and thrashing around best she can but EImir just hit her harder and eventually gags her. Crying out with tears streaming down she watches as her so called husband tears her clothes apart, clawing her body saying she needs to be marked

for everyone to see. Biting her arms and legs over and over leaving bruises where ever he put his mouth. He lingers for a while, licking, biting and sucking on her breasts while letting out moans and telling her how hard she makes him. His filthy hands wandering all over her body until ending up between her legs where fingers are unceremoniously shoved inside. It hurts. It hurts so much. Muffled sounds are all she can manage while being both tied up and gagged.

"Your pussy feels so good and those sounds only makes my cock throb even more. I'm so hard for you.” He grunts out moving his fingers in and out faster. Pulling out his fingers he licks them, moaning soundly, and then crawls up on the bed positioning himself between her legs. She briefly feels him line up against her entrance just before he thrusts inside in one go. The pain Lyra felt when he brutally rammed her with his cock was something else entirely. Sharp pain shot out around her lower abdomen like lightning making her momentarily loose her breath. Right after ramming himself inside his friend walks right in as if owning the place. EImir moans out loud, thrusting hard inside her. The friend starts to undress while watching with a huge sadistic smile plastered to that pale, thin, middle aged face.

Elmir's breathing turns heavier the more he keeps at it, smiling towards his friend from time to time really enjoying himself. Suddenly he withdraws and Lyra hopes he is done but quickly abandons that thought when the friend climbs into bed as well. Lifting her up with the help of Elmir he positions himself underneath her. Again, she starts to thrash around wanting to get away. Wishing for it to stop only to end up with new bruises around her ribs, stomach and legs. Elmir orders the friend to grip firmly around her throat saying no whore can resist that. Next moment another shockwave of pain hits her with full force and it's so excruciating that she nearly passes out. The other man releases a drawled-out moan loudly. Elmir re-positions himself after taking his time watching and once more rams himself inside, forcing another muffled scream out of her. The pain. She can't find any words to describe it.

Sitting up with a startled gasp she unconsciously flails with her arms and legs in a hysteric way trying to get away only to end up more tangled between the sheets and as a result falls to the floor with a hard thud. Still in a panicked state Lyra curls into a ball crying, not fully aware of her surroundings. Stuck in a state between nightmare and awake. Strong, warm arms gently embrace her body before lifting her up and tucking her back into bed again. The sudden touch makes her freeze up. The urge to scream is on the tip of her tongue but the fear of getting abused helps holding it in. Small whimpers slip through despite her efforts. Tears keep streaming down.

"Ssch, my dear mouse you are safe here, nothing will harm you. I promise.”

Lyra doesn't feel safe at all and wants to get far away but recent events has taken a toll on her body and mind. Without meaning to or wanting it her eyes shuts and sleeps soon wins the battle. The last thing she registers is something soft and warm on her forehead followed by soft whispering.

Sleep well, dear mousy, Jaze is taking care of you..."

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