My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 23: Age Seventeen

"Didn't I tell you to moan like a whore!?"

"Y-yes y-you did."

"Then why the HELL did you not obey me, slut?!"

She lies on the hardwood floor feeling how every kick and every punch that rains over her already bruised body slowly turns into some form of numbness, but she can still feel which is unfortunate. Hopefully he follows his usual pattern and keeps at it until she passes out from everything.

"Don't you dare pass out on me now, you fucking useless excuse for a woman. You still have work to finish and this time you will not only moan but also scream in pleasure. Do you hear me WHORE?!"


Another hard fist connected to her ribs with a painful force.

"Only time you get to say please is when you're either getting fucked or have a dick in your face.”

He grabs a fist full of hair, as per usual, and pulls placing her in a standing position. With rage filled determination he begins dragging her towards the bathroom where a tub filled with ice was waiting for her. No no no no was all she could think of as panic started to spread throughout her entire body. How she hated everything including herself for being so weak. Maybe EImir was right about her being useless?

"Bath time, bitch.”

With that said he shoves her into the ice filled tub harshly and holds firmly around her throat to keep her down. Using his free hand, he scopes up some ice and roughly starts rubbing them against her sore and bruised skin as if they were a sponge. To say it hurt would be an understatement. Big tears kept streaming down her face but dared not make any sounds.

"Do what you do best and spread those legs for me, cunt”

Too scared not to obey she does as told and spreads them.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Is that what you call spreading? You are so damn retarded.”

Briefly letting go of her throat he grabs her legs tugging them harshly and puts one leg on either side of the tub, forcing her down on her back by doing so. Before resuming the bathing, he grabs her throat again.

"Let's get you clean and ready to be a good welcoming housewife" He says with a sinister smile plastered on his angry face.

He picks up three ice cubes and shoves them inside of her making her scream out loudly in both pain and shock.

"Keep them there until they begin to melt or I will shove in something else"

Unable to answer she only nods in agreement but like everything else, it's the wrong thing to do and another punch lands on her stomach.

"You ungrateful whore" he spits out with disgust in his voice.

"Thank you my love" she manages to croak out.

Seemingly happy with her response he pats her head approvingly and stands up to get a towel for his hands which he throws in a hamper afterwards to be washed later.

"How's it going with the ice, melted yet?"

Not waiting for her to respond he bends down and inserts two fingers.

"Stand up!"

Getting out of the tub was harder than she first thought with her body aching everywhere and then chilled on top of it all. Knowing he will throw a fit she tries her best to hurry or else what just happened will be like a walk in the park. The only thing she is thankful for is that he never ever hits her in the face but it's not out of kindness he avoids it, no no, it's because no one is willing to fuck someone who reminds them of Quasimodo. He also reminds her every day that he doesn't want her to look uglier than she already is.

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