Chapter 223 

Oran watched her ded in panic is fierce glist flickering in his fiery eyes. 

Someday he would pin her down just like he had moments ago, and 


At Room 3002. Xanthen burst into the room and slammed the door shut 

Her eyes were wide, legs shaking, her heated body slid down the cold door until she sat on the floor, her hands slowly reaching up to touch her burning cheeks. Why was she so hot? It felt like she was about to evaporate. Her heart was racing, and her breaths were erratic, the intense throbbing causing her chest to rise and fall with each breath. 

What was happening to her? She had never felt this way before. Her mind and vision were filled with Orion’s image, impossible to shake off. Could she be falling for Orion? 


No, no, nor 

“It’s just too deep into the role, too deep into the role, it must be!” 

“That’s Phoenix, not me, Phoenix, not me!” 

“A cold shower, yes! A cold shower will cool me down!” 

Xanthea dashed to the bathroom and turned on the cold shower. 

At the Northern suburbs, Realm of Illusions film set. 

“Phoenix and Maximus reunited, a single take, action!” 

In the dimly lit dungeon, Xanthea’s hands and feet were tied to a crucifix. She heard heavy footsteps approaching. 

She slowly raised her gaze, and upon seeing the actor opposite her, her mind automatically replaced his face with Orion’s. 

In front of the camera, Kevin observed Xanthea’s reactions meticulously, his expression shifting from initial concern to surprise and 

appreciation. He even slapped his thigh in excitement but restrained himself to not disrupt her performance. 

What felt stiff and fake yesterday had turned incredibly emotional and delicate today, especially the struggle to remain cold, the pain of being merciless, and a hint of desperately suppressed affection–it was exactly what he wanted! 

He had thought that Xanthea, with no emotional experience and limited acting skills, given such short notice, would struggle to perform. Yet, overnight, her performance had improved exponentially! 

A scene that had countless NGS yesterday was now completed smoothly in one take. 


Kevin stood up excitedly. 

“Phoenix, what happened to you?” her co–star asked in amazement, “Your performance today was incredible! I nearly couldn’t keep up!” 


“Phoenix, come here!” 

Kevin waved her over, and Xanthea immediately ran to him, “Director, was there anything wrong with my performance today?” 

“Yes, there’s a big problem!” 

“What? What’s the problem?” 

“The problem is it was too perfect!” 

Kevin gave her a thumbs up, his highest praise. 

“Xanthea, what did you go through last night? It’s like you suddenly mastered the romantic scenes, from clueless to utterly captivating! Did you experience love overnight?” 

He joked, but the word love” made Xanthea’s heart skip a beat. 

“Tomorrow, we have another crucial scene for Phoenix and Maximus, the peak of their emotional connection. It needs to be as brilliant as today, no dropping the ball!” 

Got it.” 

Also, I have some great news. Our show has passed the review and is set to premiere on Tomato TV the day after tomorrow, with simultaneous updates across all platforms. Contracts with over a dozen advertisers are signed. It’s prime time slot, and the viewership is expected to be huge! Are you nervous leaping from a third–tier singer to a trending starlet?” 

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