443 Chapter 442 

All the reporters on the scene seemed to have caught wind of some juicy gossip. 

The Davis family had personally claimed that it was not suitable for Mary to undergo a paternity test. Members of both families had gathered here, and it was clear there was a matter at hand! 

The journalists immediately crowded in, not looking at Mary but turning their attention toward Wayne. 

“Mr. Davis, why can’t they do the paternity test? What is the condition Miss Davis is in?” 

“Is Mr. Ellis not the father?” 

Seeing this, Wayne attempted to say something, but Ken instantly glared at him, frightening him into 


Ken then smiled and stepped in front of the reporters, stating plainly, “The child is certainly Mr. Ellis’s. There is no doubt about that. There’s no need for everyone to react to gossip.” 


443 Chapter 442 

“Then why did Mr. Wayne reject the suggestion?” 

Ken frowned, “Because… Because…” 

“Because of what?” 

As Ken was racking his brains for a reason, a deep voice suddenly rang out. “Because May is just three months pregnant, and there’s a high risk involved with amniocentesis at this stage!” 

Ellis walked over to Mary’s side and took her hand once more, his face showing tender concern as he looked at her, but his eyes were void of warmth. “Mary, I know you don’t want others to doubt me, but for the baby’s safety, we don’t need to take this risk.” 

After Ellis finished speaking, he tightened his gri Mary’s hand, his gaze conveying a dangerous mes -it was clear he was warning her not to disgrace herself. 

Mary forced a smile. 

She tried to free her hand from Ellis’s grip, her eyes showing determination. “Ellis, I think people can’t wait until I’m safe to have the paternity test. If we don’t proceed to clear your name, you may live under 

mimors and alandora” 

443 Chapter 442 

She took a step back and looked at the reporters 

again. “I’d like to ask the journalists to accompany me to the hospital now.” 

Ellis clenched his fists tightly, staring at her. 

After a moment, he gave a bitter smile. “Since you’ve made up your mind, let’s do it. Let’s go to the hospital right now!” 

Having said that, he stepped aside, gesturing toward the nearby car. 

Mary nodded and turned to walk in that direction. 

At that moment, another reporter spoke up. 

“Mr. Ellis, you’re not going to your hospital, are you?” 

“If it’s your hospital, then the child will be declared yours regardless, and we all know what that means. Even if a paternity test is conducted, it wouldn’t mean anything…” 

“Exactly, in your own hospital, any kind of proof can be forged!” 

Ellis indeed had that intention just now. 



443 Chapter 442 

But now that the reporters had pointed it out, there was no time for him to find another hospital to help create a fake report. 

He frowned, about to speak, when Mary cut in. “Don’t worry. We won’t go to our hospital. We’ll go to a public hospital for the test to avoid any tampering. I believe the closest suitable hospital to us is the First Maternity and Child Health Hospital. Let’s go there!” 

The First Maternity and Child Health Hospital is a public hospital in Clance, and although the people from the five major families all have power and influence, they couldn’t arrange anything in such a 

short time. 

The journalists immediately nodded. 

Ellis had indeed driven the Olsen Group’s new today, a motorhome that could seat many people 

After Mary and Ellis got in, Mr. Olsen and Mrs. Olse immediately followed them and also boarded the 


Keira and Lewis exchanged a glance. 

The motorhome was too crowded; they’d better drive 

there on their oum 


443 Chapter 442 

As for the Davis family, they got into their own cars, and together with the reporters, the whole entourage made their way to the First Maternity and Child Health Hospital. 

Inside the Olsen family’s car. 

Mrs. Olsen was frowning at Ellis. “Ellis, what exactly is going on here? Is the child really yours?” 

Ellis didn’t speak. 

Mrs. Olsen seemed to understand something and turned to Mary. “Mary, what’s going on with you? If the child isn’t Ellis’s, making such a fuss about going to the First Maternity and Child Health Hospital will put the Olsen family in a difficult spot.” 

Mr. Olsen immediately said, “It’s probably too late to make any arrangements now because there are so many journalists and media watching. They certainly have people waiting at the hospital, and if we do anything, they’ll discover it. What should we do now?” 

Ellis pursed his lips and also looked at Mary. 

He scoffed. “What exactly are you doing? Mary, my patience with you is limited!!” 



443 Chapter 442 

Mary looked down without meeting his gaze and 

turned toward Mr. and Mrs. Olsen. “I have a perfect 


After that, she took two divorce agreements out of her bag and placed them on the coffee table. 

She addressed Mr. and Mrs. Olsen. “Have Ellis sign his name here. Once the test result is out, if the child isn’t his, then we can announce publicly using this 

document that he and I have already divorced. In this way, it would only prove my misconduct, and the Olsen Group wouldn’t be involved.” 

These words stunned Mrs. Olsen. 

She looked at Mary in astonishment, suddenly unabl 

to comprehend what this young woman was really up 

She couldn’t help but turn to Ellis again. “That 

azoospermia report, is it true? How many hospitals did you check with?” 

Ellis said slowly, “Three.” 

These words took Mrs. Olsen aback. 

Mr. Olsen then angrily said, “Then why didn’t you say it 


443 Chapter 442 

earlier? Last time, when you made Mary have an abortion, you were quite tight-lipped! How could our family possibly raise someone else’s child? Since you’ve been diagnosed with azoospermia, then sign this divorce agreement!” 

Ellis clenched his jaw and then said, “I didn’t bring a 


He always carried a fountain pen in his pocket for signing documents; this excuse was pathetically unacceptable. 

Mr. Olsen scoffed, right about to speak… 

“I have one.” 

Mary took out a pen from her bag and handed i Ellis. She gazed at the divorce agreement in fron her and said slowly, “I’ve already signed my name. just need to sign yours.” 

Those words made Ellis’s eyes suddenly turn red with anger as he looked at Mary, his voice shaking imperceptibly. “You want to divorce me that badly?!” 

Mary was taken aback and remained silent. 

Mr. Olsen, however, said, “Ellis, sign it! For the 


443 Chapter 442 

reputation of the Olsen Group, you can’t be a cuckold man! Otherwise, the Olsen family will become a laughingstock! The Olsen empire that your third uncle worked so hard to build will also become a subject of- 


Ellis stared at the agreement in front of him and, after a long while, finally picked them up and signed his 


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