"I'm coming with you," Fleurie said with

a determined look on her face.

The kings of the fae's kingdom have already marched to the battlefield, Tsillah and her army have broken into their kingdom, Xuan is using his abilities to slow them down and to prevent them from coming close to the mansion.

" No, Graysen said with a growl.

* And why is that?! " Fleurie glared at him angrily.

" You cannot shift Fleurie "He placed his hand on her shoulders and shook her slightly.

" So? we have trained with Ryan and the witches, I can do it "She argued.

The kingdom is in chaos, children and women are heading to the bunkers and warriors are wearing the new armours that suited their wolves as well to protect them.

"1 don't want you to get hurt Fleurie " he sighed and the frown is upon his face.

"1 won't, I promise " Fleurie sighed and her soft palm on his cheek.

" ok, wear your armour, quickly” He rushed her over to the newly made armours and helped her to wear one that suited her, he handed her some arrows and a bow.

" Get on my back,” He said to her and shifted to his massive unique grey wolf.

And they advanced towards the heart of the heated battle.

Berry-red blood spurted from hunters wounds while they wailed and screamed.

Graysen and Fleurie marched into the chaos, Fleurie got off of his back, Graysen shifted back and he's stark naked in front of him.

They oddly stared at each other, as if it were a silent argument.

He leaned in and kissed her, the world fell away, it was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ears, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled, there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.

They pulled away breathing heavily.

" be safe," Graysen said, shifted and advanced towards the enemy.

A storm of arrows was buzzing and fizzing through the air, A blizzard of spears was shrilling and raising through the sky, A tempest of lances was rasping through the basalt-black sky.

Wolves were snarling and squealing as the ground became greasy with gore.

Fleurie is using her abilities and power so well, she had created a force field around herself and started attacking them with the arrows she has. A witch with ugly symbols on her face is aiming to break the force field and she was avoiding Fleurie's arrows skillfully, Fleurie ignored her and started aiming at the others.

Graysen snarled and growled as he bit a big chunk of flesh out of one of the rouges.

Apollo is beside his mate, he's using his abilities to freeze the enemies in their places preventing them from coming any closer to the kingdom's mansion and bunkers where the children and weak women resided.

Xaun is using the nature brutally on them, the branches of trees are wrapping themselves around the enemies bodies, their bones were snapping and shattering due to the intense pressure the trees used. Alessio and Rai didn't let each other go any further without them, Rai's hand has a big gash on it, one of the rouges managed to reach him before he could do anything to prevent it, Alessio is worried about his mate.

" baby, go back to the bunkers, please " Alessio begged his determined mate who was using his freezing ability to kill the enemy.

"I'm not going anywhere Alessio " Rai glared at him while freezing the witch that came to them thinking that she can deceive them.

Alessio sighed " Just stay by my side and don't use that hand too much Tsillah is nowhere to be found, and Mason was getting worried about his missing sister.

The ground was lubricated with guts and nauseating waft rose from it. Graysen's wounded shoulder is bleeding and it was weakening him.

{ Mason } He linked Mason with a heavy breath.

{ Yeah? } He replied quickly.

{ Did you see tsillah?! or the leaders of those rouges and hunters?! } He asked wanting to kill them already.

{ No, I can't find any of them } He replied with an annoyed tone.

{ Ryan, Eve and her sisters joined us } Mason informed his Alpha.

{ Good, They might help us with finding their so-called mother } Graysen continued fighting, his loyal warriors surrounding him and fighting with him

The warrior's new armours were flashing like moon fire, but it was an eye-popping moment.

A wellspring of blood sliced the air as Fleurie's arrow invaded the enemy's body, A fountain of blood-soaked Fleurie's face. It tasted coppery.

Her force field is still holding up as she aimed her bow. It didn't last long.

Graysen's wolf is restless, he feels that something is wrong. He feels it in his guts.

Suddenly, everything stopped, the chaos stopped, every rouge backed up, the arrows stopped and the witches stopped their spells.

" What a strong Alpha " A high pitched and disgusting voice spoke. Tsillah.

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