Fear and anxiety filled the giant royal hall, the hall is rather fancy, with oak wood floors, royal blue paint smudge on the wall as if someone was playing and messing around with paint and through it, there were streaks of golden paint and fancy chandeliers were towering them.

The hall was fancy and all but the anxiety and worry were eating them alive, the royal pack could feel their king's anger and their queen's concern, the marble podium that belonged to the king and his queen to stand on was still empty and it didn't do the crowd any good. Everyone was on their toes waiting for the storm to begin.

Their alpha king soon came stomping in the meeting hall and the angry vibes were still around him as thick as his eyebrows which made the others tense, Fleurie, Valde, Mason and Bryce were strong behind him until they stopped behind the marbled podium.

" A traitor is lurking between us " His voice boomed loudly through the hall sending shivers down everyone's spine.

Gasps and fear shrieks were heard.

" They dare to disrespect the kingdom, they dare to betray my trust, I will hunt them and kill them on spot " Graysen growled loudly expressing his deep anger.

No one dares to play around with alphas, no one dares to hurt their ego and dignity, no one dare's tp anger them because when you hurt their ego, dignity and start playing your silly games on them you shall face their irritation and outrage and because when you anger them you all not see the sun the next day.

" High ranking members are to be in my office right now, The rest are allowed to leave the hall and warn the others of the news, " He said loudly while exiting the hall with confidence and his mate behind him spontaneously.

Soon later, high ranking members were crowded in his office, some of them are sweating too much and some of them standing straight and at attention.

" Valde" Graysen called and Valde stepped up, " your highness " Valde bowed respectfully.

" Highten up the security around borders, no one to get out nor to get in, Understood" Graysen ordered firmly.

" As you wish your highness " Valde nodes.

" And everyone should have an eye on any suspicious person, their behaviour and all, Bryce you should go back to your mate and the other side of the kingdom, spread the news rules, and Mason I want you to take the warriors and search every single house of any weird and questionable things if anyone protest they are to be sent to me directly, then report back to me as soon as possible”

Graysen finished with a deep breath, the aura around him is dangerous and tense, Graysen didn't face a problem as big as this one when he ruled as a regular alpha and not an alpha king, he's facing the problem as an adult and as if it's not the first time to happen.

" Sure your highness " Mason and Bryce bowed respectfully to their king.

"You're all dismissed " He gestured by his hand and they all scurried out of the elegant office that belonged to a proper king.

Graysen sighed and leaned back on his black-furred chair, he rubbed his forehead to calm down, he's drained because of all the action and he knew that it's only the beginning.

The feeling of his soft mate's kneading on his shoulders made him slump back and relax more than ever.

"We're going to win over their wicked and disgusting plans, I'm sure of that " Fleurie smiled slightly, her mate is temerity, she trusts his abilities and strength and she appreciates that she is his mate.

Moments later they were interrupted with a rush of series of knocks on the office's door.

* Come in" Graysen straightened up and shouted. Xaun and Apollo entered their king's office, Apollo's panting was heard, due to him following his mate's strides.

" Alpha Graysen” Xaun smiled and sat down on the couch.

" Fleurie" Apollo giggled and rushed to hug his friend.

" What brings you here?" Graysen asked Xaun.

" Oh, Yeah, The trees and plants are frantic, they were shivering from fear for those past two days" Xaun didn't like it when his babies are anxious.

" And?" Apollo and Fleurie were whispering to each other and giggling which made both Graysen and Xaun smile.

"When I heard about the traitor today, I knew what anxious them" Xaun smiled looking at the king in front of him.

" They were pointing at someone and trying to tell me something but the vision wasn't clear until I heard about the traitor” Xaun frowned deeply at the mention of the traitor and growled deeply scaring poor Apollo, ho's now hiding between Fleurie's locks and his clothes are on the ground.

" My trees know about the traitor but it seems that they can't locate them because they are not on the lands of the kingdom" The trees and plants are getting more anxious while hearing their god mentioning the traitor.

" That's not good" Graysen frowned.

Apollo shifted again and his nakedness is shown to them, Fleurie covered her eyes and Graysen shifted his gaze away.

" Done " Apollo announced after putting his clothes on while blushing madly.

"1 wanted to tell you something too,” Apollo says and he was nervously scratching the back of his head and smiling slightly.

" What is it?" Xaun looked at his mate seeing that his mate did something and hid it from him.

" Well, umm, news flys fast * Apollo is fidgeting in his place " And it seems that my parents heard of it" Apollo chuckled slightly.

Xaun groans filled the area

" And don't tell me that they are going to appear now because their little angel is in danger” Xaun crossed his arms and huffed slightly.

It's not that he doesn't like his mate's parents, but they like to make a vast entrance whenever they come to visit Apollo and Rai will start wailing and crying whenever he sees Apollo and Apollo will start crying too, he hopes that it won't happen today.

" Five minutes max " Apollo bites his lips and put up five fingers.

" Alpha, Luna " Xaun looked at them " just go with the flow," Xaun said, Apollo nodes and his thumps are up.

Not even a minute passed and Vide came in through the door panting. " What happened ?" Graysen asked while getting up.

" A magical gate is being formed in front " Valde gestured.

Xaun sighed and thought I knew it.

They all got up and followed Valde outside, a gate is still in the process of forming and warriors in wolf forms are around the gate.

minutes later the gate formed completely and suddenly a vast amount of little creatures got out of the gate, warriors were getting ready to attack but their king stopped them with a hand gesture.

Apollo smiled widely and ran toward the gate when two men came out of it, one is bulked with muscles, strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes and the other one was another copy of Apollo.

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