She stopped abruptly, that nickname brought back those happy memories, the memories that can’t be returned, the memories that hurt her the most.

"let's talk," He stated with a pleading voice. She shook her head repeatedly.

Ryan didn't give a fuck about the glare he was getting from Graysen, he wanted to talk and nothing mattered right now.

"1 went to seek help, that day, I went to seek help" he breathed.

"I thought it would be easy, but I was such a fool thinking that it is going to be easy" His eyes starting to gloss.

" He caught me, that douchebag caught me, I thought that we were going to come back back to you but he started dragging me into the woods, He sold me to Tsillah, and that's where I met those three, I didn't know that they were witches at first, I discovered it later" He wen on trying to hold his tears.

"1 tried to come back but I couldn't, She caught me every fucking time" At this point, Fleurie was sobbing, she couldn't even take a breath.

"1 missed you, you don't know how much it kills me not talking to you, and hearing your voice” He couldn't hold his tears back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I couldn't come back" He was on his knees with tears pouring down his cheeks.

How couldn't she forgive him?! How couldn't she let him hear her voice?.

She couldn't even resist herself when she ran to him, embracing him tightly while sobbing on his warm chest, she kept muttering " I missed you".

Relief washed over their hearts and their mate's hearts.

She survived the pain.

Waking up to the warmth and scent of

your mate is the best thing to feel for Apollo.

He yawned, stretching his arms above his head with a satisfying groan. " Good morning " he was startled by his mate's deep voice. Xaun kissed his mate on the forehead and tucked him closer to him.

" morning " Apollo mumbled softly, Apollo had the urge to pinch his mate's bare chest and so he did.

" ouch, why did you do that baby,” Xaun asked while frowning with a small smile.

"I felt like it * Apollo replied simply while shrugging.

" Really?" Xaun lifting his brow with an amused look on his face.

" Really” His mate replied with an innocent mischievous smile.

Xaun sneaked his rough and strong hands to his mate's waist, carefully to not alarm or alert him, he smiled evilly and without any warning his hands darted, Attacking his mate with a wave of tickling.

Apollo gasped and fell back giggling hysterically and started to plead with his mate to stop, Apollo being tickled is like your being happy raped.

He rolled to the other side of the bed breathless while glaring at his smiling mate.

Apollo appreciated and apprehended those small moments of happiness, for they are so important and valuable.

Like old times, Fleurie and her brother are eating breakfast together, enjoying each other presence in comfortable silence.

Fleurie is happy to have her brother back, their strong bond is back, she was bursting with joy and the whole pack could feel the happiness oozing from her so it brightened the tense mood and vibes around the royal pack.

"1 heard that the siblings reunited, " The wicked witch said while brushing her filthy hair.

" How emotional,” he said while cry facking.

" were giving them a little surprise, "she said while fashing her dirty yellow teeth.

"ugh, I am way too sober for this" He sneered.

" Just shut up, it's a deal we made " She yelled while glaring at her.

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