After a few minutes later, Fleurie came down the stairs dressed in the outfit that Apollo gave her. she can see some of the warriors waiting beside Apollo in front of the gate.

" Xaun wouldn't let us go without the warriors, something about protection he said,” Apollo said to her while pouting, she smiled at how upset he was, but his mate was right they needed the protection. (Won't they attract attention?} she wrote in her notebook, which she grabbed before getting downstairs.

" of course they will with their huge bulky muscles, but what can we do” Apollo replied still not sounding happy.

{dont ruin the day, we will have fun} she really is trying to ease his mode.

" whatever come on let's go" intertwining his hand with her's, the got in one of the kingdom's cars with a driver who already knows the plan of their day and the warriors not so far behind them.

glancing at her notebook he said " your notebook seems out of papers, so I'm going to buy you one”

{you dont have to, but it's really nice of you} she didn't want someone to spend their money on her, she didn't want anyone to pity her because of her situation.

Apollo was trying really hard to prevent himself from reading her thoughts but he really couldn't resist his curiosity, he was upset in the very moment he read her thoughts and he surely isn't pitying her either.

"1 want to and I'm not sympathising you as you think” He tried to cut off her upsetting and jumbled thoughts.

" We didn't introduce ourselves to each other probably,” He said not giving her the time to argue or protest. She just stared at him for a short time, surprised to see the beautiful trying to be bossy, she thought that it was really cute.

"Well?" she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at his wide sparkling eyes. " ok, my name is Apollo taren Roselia as you obviously know, son of Rai and Alessio Roselia, Which are the kings of Alynthi fae kingdom, and finally I'm mated to Xaun" He finished with a bright smile. He really did miss his papa and dad immensely.

The car stopped in front of mad eat's, and it is the most favourable Bistro to Apollo.

Apollo glanced out of the car window " well, we are already here, so let's continue inside while eating " he said while literally drooling all over the place, he pushed the door open and pulled Fleurie with him. the lady in the front ushered them to one of the tables that are beside the glass front window, minutes later the waiter came and Apollo ordered an egg benedict dish with cranberry juice, while Fleurie ordered a classic breakfast set with orange juice.

" Tell me about you" He looked at Fleurie with his vibrant smile, waiting eagerly for her to finish writing on her notebook. she handed him the notebook after a short time, with a slight comforting smile.

{ Fleurie Collison, daughter of Scarlett Nixon, my other was a normal human and she was the most valuable and great person to me. I had a brother once but he fled to god know's where, and I'm the mate of this kingdom's king and Alpha} He finished reading, noticing that she never did mention her father. Apollo can't tell her about her brother, he really didn't want to risk it.

" your mom seemed to be amazing" He smiled at her and she returned it with a bright one.

After that, the waiter got them their breakfast and they ate in comfortable silence, they paid after many arguments then left and got in the car to head to the theatre to watch * what men want’ and it really was hilarious and funny, then they headed to the nearest mall, Apollo got Fleurie a cute notebook and a huge pile of clothes, it all was after loads of arguments. Fleurie did really have fun, it was nice, she considered Apollo as a good stubborn friend.

By the time they were back, it was already 4 pm, There was a weird and tense vibe the moment they stepped in the castle.

Bryce, Marisa, Graysen, Martin, Xaun and four strangers were crowded in the huge living room.

" Baby?" Apollo approached looking at the scary witches from before. Xaun turned to his mate greeting him with a warm smile and a soft peck while wrapping his arms around him gently.

Fleurie slowly walked and sat beside her mate, and peeked at the familiar-looking man. Graysen pulled her closer to him and pecked her cheek softly.

" shall we continue?"Graysen looked at Ryan who was looking at his mate warmly.

"let us introduce ourselves first Alpha," Medea said with a smirk.

" My name is Medea and I'm a fire witch," she said while looking at Fleurie who gave her a smile in return.

"I'm Eve, I control water” she smiled and got one in return.

" Isis, an ice, wind, land witch" she looked at Fleurie with an emotionless face.

" Ryan" he heaved with his deep voice " Collison" he continued with a tremulous breath.

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