Fleurie woke in the empty cold room, missing the warmth of her mate. She felt embarrassed about what happened to her in the school, but no one could blame her, she couldn't stand the memories that rushed through her mind.

She got up placing her feet's on the cold ground, sitting up straight with her head facing her thighs, she closed her eyes sighed slowly planning to let some of the stress out.

She got up with the plan of finding her mate, she was oblivion to the motions that happened outside of the castle.

Meanwhile, Graysen headed toward his office to the waiting unwanted intruders.

He opened the door walking to his desk and sitting at attention, Ryan and his mate sat beside each other on the same couch, and Eve sat beside her sister Isis.

" what's the most important reason that brought you here?". Graysen asked with his serious Alpha voice looking threateningly at Ryan.

" Tsillah is coming back, and this time she's not alone, she has a huge army with her, and I'm assuming that while we're talking she's preparing her army that contains stupid bitches right now" Ryan with an icy voice, while Eve was glaring at him.

* And why would I believe you?" Graysen asked patiently.

"were her daughters, who sent her back to the world of witches, she promised that she would come back the moment the new rulers will appear,” Isis said with clouds that are still playing with her hair strands. Graysen sensed his mate the moment she was near the area of the office. He prayed to luna that she will not come into the office But he knew that luna wanted to play a little bit more the moment he heard the handle of the door groaning and juggling.

Fleurie stepped in but she stopped shortly after seeing the crowd in the office. she panicked and slammed the door shut running to her room. I will be punished,

they will hit me.


she was thinking out loud and running through the corridors.

he used to hit her hard when she interrupted them, he would let her stay outside all night even if it was raining or snowing, he didn't care that much about her. Tears welled up in her eyes she was still running until she collided into a warm small body then fell on the ground. Apollo fell to the ground, by his panicking luna, she was gasping and crying loudly and he was surprised that she didn't draw the guard's attention.

apollo was looking at her clouded eyes, wondering where she swam too.

he got up pulling her trembling body to him and she clung onto him without hesitation.

she was crying loudly, muttering and mumbling with words that are not understandable, he pulled her closer to him, he was overwhelmed and worried about his dear luna.

"1 got you. It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay" he whispered in her ears trying to calm her but she wasn't responding to him.

Xaun came running toward his mate and luna sensing both of their messy feelings.

" what's wrong?. what happened?” he asked frowning at his also panicking mate.

" l.she.." Apollo couldn't say anything, his tears starting to slide down his eyes, he didn't know what to do, nor he knew what's wrong with her.

* calm down baby, please” Xaun crouched down and tried to calm him but it was no use.

Xaun could hear foot pounding towards and he could sense his Alpha getting closer and closer to them.

Apollo panicked more and scooted to the corner with the luna unconscious in his embrace, he saw them as predators.

Graysen ran out of the room with the others behind him the moment he couldn't feel his mate anymore, and he was shocked by the scene he saw, he saw Apollo the mate of the father of the land embracing his unconscious mate, Apollo was crying silently and he was tightening his arm around his mate, Xaun is crouching down and trying to talk to his mate.

" Apollo, just talk to me please " Xaun pleaded, trying to get his mate but he couldn't.

Graysen didn't have any choice rather than using his Alpha voice to get Apollo's attention " Apollo, Move." That made Apollo tense and wane into his fae form and hide in his mate's hair, away from the others. Graysen took Fleurie from the ground and he marched away ordering the guards to keep a look on his guests.

Xaun walked toward his and his weeping mate room, he got in closing the door behind him.

" Get out of there baby," He said with a gentle soft voice to his little mate.

He could feel Apollo's breath on his neck.

Apollo flew toward their bed and shifted again to his human form, he laid in bed and started sobbing, he felt ashamed and scared because his Alpha had to use his dominant voice, and it frightened him so much. Xaun sighed softly, he sat on the bed pulling his mate in his embrace, Apollo snuggled into him, tightening his hand around his mate. After a few minutes, he calmed down after he sobbed into his chest and the sound of sniffling filled the room.

" Why didn't you listen to me cutie? huh?" Xaun asked Apollo with a tender, soft voice, Xaun cupped his mate's face and looked at him with his warm eyes. Apollo's eyes were red and puffy, and he was biting his bottom lip, not looking directly at his mates eyes

* Why did you do that? come on baby, tell me" Xaun asked smiling softly, ruffling his mate's soft hair.

" S-she was hurt,” Apollo said quickly with a cracking voice.

"1 know she was hurt, sweetie, I wanted to help but you didn't let me,” Xaun said chuckling at his clumsy, innocent mate.

" you wanted to take her from me," Apollo said with a pout and he crossed his arm feeling angry.

"so I could help, what drove you to do that? you scooted away not letting anyone touch you or step near you at all". Xaun said, caressing his mate's back and feeling frustrated.

“Instinct” Apollo said, his cheeks flushing, he felt embarrassed, he didn't know what's wrong with him.

"And what did those instincts told you" Xaun still smiling slightly, asked. Apollo said while he was fiddling with the hem of his shirt, still feeling embarrassed " t-that I should protect f-friends”

" you're such a kind-hearted baby" Xaun looked at him with warm eyes. "come on, I missed your bright smile, smile for me my little fae" Xaun brought his hand to his mate's chin, pulling it up gently.

"1 won't, smiles are contagious,” Apollo said, trying to tease his mate, and biting his lips to prevent smiling.

" You don't have to worry I'm vaccinated, " Apollo laughed loudly hugging his smiling mate tightly.

"You have to come back tomorrow, it's getting late and we have school in the early morning," Graysen said firmly not giving them the chance to protest.

"as you wish, we will come back tomorrow after you all finish school,” Iris said with a calming voice.

"1 will let the guard escort you out" Graysen mind linked the guards, telling them to escort them directly to the borders.

After the exited Graysen suit, Martin got in followed by Marissa and Bryce.

"Explain," Bryce said curtly, while Graysen was looking at them with his exhausted eyes.

"Your daughters went to the castle," he said, his leg propped up on the desk of her office.

"I know," she said glaring at his dirty legs, she didn't like him, but she needs his help.

"what are we waiting for then?" he said, while he puffed the smoke out of his filthy mouth.

"For the right time to come," she said while swatting his dirty leg of her desk.

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