Graysen pov

Martin took the royal warriors to my office with my father while I started walking to the bunker that Fleurie was and the others headed to the other bunkers to get the women's and the pups of the pack.

I knocked the door three times as I said I will and my mother opens the door with Fleurie standing behind her.

" Are they gone? What happened?" My mother asked frowning

"They are here for me and Fleurie, they're the royal warriors that I think they came from Akari kingdom that the moon goddess told us about,” I said leading my mother and Fleurie to my office where the warriors and my beta and father were.

I walked in, Valde was sitting on the chair and a man beside him, my father and beta standing in the corner of the room tensed and all. Fleurie and my mother walked, standing beside my father and Martin.

I sat on my chair " So, tell me, what brings you here Valde?" I asked him. " The moon goddess came to the kingdom today and told us about our new queen and king, she told us that we have to escort you to the castle as soon as possible,” He said sternly with a serious and a formal tone.

" But the moon goddess said that we can go to the kingdom anytime we want,” I said to him confronting what the moon goddess said to us when she called us to her realm.

" We're just following the orders," the man that sat beside Valde said and for the first time talking.

* and who are?" He smiled and bowed slightly.

" Empry the second commander, your highness," he said

"And if I came with you, who's gonna rule and lead this pack?" I asked being worried about my people and pack.

* as far as I know that the pack will become a part of Akari kingdom," he said confidently

"And the no-man land that is located between the kingdom and the pack, we will surely claim it and let it be built to be apart of the kingdom as well,” Empry said as if he was reading my mind.

"Pack meeting in two minutes". I said through the pack mind link because I wanted to inform them about what's happening, and if anyone will refuse, I can call any pack and let them be joined there. "Martin, go and make sure that all of them is out there" Martin nodded and walked out.

" we're having a pack meeting, and I'm telling them of what was happening those days,” I said to Valde and Empry, telling them what exactly is happening.

I grabbed Fleurie’ shoulder pulling her with me to my room.

" Are you comfortable with us being there, in the castle I mean?" I asked her after closing the door.

" I-it doesn't r-really ma-matter, as I-long as y-your comfortable,” she said and looked down blushing.

A wide smile broke itself thoroughly on my face " well, aren't you adorable” I wanted to hug her so badly.

"Can I hug you?" I asked her and she looked at me with her captivating eyes. She nodded, I pulled her toward me, and I felt calmness taking over me, and tingles exploding through my body, and I admit that she is warm and my wolf is purring crazily.

"Then let's go to tell our pack about the kingdom and all the other stuff, and to chose some of the warriors to come with us," I told her and she looked at me confused for some reason.

" 0-our?" She asked

"Yes, you will be the Luna soon or later, and they're your people and pack as they are mine," I said pulling her downstairs outside of the packhouse.

They were all standing and waiting for and I can seem Martin and all of the royal warriors standing beside the podium.

I walked toward the podium and my mate beside me.

I said clearing my throat " those past two days were eventful” Every one shushed after hearing my Alpha voice

"1 and my mate Fleurie were called to our Luna, the moon goddess realm, she told us about two souls and those souls choose our bodies as the new king and queen of Akari kingdom" they all started looking at each other and whispering

" Today, we thought that we were attacked by rouges but fortunately they weren't, they were the royal warriors that were guarding and staying in the kingdom, they were sent by the moon goddess herself, to escort me and my mate to the castle”

The crowd started shouting questions.

" if your going who will rule us ?"

" what's going to happen to us?”

* are we leaving our homes?"

* SILENT, LISTEN FIRST" Martin shouted, and I nodded towards him thanking him

" Firstly, the pack will be joined to the kingdom and the royal warriors will help us on taking over the no-man land that is located between us and the kingdom," I said looking over Bryce, my best friend, and the gamma of the pack.

"While I'm I err there in the kingdom, My gamma Bryce will be in charge, and if anyone disobeyed him, they will be punished by me " I looked over Bryce and he was giving me a wide grin.

"And My Beta Martin will be coming with me to the kingdom. And finally, if anyone wanted to leave the kingdom I will personally call the Alphas of the pack nearby to tell them to let you join in their pack” I stepped off the podium walking toward my mate and the others.

" Bryce, if anyone wanted to leave the pack and inform me so I can deal with it, and tell any warrior who is willing to move to the kingdom, tell me their name and tell them to pack their belongings to leave early in the morning,” I said to him and he saluted with a wide grin and left. Intertwining my hands with Fleurie, heading towards the garage where my Audi R8 is parked.

I felt I tug on my shirt, looking towards Fleurie " what? " I said with my eyes softening automatically.

" wh-where?" She said with her raspy voice.

"We're going to the mall to get you some clothes,” I said to her, smiling slightly.

" Yo-you d-don't h-have t-to," she said frowning.

"I have to, your my mate and I want the best for you" she looked down blushing.

I opened the door for her to get in the car and jogged to the other side of the car and got in the driver seat.

"Martin, send a couple of guards behind us to the mall" I mind linked Martin, in case something happens

We drove to the mall in comfortable silence.

And I can already see the guards cars behind us.

We reached the mall after twenty minutes, parking in the parking lot, I turned off the car and jogged over to open the door for Fleurie.

"You can buy anything, don't hesitate and I am the one who's paying, " I said intertwining our hands together and walking towards the entrance of the mall. It was crowded and loaded with humans and I can smell some of our pack members.

We lasted in the mall for about three hours and then ate in the food court.

We left and went to the packhouse to pack our suitcases and getting ready for tomorrow's journey.

AN: I'm thankful that you are liking my story, I was surprised when it gained a lot of readers, thank you and I hope that you enjoyed the chapter...Have a good day}

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