Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Epilogue

Eighteen Months Later

“This way.”

Julian leads me through the crowd, out onto the terrace. We’re at a wedding with Sebastian and Spencer, and I am thirty-six weeks pregnant with our first child. The dinner and speeches are over and the dancing has begun. I’m wearing a grey strapless evening dress with silver, strappy stilettos. My long, dark hair is down and set in Hollywood curls. My makeup is natural, like always. Luckily, I have a husband who is digging the whole pregnancy thing. I’ve never felt sexier.

He can’t get enough of me.

This is a high society wedding. Everyone who’s anyone is here. The groom is a childhood, snooty school friend of Julian’s, as well as the boys.

Life’s good—better than good. Willow and Sammy are doing great. They’re so excited for our baby to arrive. Julian dotes on me hand and foot, too.

“Do you want a drink, sweetheart?” he asks, his hand automatically dropping to my stomach. His eyes search mine. “You okay?”

I widen my eyes. “I’m fine, Julian. Will you stop worrying?”

He didn’t want to come tonight because he thought it would be too much for me. He literally cannot talk to me anymore without having his hand on my stomach.

“Can I have a lemonade, please?” I ask.

“Of course.” He points at his two friends as he walks off. “Don’t leave her alone for one minute,” he demands.

“Yeah, yeah.” Spence rolls his eyes and he turns his attention to me as Julian walks

away. “God, Bree, you must be sick to death of him. He’s like a fucking rash.”

I giggle. “He’s pretty full on.”

Spencer and Sebastian have turned out to be special friends. They’ve welcomed me with open arms, and their lifelong group of three men has turned into a posse of three men and one woman. We laugh and joke all the time, and I feel totally at ease with the two of them. We do a lot together and they spend a great deal of time at our house with us. I think they’re just so thrilled that Julian is finally happy, my pregnancy is now special to all three of them. Or it could simply be the fact that all of them are pushing forty now, and this is the first baby where they’ve had a friendship with the mother.

Either way, I now have three doting men around me.

Julian reappears through the crowd with my glass of lemonade. He hands it over. “Here, babe.”

I blow him a kiss as I take it.

Spencer frowns and glances across the room. “Who in God’s name is that?” He gasps.

Our eyes roam to where he’s looking. We see a beautiful blonde woman wearing an ice-pink dress. She’s throwing her head back as she’s laughing. Her natural blonde hair cascades down her back, and she has the most beautiful set of dimples I have ever seen. She’s absolutely stunning.

”That’s Lady Charlotte,” Julian tells him.

“Lady?” I frown. “She has a title?”

“Her father is the Earl of Nottingham.”

“Really?” Spencer whispers, fascinated.

“Don’t bother perusing that one. She is well and truly out of your league, old boy.” Julian takes a sip of his beer. “Her blood is too blue, even for you.”

Spencer smiles and raises his eyebrows at Seb, totally accepting the silent challenge.

Julian kisses me on the lips and puts his hands around my waist. “Let’s go, Mrs. Masters.”

I smile up at him. “Okay.”

“Why do you want to go?” Spence interrupts. “Stay here with us.”

“Because the prospect of taking my beautiful wife home and doing unspeakable things to her body is a lot more appealing than staying here with you two,” Julian says flatly. His sexy eyes hold mine and I get a flutter of excitement in my heart.

I cup his cheek and give him a quick kiss.

“Lucky prick.” Spencer frowns, keeping his eyes firmly on Lady Charlotte. “I need to get me some of this pregnant sex you keep going on about, Masters.”

“Hmm.” Julian smiles against my lips. “You’ll need a woman to investigate that further, Spence.”

Spencer purses his lips as he stares at the beautiful woman in the pink dress. “I do love a challenge. Maybe Lady Charlotte is dying to be impregnated tonight.”

I giggle and Julian rolls his eyes.

“Or simply dying to get away from you,” Seb mutters, taking a swift sip of his beer.

Spencer smiles mischievously. “I’ll bet you two-hundred pounds, Seb, that I have a date with her by this time next week.”

Julian chuckles and shakes his hand. “Double it. Four-hundred. You don’t have a chance in hell with her.”

“You’re on.” Seb smiles, shaking Spencer’s hand.

Spencer’s eyes dance with delight. “Deal.”

Spencer kisses me on the cheek, his hands dropping to my stomach. “Goodbye, darling. Enjoy your unspeakable things.” With his eyes firmly on Lady Charlotte, he disappears across the room, heading straight in her direction.

I kiss Seb and he rubs my stomach. “Goodbye, Breezer.”

I smile. I have become very fond of this man.

“See you, Seb.”

Julian shakes his hand, and then he leads me towards the door. “Time to go.”

We walk out of the function centre and over to Julian’s Porsche. He has a new one now. It’s navy blue, and of course, it’s the latest model.

He opens my door and helps me in.

Always a gentleman.

He pulls out onto the road and his eyes flash over to me as if he’s waiting for something.

“Drive it like you stole it.” I smile.

Without showing any emotion, he puts it into gear and hits top speed in five seconds flat. I laugh out loud as I’m thrown back into my seat.

I love the adrenaline rush it gives me.

Every time he does that, I’m reminded of the very first time I met Julian—the naughty man I love.

One Hour Later

Julian hisses softly. ‘That’s it, baby,’ he murmurs against my neck.

I’m on my side. Julian is nestled in behind me and has my top leg lifted over his forearm. His thick body is sliding in and out of mine. His hand rests protectively over my large stomach, and his lips roam from my jaw to my mouth.

Sex with him at the moment is gentle and tender, and the expression on his face as he tries to hold himself back from being rough is simply priceless.

He looks like he’s in pain, sitting somewhere between ecstasy and Hell. His hips start to pick up the pace and he holds me in position. I feel the burn of his cock and I close my eyes, letting the pleasure take over.

“Oh, yeah,” he groans against my neck. “That’s it,” he pants.

My body starts to shudder and he grips me tight. “Don’t come yet, babe,” he begs. “Please.”

When I come while pregnant my body contracts so tightly that his body just climaxes instantly. He has no control. None. For the first time ever he has absolutely no control and it turns him inside out.

Maybe that’s why he’s so obsessed with pregnancy sex.

His thrusts get deeper and faster, and I close my eyes to try and hold it off. My breasts bounce as he grips me tight. It feels too good.

I throw my head back onto his shoulder and I cry out as my body shudders, contracting hard. Julian jerks forward and comes deep inside my body.

He hisses as he slowly slides in and out to continue emptying himself, his lips making sure to find mine.

“I love you,” he breathes against my open mouth.

I run my hand through his stubble. “I love you, too.”



1984 – 2013

Wife and beloved mother.

In God’s hands, we trust

I stand at the end of the grave with Henry on my hip. I’m now six months pregnant with our second child.

Willow has her arm linked through mine while Sammy is helping his father. I watch on as Julian leans down, brushes the dust from her name and rearranges the pink lilies that Sammy has just placed in the vase. He touches her face in the small oval photo, and she stares back at all of us.

He steps away and put his hands into the pockets of his suit, staring at her.

Things have changed. We have photos of Alina in the house now and I encourage the children to speak of her openly and honestly. Willow has had some grief counselling, along with Julian. Sammy doesn’t seem to need it. He was too young to have ever felt any connection or loss. I’m his mother now, and sometimes he slips up and calls me mum when we are alone.

Sammy takes my hand and smiles up at me.

He is the light of my life.

We come to the cemetery often with the children, and I know Julian still comes alone sometimes, too. He has never forgotten Alina. I know he says he never loved her, but on some level he did. She gave him his two greatest gifts and he will be forever grateful that she went through with those pregnancies.

Henry struggles to get out of my arms, so I put him down and watch as he takes off across the cemetery.

“Henry,” Julian calls. “Come back here, please.”

“No!” Henry yells as he runs as fast as he can in the other direction.

Julian’s eyes meet mine and I giggle. This child will be the death of him.

Henry is as wild as they come.

“Don’t make me come and get you,” Julian calls.

Henry keeps running, squealing with laughter.

Willow and I laugh as Julian shakes his head and takes off after him. We watch on as Julian scoops Henry up on the run, scolding him as he struggles to break free.

‘I never thought I’d see the day when I was the good child,’ Willow smirks.

I kiss her temple and wrap my arm around her. “Pumpkin, that child would make The Devil look well behaved.”

Two Years Later

Julian is sprawled on the sofa watching television with a four-month-old baby sleeping on his chest. We have five children now. Willow is twenty-one and blossoming. She is working for the Masters Group, as well as doing business and commerce at university. She’s dated a few girls, but of course, none of them are good enough for Julian. She’s hinted a few times that she may move out… but I won’t let her yet. I want her close for a few more years. Julian has finally given in to my nagging, and we are building her an apartment above the garage. I can keep her close forever.

Sammy is thirteen and still the light of my life, even though he has gone completely girl crazy. Julian goes Hulk every now and then, throwing his PlayStation in the bin because he’s been on it too much, but Sammy and I sneak it out when he goes to work the next day. Henry is five, and oh my God this child was put on Earth to test us. He’s silly, like me, but strong like Julian. He’s the spitting image of his father, and even putting his shoes on can end up in World War III like arguments. Things have to be done his way and only his way. Julian and he lock horns at least twice a day. Aaron, our angel baby, is two. He’s upstairs asleep and he is the absolute image of Sammy. Both in nature and looks. He has dark hair, a big smile, and he always wants to keep everyone happy.

And then we have baby Alexander. Another boy. High maintenance and wants to be held all the time. It’s rare if Julian doesn’t have him in his arms.

The outside world knows Julian as the serious cranky judge.

But the children and I know better. He’s a beautiful father and husband who adores and dotes on us all.

He’s the glue that holds our family together.

And we love him.

Julian Masters

Requests the company of

Bree Johnston

Occasion: Situation Inspection

Date: Thursday

Time: 7 PM

Place: Room 612: Rosewood London

Dress code: Bondage

I smile and I knock on the hotel room’s door. I still get my invitations for our Thursday nights every week. Julian isn’t about to let that side of himself go.

When we are here, we aren’t Mum and Dad with responsibilities.

He is Mr. Masters and I am his high-end call girl, and I fucking love it.

He makes me feel so alive in this room.

The door opens in a rush and he stands before me. Trademark navy suit, just fucked hair with a wave in the top, and dominance oozing from every perfect pore.

His dark eyes hold mine and his tongue slides over his bottom lip in anticipation. My stomach still flutters every time.

He’s just so…


I’m wearing leather lingerie and an oversized coat. I have thigh-high, black leather boots on, and my hair is set in a high ponytail. My red glossy lips finish the whole look. I really take my role-playing seriously these days. I know how much it means to both of us.

“Come in.” He gestures to the room and I walk past him, stepping inside. I notice the whip and the baby oil on the bedside table instantly.

A thrill runs through me.

“Where would you like me, sir?” I ask as I take off my jacket, our eyes meet.

He unzips his suit pants. “On your knees.”

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