Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 14

I wake to a bang on the door, and I jump, startled.

“Brell, come quick,” Sammy’s panicked voice calls through the door before I hear him tear down the hallway.

Huh. I frown as I look around the room. What’s going on?

Then I hear Julian’s voice bellowing throughout the house.

What’s going on out there? I grab my robe and throw it on before I open my bedroom door.

“You can’t be serious?” I hear Julian yell. “This is fucking unbelievable.” Shit, he’s cursing in front of the children. What on earth is the matter? I run up into the house and my eyes widen as soon as I step foot inside.

Julian, Willow, and Samuel are all standing frozen still as they survey the damage.

The puppy has ripped open the two bean bags and there are tiny beanbag balls spread all over the house.

My mouth falls open as I assess the damage. The entire living room is in disarray. The cushions are on the floor, not on the sofa where they should be. The pot plant has been chewed to within an inch of its life. It now has no leaves left and is turned on its side. The tiny beanbag balls are spread over the floor like thick snow, even covering the floor throughout the kitchen and dining room. There are even skid marks where she has been running and sliding in them. My eyes rise to find Sammy and Willow, who are standing with wide eyes in silence, horrified and clearly unsure what to say about the catastrophe in front of us. The cat appears through the white snow covered in the white balls, hundreds of them now stuck to his fur.

I can’t help it. I put my hand over my mouth and burst out laughing.

“This is not funny, Miss Brielle,” Julian barks.

I belly laugh even harder, picking up a handful of the white balls before I throw them at Willow and Samuel. “Look! It’s snowing.”

The puppy comes running into the room like a rock star, diving into the white balls at full speed.

‘That dog is a damn menace,’ Julian growls. ‘Look at this place! It’s completely destroyed.’

“She’s just a little baby.” I laugh and I dive into the balls beside her. “You’re a naughty puppy.” She jumps on me and starts to paw my hair. “Get down here, you two, and play with your baby.”

Sammy and Willow exchange looks, and then Sammy dives onto the floor without a care in the world. It isn’t long before Willow bursts out laughing and falls down beside us. The puppy goes ballistic, barking and growling as it gets excited with us playing with her. I throw some white balls over Willow’s head. Then I lie on my back and move my hands and feet. “Look, make a snow angel.” I laugh.

Sammy and Willow follow suit. I glance up and see Julian staring at the three of us, frozen and disgusted. “What the hell are you three doing?” he snaps. “The house is completely ruined and all you three can do is laugh and play in the mess?”

I throw a handful of balls at him. “Take some photos of us, you cranky pants.”

He folds his arms over his chest and raises an eyebrow. “Miss Brielle, must you find everything funny?”

The puppy growls, leaning back on her back legs right before she pounces towards him in full attack mode. I giggle and get up with two big handfuls of balls. “Get him, kids,” I cry as I pelt the balls toward Julian’s head. We all jump up and chase him.

“Stop it,” he shouts as he tries to get away.

“Get him!” I order.

“What the hell?” he cries and he starts to run into the kitchen. The children squeal in delight and we grab his arms, the three of us dragging him to the floor and completely cover him in balls. I flop down beside him. Willow and Sammy do the same, and our little rock star puppy prances out and sits on Julian’s chest, proud as punch of her handy work. Julian shakes his head and looks to the ceiling for some kind of divine intervention.

“This is unbelievable,” he mutters.

I throw some balls into the air. “Tell someone who cares.”

Willow giggles. “Yeah, Dad, tell somebody who cares.”

I read the email again. It’s now Tuesday morning and I’m preparing for my date night.

Julian Masters

Requests the company of

Bree Johnston

Occasion: Situation inspection

Date: Thursday

Time: 7 PM

Place: Room 612, Rosewood London

Dress code: Bondage

What the actual fuck does he mean by bondage? Does he expect me to turn up to the date tied up in a mummy suit with a ball gag in my mouth? Bondage is what you do, not what you wear. At least that’s what I thought. Not that I would really know, I suppose. I’ve never been with a kinky bastard before I met Mr. Masters.

I soon find myself walking through the heavy metal door of the sex shop, anyway. It’s completely soundproofed and the windows are painted over. A porno is playing on the televisions displayed on the walls. It’s 9:30 a.m. Jeez, these guys are hardcore. I glance up and see a girl on a bed. She’s on her hands and knees with three naked men standing over her. God, this place is seedy.

“Can I help you?” the young man asks. He looks about nineteen, like he’s straight out of school. What the hell is he doing here?

Does your mother know where you work, young man?

“No, thank you. Just browsing.”

I really do need his help but I’m not dealing with him explaining to me the ropes of bondage while literally showing me the ropes of bondage. The back wall is filled with whips, chains, and all kinds of tools that look like they belong in an archaeological dig up. I see a photo of a woman tied up, suspended from the ceiling. The ropes are wound around her breasts so tight they’ve turned her flesh blue. Surely that can’t be fucking healthy for breast tissue? I fold my arms over my chest, somewhat uncomfortable with what I’m seeing. What the hell does he think he’s actually going to do to me, anyway?

I take out my phone. I’m calling him. I’m not into this. He is not doing that to my boobs. Over my dead body is he doing that shit. I dial his number, and he answers on the first ring.

“Good morning, my beautiful Bree,” his deep voice purrs.

I smile goofily and put my head down so the young guy can’t hear me. “I’m in the sex shop,” I whisper.

“Are you?” he replies sexily.

“I don’t know what bondage is, but I assure you that you are not bruising my boobs.”

He chuckles. “And I can assure you that there will be no marks left behind.”

“Jules, no,” I whisper.

He chuckles again. “Only buy what you’re comfortable with.”

I glance over and see a huge black strap-on dildo. ‘Fine. I’m going to get a huge strap-on dildo and fuck you up the ass.’

He bursts out laughing. “I can also assure you that is not happening. I don’t take it up the ass. Yours, however, is up for discussion.”

“It is not!”

“I’ve got to go to court now, babe. See you tonight.” He hangs up.

I frown. Great lot of help he was. Judge Pervert, that’s what he is.

A young woman comes out from the back room, walking in my direction with a smile on her face. “Do you need some help?”

“Umm.” I frown. “I suppose. I’m looking for something bondage-y that doesn’t look like that.” I point to the photo of the poor woman who has been turned into a rolled roast.

“You’re more of a dabbler, I take it.”

I nod. “Yes. I’m definitely dabbling, but not…” I wave my arms around. “Bruising.”

She narrows her eyes as she looks around. ‘Okay. Over here we have some really cute black leather lace-up lingerie sets. You could maybe get some handcuffs or something to go with them.’

“Yes, that. That I can do.”

I wait in the park for Emerson. It’s Tuesday lunchtime and she is on her lunch break. We haven’t been seeing each other as much as we would like to. Not since she met Alastar and I began sneaking around with Julian. In a bid to solve that problem, I’ve started making lunch for us both on a morning and meeting her here each day.

“Hello, my beautiful friend.” I smile as she drops down onto the picnic blanket beside me. I open a can of drink for her and put the straw in for her, passing it over with a smile.

“I’m missing you.” She frowns.

“I know, me too.” I hand her a sandwich.

“How’s work going?” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s okay. I don’t really know what I’m doing, though.”

We chew our food. “How’s your spunky boss?”

I smile. I’m going to try and ease her into the idea of Julian and I. “Spunky?”

She watches me, waiting for more information.

“We watched The Terminator together the other night.”


“Yeah. The room was dark and the kids were on the floor in front of us.”

She frowns as she chews. “And?”

“He used my foot to wank himself off.”

Her eyes nearly bulged from their sockets. ‘What?’

“He grabbed my foot under the blanket, and then he rubbed it over his hard cock.”

“Fuck off! He did not?”

I smile; you don’t know the half of it. “Oh, he did.”

She chews her sandwich, her eyes the size of saucers. “What happened then?”

“I let him.”

Her mouth falls open. “I don’t believe this.”

I grin. “He’s so fucking hot.”

“How was it?” Her eyes hold mine. “How’s his dick?”


She puts her fingers over her mouth in surprise.

“He came.”

“He came?” She gasps.

“I felt the jerk, and then the movie ended so he jumped up and went to bed.”

She chews her sandwich slowly, never blinking. “I can’t fucking believe that story. What happened after that?”

“Nothing. He’s just being normal again now.”


I fall back on the blanket and grin to myself as I enjoy the sunrays on my face. “Yep, I’m officially a foot wanker.”

She shakes her head. “Now I’ve heard everything.”

It’s 4:00 p.m. I’m pissed.

I just got my period and it’s my date night. I get to see him one fucking night of the week and I go and get my stupid period. The worst part is that I’m now going to have to call him and tell him I can’t come. I can’t put it off any longer. He’ll be leaving his office soon to go to the hotel.

I dial his number.

“Hello,” he answers in that sexy voice of his. I can tell he’s in his car.

Damn it, he’s already left.

“Hi,” is all I can say.

“You on your way?”

“No.” I frown. “Are you alone in the car?”


“I…” I pause because I really don’t want to have to say this. “I don’t think I can come tonight.”

“What? Just a minute…” I hear a rustling, and then he picks up his phone and I can tell he’s just pulled over. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

“It’s not a good time of the month for me.”

“Since when?”

“Since just now.”

He listens for a moment. “So you’re not coming… just because of that?” He sounds annoyed.

“Well, we can’t have sex.”

“It’s just all about the sex for you, is it?” he snaps angrily.

I bite my bottom lip to stifle my smile. “You were the one who said it was always going to be just about the sex.”

“Well it’s not. Get in the car and get to the hotel. It’s been a long week without you.”

I stay silent on the phone. Did he just admit that this is something more for him, too? “Okay, I’ll leave soon.” I grin, unable to stop myself.

“Good,” he exhales heavily. “See you soon.”

What was that?

I walk into the hotel an hour and a half later. I had to drop our mischievous fur babies and the children at Grandma’s on the way here. I’m nervous, just not like before. I’m a different kind of nervous today. Julian said it wasn’t just about sex. It never was for me, but I thought that’s exactly what it was for him.

I knock on the door and he opens it in a rush. “I thought you weren’t coming,” he says, his tone clipped.

I smile softly. “I’m here, Jules.”

His features relax, and he takes me into his arms, holding me tight. We stay locked in our embrace for some time. I can’t help but feel like he seems off.

The dominant man who fucks me into submission isn’t here today. This is someone new. Someone I haven’t met before.

“Are you okay?” I whisper as he holds me.

“Yes,” he breathes into my hair. But he’s not, I can feel it. Something is definitely wrong. He kisses me and then studies my face as he stares down at me.

“Look at you being all gorgeous,” I whisper as I kiss him. “I like this Julian.”

“It’s been a long week without you.”

I dust the backs of my fingers down his face. “This is a hard arrangement some days.”

He kisses me again and walks me into the room, kicking the door shut before we lie down on the bed.

“We’re not having sex tonight.” I smile against his lips

“I know that. I’m simply kissing you. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“How was your day?”

“Long,” he mutters, distracted as his hands roam all over my body and his lips drop to my neck.

“What are we having for dinner?”

“Who cares?”

I giggle. God, he makes me feel so desired.

I roll over and grab the remote to turn the television on. “Let’s watch a movie.”

It’s only 6:00 p.m. I need to distract him or he will be humping the chair any moment. I flick through the movies. “What do you want to watch?’

He shrugs and rolls his eyes. “Whatever you want.”

I put Ocean’s Eleven on and snuggle against his chest, enjoying the way he holds me tight, and I smile dreamily to myself. I think this is my favorite date night so far.

Four hours later and Julian is somehow naked and on top of me. I’m in only my panties. My legs are wide open and he’s grinding his body against my pubic bone. I’m so hot for him, it’s just ridiculous.

He didn’t watch the movie. I watched the movie, while his hands ran all over my body. For hours now he has been touching me like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. I don’t know how much more I can take.

“God, I need you,” he moans as his tongue dives deeper into my mouth.

Fuck, I need him, too.

He rocks his hard cock against me. It feels so good—so big.

“Please,” he begs as his open mouth brushes my jawline.

“No, Julian.” I pant. “It’s too… too intimate.” He pulls back to look at my face.

“I need intimacy from you tonight.”


His lips hover over mine. “I don’t know, I just do.”

We kiss again and I begin to lose control of the situation. He pulls my leg back to entice me further. His large body drives forward and I clench. God, he feels good.

“I’ve never done it before,” I admit quietly.

“Neither have I.” I frown and pull his attention back to my face. “What?”

“I’ve never done it before, either. Not at this time of the month.”

Huh? How can that be? Not even with his wife?

“Why not?” I ask.

“I’ve never wanted to.”

“Then why do you want to do it with me?”

“You tell me and then we’ll both know.” Our kiss turns frantic, his large body lurching forward until he’s on top of me.

This amount of arousal is crazy. He turns me into some kind of animal.

“Let’s get in the shower,” he suggests, unable to hide the quiver in his voice. He’s desperate for it.


“Please. I’m fucking begging here,” he whispers.

Hearing him admit he’s begging is my undoing, and I find myself nodding.

“Okay, we can take a shower.”

He pants against my lips.

“Just… give me a minute,” I whisper.

I stand and glance down at his body as he lies back on the bed. His hard cock is up against his stomach and a smear of pre-ejaculate glistens across his rippled abs. I’m so turned on, I really am. My sex is throbbing, aching to be filled.

I go into the bathroom, remove my tampon, and get into the shower. I stand under the hot water with my heart beating hard in my chest. He said he needs intimacy tonight and this is as intimate as it gets for me.

He walks in, his eyes holding mine intensely. I hold out my hand and he takes it in his, stepping under the hot water slowly. He holds me close, kissing me.

‘Are you sure?’ He stares down at me.

The water is running over his face, and he looks so damn beautiful and tortured…

He looks like he’s mine.

“I’m sure.” Our lips collide and his tongue slides deep into my mouth. He lifts me off the floor, pinning me to the wall, and with one hard pump he’s deep inside of me.

We both moan softly because, oh God, this is beautiful. Julian moves slowly, gently, and I can feel every damn vein on his cock.

The physical feelings I’m having…

The emotional.

I feel so much closer to him than I should.

He hooks my thighs up over his forearms, gripping my behind and bringing me onto him to slide in deep.

I whimper, “Jules.”

“I know, baby.” He drops his head and begins to give it to me slow and deep. The slapping of the water on our skin echoes all around, and I cry out, unable to hold my orgasm in any longer.

Julian inhales sharply, pushing himself deeper than he’s ever been, and he comes in a rush inside of me.

Our bodies jerk and shiver as we ride our waves of pleasure.

We kiss a slow, gentle, loving kiss. His touch is electric.

“What are you doing to me?” he eventually whispers as the water runs down over his head.

“I’m taking care of my man,” I answer quietly.

His eyes search mine and I feel there’s something more he wants to say.

Instead, he kisses me softly and I smile against him, my heart melting even more. I can’t believe we just did that.

Every day we take another few steps up the intimacy ladder and no matter what we tell each other, we both know this is more.

The clocks strike midnight, and I’m still trying to put my finger on what’s going on with him this evening. We’re in bed together and his head is resting on my chest. He’s soft, relaxed, and so fucking beautiful it hurts my heart.

Something’s changed.

Everything’s changed.

“You said something the other day and I can’t stop thinking about it,” he says.

“What’s that?” I kiss his temple.

“You said that your ex-boyfriend had psychological problems and that you stayed with him to try and fix him.”

I frown to myself, how does he remember that? “Yes.”

“What was wrong with him?”

I brush my cheek against his. “He’s a beautiful man… but he was abused as a child by an uncle and that fucked with his head.”

“As it would.”

“Most definitely.” I sigh. “But it rewired something inside of him.”

Julian looks up at me. “He turned gay?”

I shake my head. “No, just the opposite. He had to prove to himself that he wasn’t gay.”

He frowns and waits for me to continue.

“If a woman came onto him, he had to go through with it. He couldn’t knock her back because, in some sick way, he thought that was confirmation that he was, in fact, gay.” Julian runs his hands up my thigh, waiting patiently for me to tell him the full story.

“He would come home and confess everything to me. Then he would be disgusted with himself and beg for my forgiveness.” I narrow my eyes as I remember the horror of living that life. I never knew what the day would bring. Stability wasn’t an option. “We would both go back to his therapist for an intensive couple of weeks. He would be fine for a while… until it happened all over again.”

“How many women did he sleep with while he was with you?”

“Too many,” I admit in a whisper. “Towards the end, I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. I knew he was broken. I knew that he loved me. But what about my heart? I deserved better, you know?”

He nods, his eyes turning sad. “How did it end?”

“He worked in the city. Things had always happened there so he kept it completely separate from me. Nobody ever knew. Hell, I wouldn’t have known if he didn’t come home crying guilty tears every time and confessing his sins.”

Julian exhales heavily.

“Then one day he slept with a girl I knew. She knew we were together.” I frown and my eyes fill with tears. The pain is still as raw as the day I found out. “He crossed the line with her. Everyone knew her and me. They thought it was the first time he’d strayed, but little did they know I’d been suffering alone for three years while I tried to save him.”

“God, Bree,” he whispers.

“It would have been easier to leave, but he was so broken. I thought if I couldn’t help him when he loved me that much, nobody would be able to.”

He stays silent.

“I couldn’t save him,” I whisper with regret. “I had to cut all ties in the end because I couldn’t deal with him constantly begging me to come back. I couldn’t deal with the guilt I felt.”

Julian listens, his eyes penetrating mine.

“After I left, he went totally off the wall and just started fucking everything that moved. He’s had two overdoses since.”

“Fuck,” he whispers as he picks up my hand and kisses it.

I think for a moment. “A lot of people said I was weak for staying with him.”

“You weren’t.”

I exhale heavily. “That’s when I decided to just be happy and grateful for every single day.”

He rolls over to face me. “So, I guess you’re done with damaged men?” His eyes search mine.

I smile down at him and softly kiss his big beautiful lips. “I’ve got room for one more.”

He kisses me, and as if he is overloaded with emotion, his face creases against mine. I don’t know what the hell his story is, but I need to find out.

My phone rings at exactly 11:00 a.m. and the name Mr. Masters lights up the screen.

“A daytime phone call? This must be important,” I tease as I answer it.

“Very funny,” he mutters, unimpressed.

I smile. “How can I help you, Judge Masters?”

“Do you have any plans tonight?”

“No.” I bite my bottom lip as my heart dances to the sound of his voice.

“Would you like to go to a fundraiser thing with me?”

“I would. Like… on a real date?”

“Like… on a real experiment.”

I giggle. “A science experiment?”

“Good grief. Yes or no?” he snaps and I can tell he’s edgy.

“Yes, of course, yes.” I frown. “What’s the dress code?”

“Not bondage.” He chuckles.

“Damn it.” I widen my eyes. “That’s annoying.”

“Pick you up at seven?”

“Okay.” I do a little jig on the spot. “Seven it is.”

It’s just after seven when I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

I close my eyes and put my hand on my stomach to try and calm my nerves.

I’ve never been so nervous, and I know it’s not about what I’m about to do. This is about what I’m ignoring.

My gut is telling me to run.

This is a bad idea.

I shouldn’t be going out with Julian tonight. I know we should be keeping things separate. What if this turns pear-shaped?

We live together, for Christ’s sake.

I open the door and there he stands—my tall, beautiful man in his black dinner suit.

He smiles sexily as his eyes drop down to my tight, coffee-colored evening gown. I inhale when I’m teased with his heavenly aftershave.

“You look beautiful,” he whispers.

I smile softly as my heart tries to escape my chest. “Thank you.”

His dark eyes hold mine. “You ready to do this?”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

He leads me through the house by the hand, and then out to the car. As usual, he opens the door for me, but then backs me against the car before he leans to kiss me.

I smile as I put my arms around his neck. “We can kiss in the garage now?”

“We can kiss in the garage.” His large hands roam down to my ass and he drags me onto his hard body. We stay in each other’s arms as he looks down at me, taking in every detail of my face. His brow crease suddenly, and then he falls serious.

What is that look?

He straightens and pulls away. “We need to go.”

“Okay.” I climb in, and without a word, he closes the door behind me and gets into the driver’s side.

Once we’re driving on the main road, I find myself watching him. He’s deep in thought when he glances up and catches me watching him. Julian takes my hand in his and places it on his thigh.

“Everything all right?” I ask.

He focuses back on the road, picking my hand up to kiss the back of it. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You’re just quiet.”

He smirks. “I’m trying to tame this roger in my pants, if you must know. It seems to have a mind of its own when you’re around.”

I smile over at him, relieved that my playful man has returned. “Maybe you should give me a good rogering then.”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, my beautiful Miss Brielle.” He kisses the back of my hand again as his eyes remain on the road. “You will be well and truly rogered by the time I’m finished with you.”

He called me Miss Brielle. I fake a smile and my eyes turn back to watch the road in front of us.

His force field is back on.

Finished with me.

Why are those the only three words I heard in that whole sentence?

We both remain lost in our own thoughts for the rest of the trip. I’m wondering how this is going to go. I don’t know what he’s thinking about, but I know it’s more than the roger in his pants.

He’s always thrilled to be touching me in the hotel, but when we just stood cheek to cheek and had that brief moment of perfect intimacy at home, I felt him pull away.

I don’t even know why it’s bothering me. It shouldn’t. I know what’s going on here. He warned me and I know how this game works.

There are no false pretenses—no promises or need to pretend to have feelings that don’t exist.

Don’t mistake this for anything other than what it is, Brell.

What we have is a friendship with a few orgasms on the side. Nothing more, nothing less.

In his words… we have an arrangement.

Twenty silent minutes later, he pulls up outside a fancy, sandstone building, into the car valet parking service. He climbs out, handing the keys over to the attendant before he makes his way to my side to help me out of the car. He’s such a gentleman, always opening doors and walking behind me. It must be his fancy schooling. At least all those school fees get you something for your money, I suppose. I wonder if Sammy is being taught this kind of stuff.

Julian takes my hand in his and we walk up the front steps.

The building is pure luxury. “What is this place?” I whisper.

“Spencer House,” he replies, clearly distracted as he looks around.

The ceilings are domed and covered in amazing paintings. The carpet is red, and the furnishings are out of this world. This is antique architecture in its finest form.

‘My God, it’s gorgeous.’ He smiles down at me.

‘I thought you’d like it. It’s the seventeenth century and perfectly preserved.’

I bite my bottom lip to try and hide my excitement. He’s constantly telling me little facts of history, knowing I love it.

“It once belonged to the Earl of Spencer,” he adds.

My eyes widen. “Really? Lady Diana was the daughter of the eighth Earl of Spencer.” He smiles softly.

“That’s right. Her brother is the ninth.”

“Wow,” I whisper. People are everywhere inside. The men are in their dinner suits, while the women are dressed up to the nines. Waiters are carefully walking around with trays of champagne.

“What is this function for again?” I ask.

“It’s a fundraiser for a mental health program for reformed criminals.”

“Oh.” A waiter walks past with a tray and Julian takes two, passing one to me. “Thank you.” I smile.

He clinks our glasses.

“Do you come to all these things?” I ask.

“We take turns. Only one of us ever comes to these events. They are mostly filled with sponsors.”

“We?” I frown.

“The other judges and me.”

I sip my champagne as I watch him. “You know, it amazes me that you’re a judge. An actual judge.”

He smirks. “Why?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I’ve just never known a judge before.” I frown. “I’ve never even known anyone who knew a judge.”

He lifts his glass in the air and tilts it towards me. His eyes smolder. “Here’s to getting to know this judge quite well.”

I smile softly and feel the nerves in my stomach simmer. I’ve never been with a man like Julian Masters. He’s a higher level of hot that I haven’t experienced before. I don’t imagine many women have. He’s deep, guarded, mercurial, and as sexy as all hell. With his black dinner suit, his dark hair, square jaw, and those piercing eyes, everything about him screams domination.

Is it because he’s older and forbidden that makes him take up most of my thoughts? I do have to wonder if I’d be this attracted to him if he was my age and nothing but a normal guy.

Hmm, that’s an interesting thought, actually. Why am I attracted to him?

What if he was my age and he met me first? Would we have ever dated? I mean, if he met me before he fell in love with his wife.

Sadness fills me. She’s missing out on so much of her beautiful children’s lives. They are so precious and they need her. I drop my head and stare at the carpet for a moment. She should be here with him. He was her husband. It’s my worst fear to not be able to see my children grow up. So tragic.

I wonder what she looked like.

I frown as a strange thought crosses my mind. Why are there no photos of her in the house? Not even the kids’ rooms. Wouldn’t he want the kids to remember her? I concentrate and go through the house in my mind, room by room. No. I’ve never seen a photo of her anywhere.

That’s so weird. I’m going to ask Sammy to show me one tomorrow.

“So, you never know anyone at these types of events?” I ask, changing the subject.

“No.” He sips his drink. “We get invited for the sake of it, and like I said, they are filled with sponsors. It makes for a lonely night if you come by yourself.” He glances down at my dress and licks his lips. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

I glance down at myself and dust my hands over my hips. “You did, but you can tell me again.”

He chuckles. “You…” He pauses for effect. “Are undoubtedly the most beautiful woman here tonight.”

My face falls and I act offended. “Just here? You mean that there are more beautiful woman than me out there in the world?”

His eyes dance with mischief. “None that I know of.”

“Good save.” I smile.

He raises an eyebrow and sips his drink as he looks over the crowd, but my eyes linger on his face. I feel like a little girl going to my first rock concert.

He glances back and catches me staring at him. “What are you thinking?”

“Now?” I ask.

“Right now.”

“That I would like you to kiss me,” I whisper.

Electricity buzzes between us and he gives me a slow sexy smile. “Here?”

I nod.

“You want me to kiss you right here?”

I giggle. “No, but can we find somewhere where you can.”

He puts his hand onto the small of my back and leans down to whisper in my ear. His breath tickles my neck, giving me goose bumps. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re going to make my secret hard to keep?”

I lean even closer. “Because I am.”

His eyes darken, and he looks at me for a moment. “From the time your meal arrives you have approximately eight minutes until I drag you to my car.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

He leans in and gently kisses my lips. “Whatever I want.”

Our lips touch again. Suddenly, I don’t care where we are or who can see us, because he is the only person in the room.

He has this intensity about him. It’s like he’s trying to make me lose my mind with these soft, gentle kisses hidden among hard words.

And it’s working.

He’s only kissed me a few times since we left home.

He could talk me into doing anything with that kiss. It’s pure perfection.

His attention is a damn addiction…

I’m like a drug addict on the precipice of a high, and I need the hit.

His hand slides down, and he subtly grabs a handful of my behind. “My beautiful Bree.” I can almost hear the electricity buzzing in the air between us and I know he can, too.

“That does something to me,” I whisper.

He raises his brow in question.

“Hearing you call me that.” He only calls me it when we are alone. That’s probably why I love it so much.

His tongue darts out, sweeping across his bottom lip as he watches me.

“Bree,” he mouths and I giggle just as a large bell rings out to signal their opening of the ballroom.

We wait for the crowd to clear a little. He takes my hand, leading me into the ballroom and through the crowd. He checks where we are sitting on the map and we make our way over to the table.

Julian suddenly stops mid-step.

“Fuck,” he whispers.


“One of my work colleagues is here.”

“So?” I frown.

“I don’t want them to fucking know about you.” He drops my hand like a hot potato and strides to our table, pulling my chair out angrily.

What the hell? It’s not my fault his work friend is here, but I take a seat anyway.

“Drink?” he snaps.

Is he kidding me? I’ve done nothing wrong.

“Please,” I reply calmly.

He disappears to the bar and I sit alone as people slowly begin to make their way in, one by one, filling the tables up.

“Hello, I’m Veronica.” One lady smiles as she sits down beside me.

“I’m Ted,” her husband says, and they begin a conversation with me about the entertainment that’s scheduled for tonight. I’m too distracted.

What’s taking Julian so long?

I glance over to the bar to see him talking to a lady and a man, deep in conversation. I take out my phone.

There’s a message waiting for me from Willow.

Hi, Brell,

We can’t forget the uniforms tomorrow.

I close my eyes. Shit, the uniforms.

I completely forgot about them. It was our turn to wash the jerseys after training on Thursday night. We threw the big bag of them in the trunk. They’re still in there, all dirty.

Damn it. I’m going to have to wash them tonight when I get home.

Yes, of course.

What time are we leaving again?

She texts back.

Eight o’clock.

I blow out a breath. Great. Looks like I’m washing when I get home. I text back.

Are you guys okay at Grandma’s?

A reply bounces in.



I smile.


I sit at the table alone for a full twenty minutes while people try to make polite conversation with me. With every moment that passes, I get a little more agitated. I glance over and see him laughing out loud, having a great time as he talks, while he leaves me sitting here alone.

I don’t get it.

I sip my champagne, wishing I could drain the whole bottle.

The entrees come out, but he still doesn’t return to the table. He and the woman are the only two standing by the bar now, and it’s apparent that he’s avoiding sitting down beside me.

Okay, now I’m getting pissed.

I roll my lips and push my chair out. I’m going to the bathroom.

I make my way out to the bathroom and sit in the cubicle for a while. Why would he bring me to a dinner and not even make an effort to sit with me? I know he doesn’t want anyone to know who I am, but would he really treat a friend like this if he took her out? I don’t think so.

My heart is hammering in angry beats.

Stop it. He’s probably talking about some very important case and I’m just being melodramatic. After fifteen minutes, I make my way back to the table. He’s now sitting in the chair next to mine, and the woman he was talking to at the bar is on the other side of him. The main meals have finally arrived, too.

I pull my chair out, and he smiles over at me as I sit down.

I give him a lopsided smile in return.

“Miss Brielle.” He gestures to me. “This is Anna, a work colleague of mine.”

I smile over at the pretty redhead. She’s around the age of forty and has an incredible body. Her shoulder-length hair is down and full, and she has olive skin that is complimented by her green eyes. She really is stunning. “Hello.” I smile.

“Hello, Miss Brielle.” She turns to Julian. “Is she one of Willows friend’s?” she asks sarcastically.

Julian’s eyebrows raise in surprise before he chuckles nervously. “No, no. She’s just our nanny. She has a love of history and this building, so I wanted to bring her to see it. She’s new to London. All the way from Australia.”

Anna laughs and says something I can’t hear, and the two of them fall into a muffled, whispered conversation.

I drop my head as my blood begins to boil.

Just the nanny.

I pick up my glass and drain it in one mouthful. Who the fucking hell does he think he is?

I push my plate to the side.

“Not hungry?” he asks.

I glare at him. “I just lost my appetite.”

For the next forty minutes, I sit in silence as the rest of the table eats and chatters amongst themselves. He hasn’t said one nice word to me in over an hour and a half, but he and Anna haven’t stopped talking since she arrived. Other members of the table, who obviously feel uncomfortable, are trying to make idle conversation with me because they feel sorry for me.

Why did he bring me? I feel so stupid.

He says something, and Anna bursts out laughing.

The lady opposite me gives me a sad smile.

Fuck this, I’m leaving.

I put my serviette down and grab my bag from underneath the table.

“Where are you going?” he asks quietly.

I can hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears, I’m so angry. “Home.” I stand and walk out of the ballroom and into the foyer, and then through the front doors to the valet parking man.

“Excuse me, can you get me a cab, please?” I ask.

“Of course.”

I stand with my arms folded in front of me as he goes out onto the street, and I just wish that Emerson wasn’t on her date tonight or I would go back to her house and not come back till Monday. If ever.

“What are you doing?” Julian asks, approaching me from behind.

I roll my eyes. “What does it look like?”

“I’ll drive you home.”

“Don’t bother.”

A car pulls in and the valet driver—the one who was trying to get me a cab— has to come and take the car to the parking lot. “Back in a minute, Miss,” he calls.

I blow out a breath. “Great.”

“Excuse me, can you get my car, please?” Julian asks the other attendant.

“Of course, sir.”

He stands next to me, silent.

“Go back inside, Mr. Masters.” I sigh.

“Why are you pissed?”

I raise my eyebrows in disgust. “If you don’t know, I’m not telling you.”

He stays silent, unsure what to say or understand just how angry I am. His car arrives and he opens my door. I glance around. It’s either stay here in the cold or get a lift with him. Fuck it, I just want to get home. I climb in and he shuts the door behind me.

He pulls out into the traffic. I stare through the windscreen, watching as heavy raindrops begin to fall and the automatic wipers come on.

“I didn’t want anyone to know that we were together.” He sighs.

“Well, you won’t need to worry about hiding me anymore.”

He glances over. “Why?”

“Because I have too much self-respect,” I snap.

“Why are you carrying on?”

“What the fuck?” I yell. “You take me to a dinner and spend two hours chatting up another woman, and then you proceed to tell her that I’m just the nanny.”

He glares at me.

“That suits me just fine, Judge Masters.” I sneer.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that tonight, while you were playing judges with Anna, I was judging you. And I didn’t like what I fucking saw.”

“Is that so?”

I turn to him, outraged at his behavior. “I don’t know how you usually treat women, Julian, but let me tell you this… you will never again get the fucking chance to make me feel like you did tonight. ”

“How did I make you feel?” he growls.

“Like a cheap slut you are taking home to fuck when the night is over.”

His jaw clenches and he grips the steering wheel tightly, not saying a single word. We ride the rest of the way in silence. He pulls into the driveway and parks the car under the carport. I get out, slam the door, and march up to the front door, fumbling with my keys.

He moves in front of me, opens the front door with his key, and pushes it open. I barge past him and storm through the house.

“Stop!” he calls after me.

I turn toward him sharply. “I have never been so furious. You arrogant prick, to think that I will put up with that kind of treatment.” I shake my head. “Who do you think you are?”

He narrows his eyes. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. This isn’t a relationship.”

I smirk, speechless, offering nothing but a huff in response. I don’t bother replying.

“Bree,” he says softly, grabbing my arm.

I hit his arm away. “I don’t want a relationship with you!” I cry. “The mere thought of sleeping with such an arrogant pig turns my stomach now. Don’t you dare call me that again. My name is Miss Brielle to you, and I am just the nanny. Stay the hell away!”

He glares at me. “You’re taking that out of context and carrying on for no reason.”

“Go fuck yourself.”

I turn and walk to my room, slamming the door behind me. I’m so mad that tears begin to well in my eyes.

I can’t believe he’s even justifying treating me like that. He didn’t say one word to me for two hours while he chatted up another woman, for Christ’s sake.

I hear the front door slam and then his car start. I rush to the window and see him driving off like a madman on the loose.

He’s gone back out.

I flop onto the bed and swipe the angry tears away from my eyes.

His words ring through my head.

This isn’t a relationship.

No shit, Sherlock. This isn’t a relationship, this is a train wreck.

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