Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 11

I stand outside the door marked number 612. My heart is hammering wildly in my chest. I’m wearing a black skirt, a white business shirt, and one of his ties wrapped around my neck. My hair is up in a bun, and I’m even wearing tortoiseshell glasses to complete my secretarial look.

Underneath, though, I’m wearing my white suspender belt and lacy underwear, with black sheer stockings hugging my legs. I guess I’m a slutty secretary—the kind you have long lunches with. I did end up charging this outfit to his credit card. I felt guilty at first, but screw it, he did say that’s what it was for.

What are you doing here, Brielle? I ask myself.

I didn’t like the way I felt the other night when I got home, but the masochist in me wants to see him again, and I know this is the only way it’s going to happen. I’ve been thinking about him constantly. I hate that every time he’s in the room with me I can feel his body talking to mine. I’m in a constant state of arousal, and I feel like I was a little boring the other night. I was so overwhelmed with his power, I became a shrinking violet.

I want to blow his mind tonight. I want to leave him begging for more, and then some.

And I’ll do what any slutty secretary would do: I’ll fuck him out of my system once and for all.

This is it. It’s the last time. One for the road.

Just fuck him, blow his fucking mind, and then leave. No strings, no feelings, and no bullshit. I can do this.

I want to really play the part, but I can’t imagine myself saying any of the filthy shit I’ve been thinking of saying. This man makes me feel so naughty.

I knock on the door and exhale heavily as my heart races faster.

The door opens in a rush and there he stands. All 6ft 3inches of gorgeous man. He smiles sexily when he sees me in my outfit, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

“Hello, Mr. Masters. I believe you wanted to see me, sir.”

He smirks. “I did. Please, come in.”

I roll my lips to hide my smile and walk past him into the room. He closes the door behind me.

I turn to him as I continue in my role. “Please don’t fire me, sir. I promise I won’t do it again.”

He lifts his chin, his eyes alight with mischief. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t. Disobedient secretaries need to be punished.”

“Please, no,” I beg. “I’ll do anything to keep my job.”

He licks his lips as his hungry eyes drop to my breasts. “Define anything.”

I move closer to him. “There must be something I can do for you, sir,” I whisper in his ear.

“I’m not that kind of man,” he says calmly.

I lean forward and grab his hard dick in my hand, pushing him back against the wall. “But I’m that kind of woman.” I drop to my knees and undo his belt, sliding his pants down swiftly. That beautiful, big cock springs free, and I take it into my mouth.

He inhales sharply, his hands moving to the back of my head.

I look up and smile at him. He frowns down at me, obviously surprised and confused. He was not expecting this, I can tell.

“Fuck my mouth. Punish me, Mr. Masters,” I beg around his cock.

He closes his eyes, lost somewhere between pleasure and disbelief, and then he grabs my hair in his hands as he begins to slide in and out of my mouth.

I look up with wide eyes, watching him come undone.

“Fuck,” he moans. I bare my teeth and he hisses, “Fuck.”

This is hot—stupid hot—and I know I’m meant to be doing this for him, but it’s turning me on big time.

His suit pants drop to his knees, and I get a rush of moisture in my sex. He’s lost control.

I stop at once and stand, and all he can do is pant as he watches me, breathless and confused.

“Tell me my job is safe and you can have more.” His eyes darken.

“Your job is safe.”

I unbutton his shirt and slide it over his shoulders. I take off his pants, and then his jocks before I push him back onto the bed. He’s submissive and naked, his cock lying up against his stomach. I stand on the bed over him, making sure he’s watching me intently. I slowly begin to take my shirt off, throwing it onto the floor, and then I slide my skirt down my legs and dramatically kick it off.

He’s on his back looking up at me with fire dancing deep in his eyes and his stomach. He reaches out for me, but I move away so he can’t touch me.

I take off my bra and my panties, so I’m wearing nothing more than his blue tie, my suspender belt, and my stockings.

“What do you want, Judge Masters?” I whisper as I run my fingers over my nipples.

“Get on me,” he growls.

I kneel beside him and take his cock into my mouth again. “Not so fast,” I breathe on the upstroke. I turn my behind towards him as I bend over, allowing his two fingers to slide inside me.

He moans and his legs open automatically.

I go up onto my knees and circle my hips to ride his fingers. I play with my nipples, and my eyes hold his. “Oh, you feel so good,” I whisper. “I need you,” I moan. “You can’t ever tell my husband about this.”

His fingers pump me aggressively. I can tell he’s losing control and it makes me smile down on him. “You’re a very naughty boy, Judge Masters. Do you like fucking other men’s wives?” I whisper as I roll my hips.

Oh, man, I feel like I’m in a bad porno here, but who cares? He seems to love it.

“I need a real man to fill me up. A man with a big hard cock,” I moan as I arch my back onto his fingers. Perspiration beads on his forehead. His mouth is hanging open as he watches me, completely in awe.

He’s about to lose it.

I glance at the door suddenly. “I didn’t lock the door, sir. Somebody could walk in here any moment and see us on your desk.”

He closes his eyes and I smile, knowing he’s losing his shit.

“Get on me now,” he growls.

I hop up from the bed and go to my handbag to grab one of his condoms that I stole from his bathroom cabinet. I open it and slowly roll it onto him.

I bend and take his cock into my mouth and I moan around it.

“I want a pay rise,” I whisper.

Arousal dances in his eyes. He likes this game. “How much?”

I lick his balls, and he drops his head back in pleasure. “Ten thousand extra, plus a company car.”

“I don’t have the power to authorize that.” He plays along.

I sit up, acting offended, and then I smile darkly as a new idea comes to me. I look him straight in the eyes. “Twenty thousand and you can take the condom off.”

His eyes darken with an intensity I’ve never seen on any man before. A heavy silence hangs between us.

“Do you want to blow inside me, Judge Masters? Do you want to fill another man’s wife with your load?”

His body convulses. He’s so close to coming. “Fucking hell, Bree,” he cries as he loses the last of his control. “Get the fuck on me… now!”

I smile as I lower myself onto him, wiggling from side to side to try and loosen myself up. He’s so big.

We struggle for a moment until my body opens up and he slides in deep.

“Oh… fuck,” he moans, grabbing my hips.

I ride him, deep and hard. I sit up so that he can fully see me, and I hold the tie between my fingers.

His body rises to meet mine and I know he’s completely in the zone.

God, he’s beautiful…

“Give it to me,” I moan. “Fuck me.”

He grabs my behind and starts to fuck me hard. His tie hangs down in his face and my breasts are bouncing up and down.

“Oh God, this is so good,” I pant as I bounce. “You’re so deep,” I whimper. “So, so deep.”

His face creases together, and he cries out as he comes, the jerking inside of me setting me off, making me climax, too. We move together slowly as we begin to come down, his hands softly running up and down my back.

Our eyes are locked.

He’s quiet, shocked into silence I think. I lay down on his chest and he holds me close. His heart beats hard next to mine as we rest together for a moment.

“I’m glad you’re not my secretary for real.” He smirks against my forehead.

“I kind of am.” I giggle.

“No, don’t remind me that you work for me.”

I smile. “Don’t remind me that you’re my boss.”

He pulls out, removes his condom, and drags me back down over him. His fingers trail up and down my arm, and I can practically hear his thoughts bouncing around.

I stay silent and can’t help but feel he’s different to how he was the other day with me. He seems warmer.

“I’ve got to get going,” I whisper.

“What?” His face falls and his arms tighten around me. “No. Why?”

“Willow has golf this afternoon. I promised her I’d take her.”

“I’ve arranged for my mother to pick up the kids. She’s happy to take them to their activities,” he says.

“No.” I sit up as I pull out of his grip. “I promised Will that I would take her.”

“But… but we… I haven’t spent any time with you yet,” he stammers.

I smile and kiss his lips. ‘You’ve fucked me. That’s all that you wanted me here for, isn’t it?’

He frowns, obviously annoyed by me stating the obvious. “I haven’t fucked you enough.”

“Another time, maybe.” I smile.


I’m not imagining it. He really does seem needy today. ‘When my schedule with the kids’ permits. Next week or something.’

He scowls and shakes his head. “Next week? That’s not happening.” He rolls me onto my back and moves to position himself between my legs. “I need you for an extended time.” He kisses me, and my arousal tingles, awakening again.

“Why?” I breathe.

“Because I can’t get enough.” He nudges my opening.

“You didn’t pay the twenty thousand dollars.” I smirk. “Get a condom.”

He chuckles and growls before he gets up and puts a condom on. Soon enough, he’s back on top of me, sliding his dick against my sex.

“I need more of you. Two hours isn’t enough,” he breathes against my mouth. “Why isn’t it enough?”

“Because I watch you all fucking day, wishing I was inside you.”

I smile, and he pushes into me. “You don’t act like you do, Mr. Masters,” I challenge.

His tempo increases, moving harder. “I shouldn’t be thinking about you the way I do. I try my best to control it.”

I smirk as he takes my legs and puts them over his shoulders.

Oh God, this makes me nervous. He’s too big for me to handle this position. “Be careful with me,” I whimper.

He slides in deeper, and he hisses with immediate approval. “Do you feel that? Do you feel how good our bodies fit together?”

My back arches off the bed, and my fragile heart races again. “God, yes.”

“The kids are going to sleep at my mother’s, Bree. I need a full night with you. Give me a full night.” His eyes drop to the place where our bodies meet.

Excitement runs through me. He wants a full night. “When?” I pant.

He spreads his knees wide and holds my feet out in front of him. “Tomorrow.” He hits me hard, and I cry out. “Tomorrow night.”

“What if… you still need… more?” I breathe.

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me tenderly. “I won’t, I promise. Just one more time.”

I smile against his lips but my heart drops.

One more time. He only wants me one more time.

Willow bounces into the car after her golf lessons. “Hi,” she beams.

“Hey, pumpkin. You seem very happy.”

“I got talking to that girl who works on the desk. Her name is Lola.”

“Really?” I smile and squeeze her thigh. “Great. Tell me all about her.”

“She’s eighteen. She’s at University. She’s going to be a doctor.”

I smile. “Smart.”

“She asked if I wanted to play golf with her this weekend.”

“Really?” Oh, this is just what she needs—new smart friends. But all at once my face falls. “Damn, remember you are going to your Aunty Patricia’s with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend?”

Her face falls. “Oh no, I forgot.”

I don’t want her to be disappointed. I know she’s lonely at the moment. “Maybe we can reschedule the weekend away so that you can play golf.”

Her face lights up. “Really?” she asks excitedly.

“Sure. I can talk to your father and Gran and see if we can reschedule.”

Her face beams with happiness—hope. “Would you? That would be so cool.”

I smile as I pull out of the parking lot onto the road. ‘I love that you’re having so much fun here. You could be the next Tiger Woods.’ I roll my eyes. ‘But with a lot less drama, obviously.’

She smiles, clearly happy with herself as she looks out of the windscreen and shrugs. “It’s a lot better than I thought, that’s for sure.”

“See?” I laugh. “I know what’s fun. Although, running your father over in a golf buggy is the most fun any of us have ever had.”

She chuckles and shakes her head. “You’re an idiot.”

We arrive home and I pull the car in beside his Porsche.

He’s home.

A rush of adrenaline runs through me. I go through this every day. Whenever I hear or see his car, excitement fills me, even if I never show it.

When we walk into the house, I hear his deep voice echoing through the halls as he talks to Janine in the kitchen.

He is back in his customary suit, looking neat and respectable for all the world to see. Nobody would ever know that he was on his back two hours ago with his nanny riding him hard.

I smile at him, and his sexy eyes hold mine. It’s as if he’s silently asking me if I can still feel him deep inside of me. My answer is yes.

Hmm, he’s so hot.

“Hi, Dad,” Sam calls, walking in behind us.

“Hello, Samuel.” He smiles as he messes up his hair.

“Hi, Janine,” I say as I approach her.

She turns and smiles warmly before she kisses me on the cheek. “Hello, my beautiful girl.”

Janine and I have become quite close. I hang out in the kitchen every day while she cooks, and the two of us chat away. She’s a lovely woman.

Julian seems surprised when he sees our interaction.

“You picked a winner when you hired this one, Mr. Masters. The sunlight in this house, she is,” Janine says.

I laugh. “Oh, please, you exaggerator. Tell Janine your news, Will.”

Willow shrugs, clearly embarrassed.

“She has plans this weekend with her new golf friends,” I say for her.

Janine turns to Willow. “Really? This is great news.”

Janine and I have been brainstorming as to how we can help Willow navigate this whole bullying saga, and we both believe making other friends is the key to her finding confidence.

“How were golf lessons, Will?” Julian asks her.

“Good.” She shrugs. “I really like it.”

“And she’s so good at it,” I add as I grab her hand in mine. “I got there early today so I could watch her and I was so amazed at her skills.” I smile at Willow. “She’s very professional.”

Willow grins and Julian’s smile softens, his eyes lingering on my face.

“Do you want to work on your essay now or should we do it later?” I ask her.

She frowns. “Can we do it later? I might take a shower.”

“Sure.” I turn my attention to Sammy. “Come on, kiddo, let’s go shoot some hoops.”

“I’ll get my ball.” He runs upstairs to get his basketball.

Janine disappears into the bathroom.

Julian’s eyes hold mine. “Is this what you do every afternoon when the man of the house isn’t around?”

I bite my bottom lip. “Yes.” I pause. “Sometimes I have secretarial meetings, too, though.”

“How are those?” His eyes drop to my lips.

“They’re the highlight of my week, sir.”

The air between us zaps, and damn it, I want to go back to the hotel right now.

“Mine, too,” he whispers.

We stare at each other, the sexual tension between us is thick. God, I can hardly believe we had sex just a few hours ago. He was deep inside of me and now I’m dying for him all over again.

Janine comes back into the room, effectively destroying our moment, just as Sammy walks in with his basketball under his arm. I bat it out of his grip, steal it and run.

“You snooze, you lose, sucker,” I call.

“Brell!” Sammy calls as he runs after me. “That’s not part of the rules.”

“Rules are for breaking, Sammy,” I call as I bounce the ball down the front steps. “Come at me.”


I stare at my two friends as they sit across the table from me. We’re at our favorite breakfast restaurant. They’re talking about something printed in the newspaper today, but my mind is on other things.

“You’re quiet today, Masters,” Spence says.

I chew my food and raise my eyebrows as I cut into my omelet.

“I did it.”

They both frown.

“I fucked my nanny.”

Their eyes widen with perfect synchronized timing. “What? I thought you said she was off limits,” Seb says in shock.

“She is.”

“Wait.” Spencer looks between Seb and me. “This is the hot nanny who ran you over at golf last week, right?”

I nod.

He leans against the table. “Where did you do it?”

“She caught me jerking off in my bathroom the other night.”


I close my eyes, the memories of it washing over me.

“What did you do when you saw her?” Seb gasps.

“I kept going, finished off, and then I rubbed my jizz onto my stomach for added effect.” I put a fork full of food into my mouth and shrug.

Their mouths fall open right before they both begin to laugh.

“What the fuck?” Seb whispers. “Then what?”

“Then I asked her to meet me at a hotel.” They exchange looks.

“The hot one…?” Spencer repeats again. “With the long, dark hair? The bad driver?”

“Yes!” Seb snaps, annoyed. “How many fucking nannies do you think he has?”

I continue eating my breakfast as they both wait for me to speak.

“And?” Spencer frowns. “What happened then?”

I shake my head and wipe my mouth with my napkin. “We screwed, and it was the hottest fucking sex of my life.”

Their eyes widen even further, if that was at all possible.

“We met again yesterday, and she fried my brain with dirty talk, and then fucked me stupid. Afterwards, she left, and I’ve been hard ever since.”

“That’s insanely hot,” Spencer whispers. “What are you going to do?”

I sip my orange juice. “Meet her again at the hotel tonight.”

“That good?” Spencer whispers. “Two nights in a row?”

I nod and exhale heavily. “I have to get a handle on it, though. My kids love her. I’m not going to fuck it up for them.”


Julian Masters

Requests the company of

Bree Johnston

Occasion: Situation inspection

Date: Tonight

Time: 7PM

Place: Room 612, Rosewood London

Dress code: Formal

I read the information again on my phone. Formal? What the hell constitutes formal?

Damn him and his confusing sexy invitations. I flip through the rack in the department store, annoyed.

That’s too short, that’s too tight, that’s too daggy.

It’s not like I’m going to be wearing these clothes for long, anyway, is it? He’s going to rip them off my body the moment he sees me.

I smile to myself. What a problem to have. A bottomless credit card to buy something pretty to wear for a date with a big dicked sexy god.

What is my life? I’ve turned into Pretty Woman.

Julian has meetings on and off all day today, but something has changed between us since our meeting yesterday. He’s openly watching me now. He didn’t do that last week. In fact, he avoided eye contact at all costs.

My phone rings and an unknown number pops up.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Hello, Brell, this is Frances.”

Julian’s mother. “Oh, hello.” I smile nervously. Shit, what does she want? Oh my God, does she know?

“I wanted to take you out for lunch today, darling.”

I inflate my cheeks, knowing that I don’t really have time for that today. I want to prepare for my formal porno meeting.

“You don’t need to do that,” I tell her kindly.

“I want to. I’ll pick you up at 12:30 p.m.”

Damn, she’s pushy. “Umm, I’m already in town, can I meet you somewhere?”

“Okay dear. Let’s go to Polpetto. It’s on Berwick Street.”

“Yes, okay, I’ll see you then.”

“Great. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.” She hangs up.

Fuck. She knows.

Does she know? I bite my thumbnail, knowing she could only really know if he’s told her, but there’s no way he would have told her… would he?

I dial his number. It rings and my stomach flips. I’ve never called him before.

“Hello, my beautiful Bree,” he purrs.

“Hi.” I smile goofily. He makes me giddy.

“How can I help you?”

I get tingles from the sound of his voice.

“Bree? Hello?”

I frown. “Oh, sorry. Did you tell your mother?”

“Tell her what?”

“About us.”

“No. Of course not. Why?”

“She just called me saying she wants to take me out to lunch.”


“I know, but she was being pushy and I couldn’t say no.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll call her.”

“N-no,” I stammer. “If you call her now and cancel for me, she’s going to know something is going on between us for sure.”


“You’re absolutely positive she knows nothing?” I frown.

“No, and don’t you tell her anything, either.”

I scowl to myself. “I can’t lie, Julian. If she asks me if we’re sleeping together then I have to tell her the truth.”

“Don’t you dare. Don’t go if you can’t keep your mouth shut.”

I bite my lip. This is a disaster because I really can’t lie for shit. “You’re certain she doesn’t know?” I ask one final time.

“Bree, my mother is taking you to lunch to milk you for information. She’s as sharp as a whip. Don’t be fooled by her friendly demeanor.”

My eyes widen. “What information?”

“Information on us.”

“Right. So I can’t tell her that we meet in hotels and fuck each other stupid then?”

He chuckles, and the sound permeates through my bones. “Why don’t you tell her that you are pussy whipping her son, and he’s on the verge of needing sectioning because of his sexual addiction to you?”

I smile. “Great idea.”

“I’m looking forward to tonight.” I can tell he’s smiling.

“Me too.” I flick through the clothes on the rack.

“Wait, I bet I know what she wants to meet you for,” he says, as if he’s suddenly remembering something.


“I asked her if the children can stay at her house every Thursday night.”

“Why?” I frown.

“Because I want a whole night with you every week.”

Hope blooms in my chest. “You do?”

“That’s if you’ll have me every week.”

“I’d have you every day if I could, Jules,” I whisper.

“Keep talking like that and you may not be walking for a few days.”

I giggle. “Walking is overrated, anyway.”

“What have you got for me tonight?” he breathes.

“Whatever you want.” I look at the shoppers all around me who are oblivious to my awesome dirty talking skills.

“Just the sound of your voice makes me hard, even when I’m sitting at my desk.”

I’m going to play with him. “Tell me about that beautiful cock of yours, Mr. Masters. Do you have any idea how often I think about it?” I whisper.

“You’re a very naughty nanny, Miss Brielle. My cock is going to have to punish you for the things you make me think while at work.”

“I’m your naughty nanny,” I breathe.

He inhales sharply. “Yes… you are.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Masters.”

“Goodbye, Bree.” He hangs up.

I grin to myself and continue looking through the racks when my phone rings again. The name Mr. Masters lights up the screen.


“Stop distracting me with your sexiness,” he says, and I smile. “I told my mother that I have a legal meeting every Thursday night for a while and that you can’t mind the children because you’re taking a class at the college.”

I frown. “What course?”

“I can’t actually remember what I told her, but I think it may have been sculpture.”

“What?” I frown. “Sculpture? Why the hell would you say sculpture? What even is a sculpture class?”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh, great.” I throw my hand up in the air. “Not only do you have me lying to your mother about us not being fuck buddies, but now you want me to tell her a stupid lie about me being interested in sculpting—a subject I know nothing about. What am I supposed to say when she asks me about it?”

He chuckles. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m going to tell her that I can’t mind the children on Thursday nights because I will be too busy sucking her son’s pea-sized brain out through the end of his dick.”

He laughs out loud. “That’s a great idea.” He laughs some more. “Not you telling my mother part, but definitely the sucking part. We should practice that technique tonight.”

“Goodbye, Julian,” I respond sharply.

“Goodbye, Bree,” he says with nothing but warmth in his voice.

I flick through the clothes rack. Screw the shopping. I should turn up in a garbage bag tonight.

Let’s see how sexy he thinks that is.

I walk into the swanky restaurant at exactly 12:30 p.m. Frances stands and waves to get my attention, and I make my way over to her.

“Hello.” I kiss her on both cheeks.

“Brell, thank you so much for coming.” She gestures to the table. “Please, take a seat.”

I fall into the chair.

“Would you like some wine?” she asks.

“I can’t, I’m driving, but thanks.”

She pours herself one and calls a waiter to the table. “What would you like, Brell?”

“Just a Diet Coke, please.” I look around at the Italian restaurant we’re in. It’s beautiful, filled with leather chairs and the air of ultimate opulence. “This place is amazing.”

“It is. The food is divine, too,” she says with enthusiasm. “So, tell me… how are you settling in?”

I shrug. “Okay, I guess. I’ll be a lot better when I get to the bottom of Willow’s problems at school.”

My drink arrives. “Thank you.” I smile as I take it from the waiter.

Her face falls. “What’s going on?”

“These stupid little bullies are picking on her.”

“Who are they?”

I roll my eyes. “Pathetic little rich spoilt brats. I completely lost my cool with them at the weekend.”

“Why?” She sips her wine, listening intently.

“Because I walked around the corner to find Willow, when I heard one of the bullies suggest that Will’s mother probably killed herself to get away from her.”

Frances’s face drops and her eyes fill with tears.

“I know. Isn’t it the most horrible thing you’ve ever heard?”

She shakes her head, unable to believe it. “What did you do?”

I roll my eyes. “I lost my cool and caused a huge scene. I dared them to come near her again so they can deal with me. I was swearing and completely losing control.”

“And where was this?”

“At her football practice.”

“Where was Julian?”

“He’s useless. Those stupid mothers are all too busy trying to marry him, and he’s so busy fighting them off that he sees none of it. When I approached the mother of the bully… and admittedly…” I hold up my hand to admit my faults. “I was losing my temper and threatening to call the police to have her charged… but Julian defended the bully, not his own daughter, without even knowing what had happened.”

“What?” She narrows her eyes. “Why does he always do this? He makes me so mad.”

I widen my eyes. “I know! Me, too. We had this huge fight, so I took the children to McDonald’s, making it quite clear that Julian wasn’t invited.” I sip my drink. “But… in his defense, he didn’t hear what they said to Willow, I guess.”

She smiles and rests her elbows on the table. “You’re good for him.”

I fake a laugh. “I’m sure he thinks I’m a giant pain in his ass.”

If only she knew that he really wants into my ass.

“Thank you so much for our dinner last weekend. It was lovely seeing the children so happy.” She takes my hand over the table. “I can’t stop thinking about the change in them since you arrived. Especially Will.”

I grin as I squeeze her hand in mine. “Thank you for coming. They are such beautiful kids. I’m so lucky to be able to get to spend time with them.” I widen my eyes. “Oh, I forgot. Willow has been invited to play golf with her new friend this weekend.”

“Willow’s playing golf now?”

‘Yes, I enrolled her in lessons. I thought it could be something that she and her father could do together.’

She narrows her eyes. “Are you in a relationship, dear?”


“Hmm.” She smiles against her wine glass.

“What are you thinking?” I smirk.

“Nothing.” She smiles sarcastically. “I was just going to give you some tips, you know, in case you ever had an inkling or urge to,” she shrugs and waves her wine glass around in the air. “… date my Julian.”

I fake a laugh to cover my lying ass. “Oh, you’re so funny.” I should’ve got wine. Hell, I should’ve got tequila.

She falls serious. “Am I? Or do you want to hear my advice?”

I frown.

“I know why every single woman who tries to snag him fails.” I sip my coke; I need to know the tips without her knowing I need to know the tips.

“You are a character,” I tease as I down my drink.

“Julian hasn’t had a girlfriend since Alina died.”

“His wife?”

She nods. “It did something to him.”

My face falls.

“He closed off when he met her, and he never recovered after she died.”

“That’s so sad,” I whisper.

“It is, but now he’s very lonely.”

“I know he sees people… women,” I tell her to try and make her feel better.

“Yes, but only on his terms.”

“His terms?”

“He only wants to see a woman to use her for sex. As soon as they fall in love with him, he breaks it off every single time.”

“He told you this?” I can’t imagine him ever telling anyone this, let alone his mother.

“He doesn’t have to. I know that’s what happens. He calls them needy.”

“Why is it so bad if anyone falls in love with him? I don’t understand.”

“He doesn’t want the responsibility of making anyone else happy. He’s guarded. A lot of women want him for his money, and he’s more than well aware of that.” It’s not the money I want. It’s his huge jackhammer dick, I think to myself.

“Why would any woman chase a man just for his money? It’s an absurd way to live.” I tut.

She sips her wine as she studies my face. “Do you know anything about Julian’s money, or about the Masters Group, dear?”

“No, and I don’t want to. Just talking about money makes me uncomfortable.”

She smiles, as if impressed, making me feel like I’m at a job interview.

Our meals arrive. “About those tips you have,” I say as I take my first mouthful of food. I know I shouldn’t be hinting, but this is need to know information. I could sell it on the black market.

She smirks at me. “Well, if I were to date Julian, I would keep my cards very close to my chest because he will run if he senses a relationship blooming.”

I frown.

“And we wouldn’t want to scare him off too soon, would we?” She takes a mouthful of her food. “We would wait until he’s unaware of his emotions.”

I can’t believe it. She’s actually come here today to tell me how to snag him. Julian was right, she is as sharp as a tack. I put my knife and fork down on my plate and pick up my drink. “You do know that Julian and I are not suited, right?”

“Julian is not suited to anyone. He’s troubled, dear, but he’s different with you.”

I sip my drink as I stare at her. “What do you mean?”

“He knows his money doesn’t interest you. He knows his children adore you. He can’t take his eyes off you whenever you’re in the room. You don’t even know it, but he is already putty in your hands. What you do with that putty and how you knead it will determine the outcome.”

I wipe my mouth with my napkin. “I can assure you that Julian and I are just platonic co-workers,” I lie through my teeth.

She smiles and sips her wine. “Of course.” She reaches over and taps my hand on the table. “I believe you.”

Fuck. She definitely knows.

Her knowing eyes hold mine, and I’m so close to cracking and telling her the truth it’s not even funny.

Don’t say it. Don’t say it.

I stuff my mouth full of food so I can’t speak.

I need to be muzzled.

I slide into my car at around 2:00 p.m. We’ve had a long lunch and I really do like Frances. We talked about books, movies, and surprisingly, we do have a lot in common.

One thing she said to me has my mind ticking over.

Do you know anything about Julian’s money or the Masters Group?

What did she mean by that?

I Google Masters Group and wait for it to load.

Masters Group – United Kingdom

CEO – Joseph Masters

General Manager – Julian Masters

Estimated worth – Sixteen billion dollars.

Oil, Stock Market, Gas, IT, Banking, Property

I frown as I stare at the screen in front of me, and I blink.


Sixteen Billion Dollars

Who the fuck am I sleeping with?

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