Chapter 572

The accident caused two deaths and one injury, yet the victims only received one million dollars as compensation.

It was strange that they did not press charges.

Now with the Jewell family driver on the line, the passengers' side of the story was no longer highly important.

As long as Detective Karl could get something out of the driver, he may be able to follow the clues and find the truth.

Stella was Satisfied with Karl's progress and continued to transfer the second payment to him.

When Stella was done with work in the afternoon, Cordelia called.

"Stella, Baldwin made a heap of dried mangoes recently.I couldn't finish them, so I delivered some to you. Have you tasted them?" Stella remembered the WhatsApp message from Felicity in the morning, saying that she had received a large box of dried mangoes. 'Oh...Cordelia sent them," she thought.

Her eyes softened as she said in a low voice, "I'm still outside right now, but I'm sure they taste great since Baldwin made them." "That's true.Baldwin is good at his work," the old lady commented.

"He even ordered a giant cake filled with a layer of mangoes for my birthday next Wednesday. I'll ask Keegan to bring you here so that you can taste it yourself." Stella paused when she heard that and said, "I-I don't think that'll be appropriate, grandma."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you no longer see me as your grandma just because you divorced Keegan?"

"No, that's not what I meant. You'll always be my elder," Stella said in a low voice.

"But...I'm scared that things will be awkward for Keegan if I'm there since we are divorced. How about I visit you the day before your birthday, and we'll have a small celebration." Stella relentlessly threw the blame on Keegan after the divorce.

"Keegan will feel awkward? Fuck him. If he thinks it's awkward, then he can just leave. It's my birthday, and I want my favorite person to celebrate it with me."

Cordelia then sighed, "It's going to be my 80th birthday, probably the last birthday party I'll ever have.I just want everyone to be there. But if you find it difficult, it's fine. I'm already an old woman with less than a few years to live. Baldwin is right; I shouldn't always cause you kids trouble."

The corner of Baldwin's eyes twitched.

'Did I ever say that?"

When Stella heard what Cordelia had said, she gave in.

"The doctors said that you're healthy and you can live for years to come," Stella replied.

She then paused and whispered, "Fine. I'll go. Just stop talking about death."

Cordelia immediately beamed with joy when Stella agreed. She asked her about how she was doing recently and hung up.

At the same time, Marshall's case on the property division was in full swing.

Albert was so angry that smoke was coming out of his ears when he received the court summons.

First, it was Sophia's presentation; now, it was Stella's divorce.

Both cost him a lot of money.

He was so busy filling all the holes that he did not even have time to settle the matter with Stella.

He could not believe that she had come to him first.

Albert called Stella immediately.

To no one's surprise, he was treated no better than Keegan.

"Ungrateful bitch! Why did I raise such an ungrateful bitch?! I put a roof over her head, and this is how she repays me. How dare she!" He threw away his phone and cursed angrily.

Stella was not the one who had contacted him, but her lawyer.

The lawyer's request was direct -- if Albert wanted to settle things outside of court, he would have to give up all his shared assets. "Should I settle this in private???" thought Albert.

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