Chapter 557

The speed of the two horses was unexpectedly equally matched.

Keegan pressed his body down and stared forward with a sullen gaze in his eyes while swinging his horsewhip at the appropriate time to alter the direction. When turning a corner, Juno outpaced the brown horse with a leap.

This move of overtaking Marshall made him slowly accumulate disadvantages.

Although their speed was still fast, the two- or three-meters distance could not be shortened regardless of any method used.

Keegan turned around to look at Marshall.

The corner of his lips twitched into a smile.

He turned his head back around and sped up again.

Marshall focused his gaze and flung a single harsh whip onto the horse's body.

The brown horse shrieked and accelerated its sprint speed.

The brown horse was unknowingly frightened at the final bend and pressing onto the finish line.

With another loud shriek, it shook Marshall off its back.

Stella was shocked and screamed out, "Mr.Moore!"

Marshall's whole body was flung to one side of the saddle with one leg dangling.

The other leg was hooked at the stirrup while both his hands had a deathly grip on the reins.

He had a tightened expression due to the exertion of force, and the veins on his forehead were popping.

The brown horse was out of control.

It carried Marshall while galloping desperately.

Stella was so scared that a layer of cold sweat broke on her back as she shouted Keegan's name loudly. Keegan also noticed that Marshall's horse had gone out of control and quickly rode Juno to chase them. The brown horse left the racetrack and had a rampage on the field.

Unexpectedly, it ran toward Stella.

Stella's expression changed drastically.

She seemed to have noticed this and turned around to run toward places with obstacles.

However, how could a human's speed be comparable to a horse's? Seeing the horse get closer and closer to Stella, Keegan's expression turned serious.

He stood on the horse's back with one hand, releasing Juno's reins.

He looked for the right opportunity and jumped onto the brown horse.

He pulled at its reins hard and forcefully changed its direction.

The brown horse seemingly grew more frenzied due to the pain.

Keegan looked at Marshall, who was dangling on the other side of the horseback.

His hand was changing color due to being constricted by the rein.

The veins on his hands were popped out, and his fingers were quivering faintly from withstanding his weight in the air for long periods.

Keegan said with a severe tone, "When I let you jump off ina moment, you let go and roll over while protecting your head."

Marshall tightened his expression while looking at Keegan, then nodded with pursed lips.

Keegan tried his best to control the direction with a solemn face while trying to soothe the manic horse.

However, it did not seem to work.

The more he wanted to control it, the more maniacal the brown horse grew.

Keegan could only find the correct timing to use his leg to kick Marshall off when the horse passed through the buffer zone.

In Marshall's head, he was still thinking, 'Didn't he say he would shout, let go?' When his whole body had already been released from the horseback.

He quickly protected his head and tumbled a few rounds on the sand pit of the buffer zone before stopping.

Stella immediately came over to check on Marshall's injuries.

His palm and elbow were slightly scraped, while his other parts were fine.

Stella released a breath of relief and looked at the field.

The brown horse was still not controlled.

It even started to run while jumping back and forth, trying to shake Keegan off its body.

With such a high speed, it would not be funny once you fell off.

Stella helped Marshall to a safe zone and then tightened her expression.

She followed Keegan's movements through momentary glimpses.

Her throat would unconsciously tighten whenever he was about to be flung off.

The horse trainer had already ridden Juno to chase the brown horse, but the distance was too large.

Besides that, its erratic course made pursuing it harder.

Keegan was covered in sweat and dust throughout his body.

The protective gear on his hands was already worn.

His palms were sweaty, and the reins he was gripping onto were starting to slip.

If this continues, he will be flung off sooner or later.

Keegan's gaze focused, and he simply slipped to the other side of the horseback.

His legs were bent and prepared to jump off when the brown horse turned.

However, before they turned around, the reins suddenly snapped.

This caused Keegan to fall directly off the horseback.

The protective gear on his hands was already worn.

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