Chapter 404

Keegan disapproved of the speech because it contained personal content, and Sophia seemed more focused on promoting herself than the company or project.

Being a popular influencer, she knew how to leverage her strengths. Following the first two recruitment talks, Sophia's personal social media account experienced a surge of tens of thousands of followers. The news and popular topics also started to revolve around her more frequently.

However, this was not a good thing. It could make Sophia's image entangled with the Vinci Rivera Group. Over time, people would start to associate her personal image with the Vinci Rivera Group's reputation If she could maintain this "perfect" image, that would be fine. But, humans were prone to making mistakes, and it was impossible to always maintain an immaculate reputation. Any slip-up or wrong move could tarnish her reputation and make people jump to conclusions.

Keegan pursed his lips and picked up a pen to strike out the long paragraphs of Sophia's personal growth story and emotionally charged content. He only kept the parts that were relevant to the theme. After he had finished reviewing the speech, Keegan handed the document to Sophia and said, "This will do."

Sophia glanced at it and her expression changed slightly. "Mr. Kane, don't you feel that you've removed too much of the content?" she asked.

Keegan looked at her but did not say anything.

Sophia explained, "The speech for the two previous recruitment talks was similar to this one, and it was very effective. Jackson was very satisfied, and he even asked me to add more content to it. If we remove all this, the speech won't meet the minimum duration."

Keegan's indifferent response was, "If you've already made up your mind about it, then why bother asking me to review it?"

Sophia was taken aback. She had come to see if Keegan remembered what had happened the previous night, and she also wanted to seek his approval for her skill. She was confident about her speech, giver the success of the previous two recruitment talks. However, Keegan's complete rejection of her speech draft caught her off guard. Moreover, Stella was there, and Keegan seemed to have no memory of what had happened the previous night.

"Is there anything else?" Keegan asked in a cold tone.

Sophia regained her composure and said, "No. That's all from me."

"The recruitment talk this afternoon is crucial," Keegan continued. "You should be careful with what you say. The way you present yourself during the presentation reflects the company's image. Look at your face now, how much bigger is it compared to the last session?"

"Pfft!" Stella spat out the tea she was drinking.

Sophia's face turned pale and red in the same instant as she struggled to maintain her composure. She cursed inwardly, 'Did I get my face swollen from overeating? No. It's that bitch who did this to me!" Stella put down her cup and walked over, carefully examining Sophia's face.

In fact, Sophia's face looked much better than yesterday. Sophia already had a round face, and Stella's slap had turned her round face into a flat one. So, even though the swelling had somewhat subsided, Sophia's face still looked one size larger than usual.

Stella gloated, "Honey, the food at the cafeteria in your company must be really good. Sophia just joined the company, and she has already put on some weight." Keegan glanced at her and said, "Even if the food is good, it should be eaten in moderation."

Sophia looked embarrassed and could not stand to stay another second. She muttered, Okay" and stormed out with her speech draft. Her anger quickened her footsteps. Stella turned her gaze away nonchalantly and silently thought to herself" Sophia, you better not disappoint me, or this show won't be worth watching.

The recruitment talk at Trinity University was a highly anticipated and grand event, not only for the Vinci Rivera Group but also for the university itself.

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