Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted (Stella and Keegan)
Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 395

Chapter 395

Albert was taken aback. "You're saying Stella did this?"

"Who else I won't allow Sophia to fight back except her?"

Albert frowned. "What happened?"

Hylda told the incident to Albert in an exaggerated manner. She said in the end, "Albert, I have been with you for so many years. I'm not afraid of any grievances. I'll take it since I decided to be with you. But, what did my child do wrong? She slapped Sophia just because of such a trifle. Is she really angry because of this? She's deliberately looking for an excuse to vent her anger on Sophia!"

Albert pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Sophia sobbed softly, "Mom, forget it. Don't put dad in a difficult position."

"I wouldn't have endured it for so many years if I wanted to put him in a difficult position." Hylda wiped away her tears, turned her head, and added, "Go wash up. This is how our lives are."

"What are you talking about?" Albert's expression calmed down when he was speaking on this topic. He held Hylda's hand and whispered, "How can I not understand how many wrongs you have suffered with me? I also feel distressed for

Sophia when she gets beaten. But, I just signed the contract with Semiconductor Technology, and it's a critical period now. After this passes, I'll find an excuse to bring the divorce to light and a suitable opportunity to give you and the kids a status aboveboard. Don't worry. I'll ask Stella to apologize to Sophia for what happened today."

Hylda was full of disappointment. Albert had always been painting a rosy picture for her all these years. He always talked about what the future would be like. If she waited any longer, she would be old, and her children would not have an upright identity. Hylda could not hold her anger back. She pulled out her hand and said coldly,

"That's up to you." After finishing, she urged Sophia, "Go on. Go wash up. You have to work tomorrow."

Albert felt upset when he watched both of them leave. He pursed his lips and gave

Stella a call. However, Stella's phone was muted, so she did not hear it.

Stella stared at the ceiling for a while after waking up the next day. When she was about to sit up, she fell back down without her body leaving ten centimeters away from the bed. There was a hand across Stella's waist. Keegan was still asleep, but his arms were wrapped around her tightly.

Stella pushed his hand away, turned over, and took her phone. Albert called her three times last night, but she never picked up. So, he left a message for Stella and asked her to call him back after she saw it. Stella sneered. 'I slapped Sophia a few times last night, and she definitely couldn't take it. Albert called me probably to blame me for what happened yesterday. He comes to me before I go to him. They want to get even with me? Just wait right there.'

Stella got up and called Felicity. She let the incident last night go to her head until she had forgotten that Felicity was still there. And, Stella promised to bring her home before. Although Felicity would not hold grudges, she still had to explain herself.

The phone rang for a long time, and no one answered.

'She should have been awake at this hour.'

Stella pursed her lips and dialed again. This time, someone else picked up when the phone was about to stop ringing. "Hello."

A deep and hoarse male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Stella was stunned. "Who are you?"

As soon as she finished, there was a rustling sound on the other end of the phone.

Then, Felicity's voice came in a panic. "Stella?"

Stella felt a little weird and said, "Who answered the phone just now?"

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