Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted (Stella and Keegan)
Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 329

Chapter 329

Arthur looked at Aurora and suddenly remembered the photo album he had flipped through a few days ago. "My, my. You look so familiar. Are you Keegan's younger sister? We are all family. You're in luck. I just dug out some potatoes from my vegetable field and will make some pierogi at noon."

Most people from the countryside lived simple lives, and Arthur had always been generous. He was in his nineties and could not afford to argue with a young girl. Knowing that she was Keegan's sister, he immediately became friendly with her.

"We're not family. Stella really thinks that our family is a charity, huh? It's fine that she secretly helps the Jewell family with my family's riches, but now she freaking brought one of you here? Your family is shameless," Aurora sneered.

Arthur's face immediately changed. He tossed the hoe to the ground and pointed at Aurora as he shouted, "How dare you talk like that?!"

"I'm just stating the facts. I can't believe an old scum like you still lives off us rich people. Tell me, is living in this villa better than living in that country kennel of yours? You're a family of good-for-nothing blood- sucking asshats!"

Arthur was furious, shaking his hands and trembling. "What's wrong with country people? How are we useless? We do everything with our own hands. The rice and flour you eat are planted by us country folk! Why are you such a rude girl?"

"Am I wrong? I mean, look at your useless family. I really don't understand my mother's thought process. Why in the world does she want me to deliver this stupid medicine to Stella? In my opinion, she shouldn't get pregnant. What if she gave birth to a loser like your family? Ew."

After Aurora said that, she carried the box of medication and walked into the house. Arthur turned pale with anger. He stepped forward and grabbed Aurora's wrist as he said, "Get out! Get out! Take your things and get out!"

As he spoke, Aurora staggered, and the box fell to the ground. The bottle of medicine broke, and the remedy was scattered all over the floor. Aurora's expression darkened immediately, and she pushed Arthur away. "You old bastard! Don't touch me with your filthy hands!"

Arthur was old, and no matter how strong his body was, he could not compare to a young girl. Aurora pushed him, and he fell to the ground. His face turned white from the pain as he gasped for breath. His whole body trembled, and he could not get up.

Seeing this, Aurora was taken aback. "Stop pretending, old man. I didn't even use much force. Get up!"

Arthur trembled more and more, and his face gradually turned blue. Aurora was scared at that moment. The servant heard the commotion and quickly ran outside. She hurriedly dialed 911 when she saw Arthur lying on the ground.

Stella was on set when she received a call from the hospital. When she heard that something had happened to her great-grandfather, she asked Daniel for a leave and rushed to the hospital. Arthur was still in the operating room when she arrived at the hospital. She saw the servant

waiting outside and anxiously asked, "What happened?" Stella thought that Arthur had fallen ill. "Wasn't he fine when I left this morning? Didn't he take his pills? Why is he suddenly in the emergency room???" "The old man had a fall and couldn't get up from the ground."

Stella frowned. "How did he fall?"

The servant hesitated momentarily and said in a low voice, "To be honest, Madam, I'm not really sure. I was cleaning around the house while the old man was tending his vegetables in the yard. Ms. Kane came over, and she seemed to have a few words with the old man. When I heard her outside, the old man was already unconscious."

Stella's expression changed. "Where is she?"

"Ms. Kane didn't come to the hospital."

Stella scrunched up her nose and clenched her fists upon hearing that. Ten minutes later, Keegan rushed over since he received a call from the servant. When he arrived, he saw Stella sitting on the bench with a pale face. He walked up to her and called out to her. Stella looked up at him, and her eyes were bloodshot red. Keegan's heart trembled when he saw her current state. He pursed his lips and whispered, "It will all be alright."

Stella stared at him and said hoarsely, "Aurora pushed him."

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