It’s been two weeks since Clara first slept in my bed. Two of the most amazing weeks of my life.

Waking up to her beautiful face every morning still doesn’t seem real, yet it is. She’s sated and naked each time.

She’s adjusted well to living here with me. We both have.

I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to live with someone, but it’s been wonderful. She loves to walk the property each day, enjoying the sun and nature around her. I’ve taken her into the woods and showed her the safe paths to follow. I’ve shown her what each trap looks like and given specific instructions to stay far from them. She doesn’t need the warning, but every time I’m demanding or possessive with her, she gets hot, and the sex is well worth it.

She wants her belongings but just like having contact with her friend, none of that is possible until her father is dead. We’ve had many deep discussions about how she feels about her father. The anger, the resentment, and the sadness. I’ve explained they are all natural after suffering at his hands her entire life and then finding out he had her mother killed. She wants him found and wants him to suffer. It surprised her when she admitted it, but it didn’t surprise me. It’s the same feeling I have before each kill.

I told her she’s more like me than she realizes, but she just laughs. I’m not joking though. The last two guys I’ve killed, she’s come outside to watch me drag them from the woods. She watched while I gutted them like the animals they were.

She fucked me with a darkness in her eyes each time.

It makes me want to kill even more for the unbridled sex that follows.

She stirs next to me, and I kiss her forehead before climbing out of bed. Today I need to have a serious conversation with her about her father and I’m not entirely sure how she’s going to handle it. I figure I’ll make her favorite breakfast of blueberry pancakes and bacon, enjoying our morning before it turns into work.

Just as I pull the last piece of bacon from the pan, I hear her feet pad into the kitchen.

“Bacon,” she mumbles.

I chuckle and turn around, wrapping my arms around her. “I never realized you weren’t a morning person.”

“I like my sleep,” she says, burying her head deeper into my chest.

“Maybe I should stop keeping you up so late.”

She pulls away from me and narrows her eyes. “You better always keep me up late.”

I lift her and sit her on the island, stepping between her legs. My hands rub her thighs as I grin. “Baby girl, never worry about that. It takes everything in me to keep from fucking you every time I touch, smell, or see you.”

Her smile is huge as she wraps her slender arms around my neck. “I know the feeling.”

I lean forward and nip her bottom lip, licking the sting away. “Damn right you do.”

If I had my way I’d fuck her right now, but unfortunately today things need to happen.

I step back and grab two plates out of the cabinet. “How about some breakfast?”

“Yes, please.”

I make our plates and we sit beside each other at the island while we eat. It’s so normal and I’m starting to crave the normal as much as the chaos. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very much the same angry guy I always was, just not with her. She calms me. She makes me laugh. She makes me feel. I didn’t think that was possible, but I think it was just waiting for her.

“Mmm,” she moans, biting into her pancakes.

“Clara, you’re gonna need to stop moaning because I’ve got important shit to do today and you’re gonna make that impossible.”

She giggles and holds the fork in front of her lips. “That doesn’t really sound like a bad thing to me.”

I grin and finish off my food. She’s still teasing me so I turn and rest my hand on her arm. “Baby, we need to talk.”

Her smile slips as she puts her fork down. “Oh, okay.”

“When Trace, Phantom, Henley, and I set out to get a target, it’s usually done quickly. It’s well-planned and executed swiftly. We’ve never had someone get away and we aren’t about to let that happen now. But I need your help.”

She visibly relaxes and straightens her back as she faces me. “Sure, what do I need to do?”

I squeeze her arm and search her clear blue eyes. “I need you to get your father here.”

Her eyes fall to the floor as she wraps her arms around herself. “Oh.”

I blow out a breath as I run my hand through my hair. “You said you would help and if I could do it without you, I would. But I can’t. He’s a fucking elusive son of a bitch.”

She shakes her head, finally lifting her eyes back to mine. “That’s how it’s been my entire life, Elliott. Even when we were in the same house, I never saw him. He’s good at hiding, like a fucking chameleon, blending in and staying still.”

“Which is why I need you, baby. I need you to get him here. That’s all I need you to do. I’ll handle everything else.”

She’s our last hope. If she doesn’t get him here, we may very well lose our first target. That thought enrages me. I’ve never lost and I don’t intend to let it happen now.

“How?” she asks.

I get up and go into my bedroom closet, pulling out the burner phone I’ve purchased. I bring it to the kitchen and hand it to her. “It’s a burner phone, untraceable. I put your father’s number in there.”

She looks at the phone, flipping it over in her hand. “Where’s my phone?”

Christ. “After I took your father’s number from it, I pulled the battery out and threw it down Black Falls waterfall.”

She slowly lifts her eyes to mine and the anger I see gets me excited. I want her to use that.

“You’re an asshole.”

I kiss her soft lips and grin. “I never said I wasn’t. I did what needed to be done at the time. If that phone was tracked, shit would’ve gone bad, you know that. I’ll get you a new phone, baby. I’ll get you whatever you want or need. You get that right?”

She sighs, nodding. “I get that. I’m just nervous to call my father. I’ve never done that before.”

“You never called him?” I raise an eyebrow as I stare at her.

“Nope, never. The only reason I had his number was in case the housekeeper or one of my old nannies needed him. You know the ones he wasn’t fucking.”

I wanted to kill Justin Hart for all the shit he’s guilty of. All the criminals he’s let free for the right price. I wanted to kill him even more after I saw how devastated Clara was when she found out he was responsible for her mother’s death. But now, seeing my girl uncertain about herself and the feelings she has, I’m going to kill him with my bare hands and enjoy every fucking second of it.

She holds the phone tightly in her hand as she looks from it to me. “What do I say?”

“You tell him you found something that could destroy him and deplete his accounts. The thought of something happening to his money should be enough to get him to step out of the shadows,” I explain.

She stares at the phone; uncertainty clear on her gorgeous face. I stand and lift her once again onto the island, stepping between her legs. I rest my hands on her face and lock my eyes with hers.

“Only a strong, confident, fearless woman would be able to handle me. That’s you, baby. I see it every day and it’s fucking beautiful. Recognize who you truly are, Clara. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. You don’t back down; you don’t let fear win. Own who you are and show the fucking world what I see,” I say.

She searches my eyes before flipping the phone over and pressing her father’s number.

“Put it on speaker,” I whisper.

She nods, as she does it.

“Who the fuck is this?”


“Clara? What the hell are you doing calling me?”

This son of a bitch.

“You need to come home, Dad.”

“I thought you went missing?”

She looks at me, a mixture of sadness and anger grace her face. I nod, reassuring her she’s got this.

“That’s probably because you’ve been missing for months now, or are you hiding?”

I grin, watching her get more comfortable as she finds her confidence.

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”

I go to grab the phone, but she pushes my hand away. ‘I got this’ she mouths.

“I know exactly who I’m talking to and if you don’t give a shit that I found something that could destroy you and deplete your accounts, I don’t fucking care. I thought I’d reach out and try to help, but I guess not. Good luck.”

“Wait, wait, Clara. What are you talking about?”

She looks at me and we both smile. Fuck, my girl is a badass.

“I’m not going to risk talking over the phone. Meet me—” She looks at me with wide eyes and I mouth the words Trapper’s Den. “Meet me at the Trapper’s Den, and I’ll explain everything.”

He curses under his breath, and I can hear the panic in his voice when he finally replies. “We should just talk at home.”

Clara looks at me and I shake my head. No fucking way will I give that prick the upper hand in his own home.

“We need him at the Trapper’s Den. Push him, baby, you’re doing amazing,” I whisper.

“Trapper’s Den, Dad. I’m not playing fucking games. I’ve done enough of that. If you want my help, you’ll meet me there.”

I grab her hand, pushing it against my hard cock.

She giggles softly, shaking her head.

She can think it’s funny all she wants but watching her right now is the fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. She’s realizing exactly who she is and it’s fucking beautiful.

“Give me two days. I’ll meet you there on Thursday at five in the evening,” he rushes out.

“Perfect, see you then.” She hangs up and tosses the phone on the island.

“You did good, baby girl. Real fucking good.” I grab her and carry her to the living room, putting her down on the floor. I unbutton my jeans and push them down just enough to free my hard dick.

She licks her lips as I sit on the couch, stroking myself.

“Watching you find your confidence was incredible, baby. Now strip and show me how confident you are by riding me.” I grab a condom out of my pocket and quickly roll it on while she pulls off the shirt she’s wearing.

My shirt.

She likes wearing them to bed and I fucking love seeing her in them.

“Fuck, Clara,” I groan, seeing she was naked under that shirt.

She wastes no time straddling me and impaling herself on my cock. “Yes,” she cries out.

I grab her hips and get her moving, allowing her to find the speed and position that feels best. When she finds it, the look of ecstasy on her face is unbelievably sexy.

“That’s it, baby, take what you need.”

Her head drops back as her fingers dig into my shoulders. Just like her phone call, I see her find her confidence. I allow her to take over, which isn’t easy for me, but I want her to understand she has control.

She moves her hips and digs her nails into my shoulders. “Oh fuck,” she moans out.

“Keep going, Clara, don’t stop until you come all over my cock.”

She moves faster and moans louder, bringing me so close to the edge that I need to fight hard not to come yet.

Her nails scrape down my back and I welcome the sting it brings. I smack her ass causing her to cry out.

“Do it again, Elliott.”

I grin and slap her ass harder, and she arches her back. I suck a hard nipple into my mouth and bite down on it, smacking her ass again.

“Fuck, I’m close.” She moves faster and I feel her pussy tightening around me.

Her nipple pops out of my mouth, and I suck on my middle finger, getting it good and wet. I reach around and push it against her ass. She doesn’t protest, so I push it into her tight hole.

“Oh my God, yes, I feel so full,” she shouts.

I fuck her ass with my finger while she continues to ride my dick. The sounds of her wet pussy taking what she wants echoes around us. It’s like fucking music.

“Listen to how wet you are, Clara. It feels good when you take what you want, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, oh Elliott, I can’t hold off,” she cries.

“Don’t fight it, give me your fucking release,” I demand. I move my hips against hers as hard as I’m finger fucking her tight ass and she explodes around me.

“Oh God,” she shouts out.

Her head is back, her nipples are hard, and the look of pure ecstasy graces her gorgeous face. I can’t fight my orgasm any longer and I follow right behind her.

I pull her against me, and we hold onto each other as we slowly recover. Our breathing is heavy and she shakes against me, still feeling aftershocks.

After a few minutes she lifts her head and smiles at me. “Anyone else I should call so this can happen again?”

We both laugh and I swat her ass. “You don’t need to call someone, baby. You just need to look at me.”

She stands up and grabs my shirt off the floor, slipping it back on. Her eyes drop to the floor, and I tuck myself away, sensing she needs to say something.

“What is it, baby?”

She lifts her eyes to me and lets out a breath. “I want to confront my father before you get your hands on him.”


“Elliott, you don’t look happy. What happened, didn’t get a blow job from the little lady?” Henley asks as we sit down.

“Shut the fuck up and keep your thoughts out of my goddamn pants,” I hiss.

“Shit, what happened?” Trace asks, staring at me.

I scrub a hand down my face, sighing before steepling my fingers in front of my mouth. “Clara talked to Justin. Convinced him to meet her here on Thursday at five.”

“Fucking finally,” Phantom says.

I nod, looking around at them. “No shit, but there’s a twist now.” They all focus on me and I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms. “Clara wants to confront him before I have my fun.”

“What?” Trace asks.

“Oh fuck,” Henley groans.

“Let her,” Phantom replies.

We all turn toward him, and he shrugs. “Look, I don’t know shit about relationships, but I know what it’s like to want to confront someone for something. Don’t take that away from her. We’re fucking good at what we do, we can make it happen. Give your girl what she wants, Elliott.”

It’s silent for a few minutes. I’m not sure what everyone else is thinking, but as for me, I’m pissed I didn’t think of it that way. Phantom is right. Clara does deserve to confront her father and get the closure she needs. I’ve been so concerned about letting it happen or how to make it work, that I didn’t consider her feelings. I didn’t consider the fact I have three of the smartest friends that can help me make anything happen.

“Let’s get a plan together,” I finally say, leaning my arms on the table.

“Trace and I can grab him in the parking lot. We’ll make sure he’s not being followed and when it’s clear, we can toss him into a casket in the back of the hearse,” Phantom suggests.

I nod, liking the idea. “One of you needs to keep eyes out while the other grabs him. We can’t risk anyone seeing.”

“We aren’t new at this,” Trace says, folding his arms across his chest.

I know I don’t need to worry, but I’ve never been emotionally involved with someone before. The risk of something happening to me or any of us now feels heavier. I don’t want Clara to get hurt because I fucked up and land in jail. Leaving her is not an option, so the details of everything need to be perfect. There is no room for error.

“Bring him to my house and we’ll let Clara have her say. Make sure you check him for weapons or bugs. I trust him as much as I trusted my fucking father,” I say, shaking my head.

“We got this, brother. You and Henley stay with Clara. Trace and I will get him there. After they talk, we’ll stay with your girl while you handle her father,” Phantom explains.

I look around at the three of them, more grateful than I’ve ever been for their friendship, understanding, and support. Being with Clara affects us all and they have welcomed her with open arms. Knowing that they will be there with her while I kill her father is a comfort I can’t explain.

“I’ll help her relax,” Henley says, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Touch her and I will fucking kill you without a thought,” I growl.

He laughs and the others join in.

“You kinda like her, huh?” Phantom says, laughing.

I shake my head, grinning. “Yeah brother, I kinda like her a lot.”

“We got this, Elliott. Let’s get this son of bitch and lay it all to rest. We deserve it, the victims deserve it, and Clara deserves it,” Henley says, his green eyes shining with sincerity.

“I will probably never say this again, but I agree with Henley,” Trace replies.

I chuckle and nod my head.

“Let the hunt begin.”

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