Set her free? She’s out of her fucking mind. I claimed her completely last night. She’s mine now. I will never set her free.

She’s obviously struggling with the truth of what her father did, her bloody arms are proof of that, but that’s something I understand.

She wants her father to pay for his sins and it makes my dick hard.

My delicate flower may just be like me after all.

My hold tightens on her arms, pressing against the blood, as I pull her to me.

Her blue eyes are angry, yet heavy with arousal as she stares into mine.

“You think after making you mine, I’m just going to let you go?” My eyes bounce between hers and I watch them darken. I lift her arms and keep my eyes locked on hers as I drag my tongue through her blood.

Her breathing increases as my hands cup her face. “It won’t?”

“Not a fucking chance. Help me get your father and I will give you everything you’ve been craving.”

She wets her lips with her tongue as her small hands grab onto my waist. Her touch sears me and I hiss, clutching my teeth. “How Elliott? You gonna keep me locked away and use me when it suits you? Or are you gonna make me believe you’ll be there for me? Make me feel wanted and needed? Make me forget what it feels like to be lonely?” She pushes up on her toes and moves her lips so close to mine that I can taste her already. “Are you gonna make me believe you love me before you fucking kill me?”

I slam her against the wall, pressing my body against hers. I grab her wrists and pin her arms above her head. My heavy breathing is blowing across her face as I narrow my eyes, tightening my hold on her wrists. “I’ve never hurt a woman,” I hiss.

She smirks, lifting an eyebrow. “Oh, a killer with a conscience.”

I suck her bottom lip into my mouth and drag my teeth against it as I pull back, allowing it to leave my mouth. “I don’t regret what I do, Clara. My conscience is clear. I’ve never lost sleep over the evil fucks that I’ve killed, and I never will. They all got what they deserved.”

I press my lips to hers and she immediately opens, allowing my tongue to tangle with hers. Her taste causes me to growl and the possessiveness I feel when it comes to her takes over. I move my hands down her arms and continue down her sides, grabbing her waist.

I break the kiss and rest my forehead against hers. “I don’t hurt women, Clara. I protect them with my fucking life. I couldn’t save my mother or my sister but that will never happen again. Not as long as there is breath left in my body. I kill men who hurt women and children. That will never change, but something did change the minute my eyes landed on you. I’ve never wanted a relationship; I saw what my mother went through, and my father’s blood runs within me. I never wanted to risk that fact.” I dig my fingers into her side, and she lets out a soft moan. “Until I met you. You bring a sense of calm to me that I’ve never experienced. You turn me on with just the thought of your gorgeous face. You make it impossible for me to let you go. You make me feel a possessiveness I didn’t know existed. I’m obsessed with you, Clara. Totally and completely obsessed.”

I don’t know how to express my feelings, mostly because the ones I’m used to having are of rage. But this is different.

“Elliott,” she whispers, moving her hands to rest on my face.

“My heart was a black void in my chest that stopped beating long ago, but when I saw you, it started beating. You’re the brightness to my dark. You breathed life into me. I can’t set you free because I want you more than I want my next breath. You’re mine now, Clara, and son of a bitch, I’m yours.” I pull my head away from hers as a tear rolls down her cheek.

“You brought me here and held me against my will for what feels like years. You’ve been forceful, angry, and a downright asshole. You’ve made me question my sanity over and over. You made me feel true fear and anxiety. You’ve caused me pain, sadness, and hopelessness.” She stares at me with such honesty in her eyes.

I stand still taking her insults because I deserve them. She has every right to hate me, and I wouldn’t blame her if she did. It will crush me, but I’d understand. As I get ready to say that she presses a soft kiss to my lips. Confusing me completely.

“Yet, you still turned me on like no other man has. You still make me feel wanted. You still cause me to have the most intense orgasms of my life. You still make it impossible for me to think of anything but you. You still manage to make me want to be yours. You make me hope for a relationship with my captor.”

Her words cause my pulse to race as I feel a possessiveness stronger than ever washes over me. My dick presses against my pants as I stare at her beautiful face.

I push down her head, watching her get on her knees in front of me. She looks up at me as I unbutton my jeans and her blue eyes are full of heat.

“I know your taste, now you need to know mine.” I free my hard dick and stroke it. “Wrap those sweet lips around my thick cock and suck me hard, Clara.”

She keeps her eyes on mine as she takes me into her hot mouth. A jolt rocks through me and I growl, fisting my fingers into her hair.

Her hands move to my ass as she begins to bob her head, taking me back as far as she can each time. Having her on her knees in front of me with my dick in her mouth is the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen.

She’s every bit the delicate flower I call her, moving too slow for me. I’ve fantasized about this for so long that now that it’s actually happening, I need her to rip my release from me.

I start moving my hips and using the grip I have in her hair to move her head faster. Showing her exactly how I need it.

It doesn’t take long before she understands exactly what I need, and my head falls back. Her teeth scrape against me, and I hiss, pulling her hair.

“Good girl, use your tongue on my piercing.”

She flicks her tongue against it and my hips thrust forward as I groan. I feel her grin against me and I fucking love the confidence she is feeling. She takes over and I fucking let her. She’s sucking me hard and fast, using her teeth lightly against me. I glance down at her, and I nearly explode.

Her eyes are closed, and her lips are wrapped tightly around my dick. Watching it slide in and out of her mouth is an image I’ll never forget. It’s breathtaking.

She flicks her tongue against my piercing again and my balls tighten.

“Fuck, I’m not gonna last much longer. Rip my release from me, Clara. Take what belongs to you.”

She moans against me, and I feel it through my entire body. The effect this girl has on me is like nothing I’ve ever known. My body reacts to her touch, her voice, her scent, and her taste in a way that makes me believe this girl was made for me.

Just me.

Her fingers dig into my ass, and she swirls her tongue around my piercing before scraping her teeth against me. I can’t fight it any longer, I explode in her mouth. My dick pulses as she drinks down every drop that I release.

“Fuck, Clara, yes. Take it all,” I groan.

When I’m finished, I pull my dick from her mouth and yank her onto her feet. I slam my mouth to hers and kiss her roughly as I work to get her leggings off.

She’s pulling at my shirt while I’m lifting hers. I break the kiss so we can remove our shirts and while she kicks off her leggings, I reach into my pocket and pull out a condom before stepping out of my jeans completely.

I quickly roll the condom on and grab her, lifting her off the floor. She wraps her legs around me. I push her back against the wall as I slam into her.

“Fuck,” we both moan in unison.

My fingers dig into her hips as hers rest on my shoulders. I drive into her hard and fast, craving the feeling of her tight pussy squeezing me harder with each thrust.

“You’re mine, Clara. I’ll never fucking let you go.”

Her head hits the wall as I circle my hips, hitting the spot that makes her see stars.

“Fuck, Elliott. Don’t let me go,” she cries out.

Her words spur me on, and I fuck her against the wall like a mad man.

“Your wet pussy takes a pounding like the dirty girl you are.”

I bite her neck, causing her to scream in both pain and pleasure. It’s addicting. She’s addicting.

She’s as close to coming as I am, so I reach between us and rub her sensitive clit.

“Oh God, yes!”

“That’s it, baby. Give me your release.” I lick a path from her neck to her ear and lick the shell before nipping it. “Your orgasms belong to me now. Every last fucking one.”

“Yes, oh Elliott, yes,” she cries out as her body shakes.

“Give it to me, Clara,” I demand, pinching her clit.

“Elliott, yes.”

My name falls from her lips as she gives me her release. Her sounds of pleasure are no match for me and I follow right behind, whispering her name as my orgasm finds me.

We hold tightly onto each other, breathing heavily as we slowly recover. I slide to the floor, cradling her against me.

She rests her head on my chest and I look down at the marks she gave herself. Learning the truth is never easy and I know it’s fucked up she hurt herself, but I understand. She felt trapped and it was the only way to get relief. At least that’s how it’s always been for me.

She’s as delicate as she is tough and I’m not even sure she realizes it, but she will. I’ll make sure she does.

Her head tilts back and those gorgeous eyes collide with mine. “Now what?”

I kiss her soft lips and hold her tighter against me. “I have no idea.”

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