Glancing left and right, Nicole clenched her jaw and scowled at him. “We’re still at the estate. I think we should first escape from here.”

Evan gazed at her anxious face and caressed her supple cheek with the back of his hand. “Alright, but there’ll be an interest charge after getting out of here.”

An interest charge? Sure.

With her hands on her cheeks, she tried to hide her shy smile.

“Who’s making out over there? Aren’t you afraid of getting caught while cheating?”

A voice called out from afar and gave Nicole a jolt in surprise. Realizing that it was a bodyguard, she pursed her lips.

This isn’t cheating, but normal interaction between the parents of four kids. But making out under the bright lights is, after all, a little inappropriate and too conspicuous.

Casting another glance at the bodyguard, Nicole’s face flushed beet red. She stepped on Evan’s foot and scuttled away hurriedly.

Watching her run away in a haste, a half-smile formed on Evan’s face. He then went after her.

The couple went back to their room one after another. The kids had done packing by then and were waiting for their return.

Juan asked excitedly, “Mommy, Daddy, can we go now?”

With a sleepy face, Maya said, “Mommy, I want to sleep. I can’t keep my eyes open, not even with my hands.”

Nicole looked at the other three kids. “Are you guys sleepy? Do you want to get some shut-eye before we go?”

“Mommy, we should go now. We won’t be able to leave if the old witch comes to stir up trouble.”

“How about Maya then?”

“Mrs. Seet, I’ll carry Maya. Let’s leave the estate first. We’ll find a hotel for the kids to rest afterward.”

Weighing her options, Nicole decided to go with the plan. They couldn’t sleep peacefully here anyway.

As they left, Stephen’s bodyguards made way for them so no one could stop them.

The moment they were out of the estate, Nicole’s heart overflowed with relief.

“Mr. and Mrs. Seet, will Lady Musgrave get mad when she finds us missing tomorrow?”

Nicole’s gaze darkened at the question. I guess Sir Musgrave will be able to handle it.

“Let’s go,” Evan said.

The group headed to a nearby hotel for a temporary stay so that the kids could get a good rest.

While checking in, Evan asked for two rooms. One for John, and the other one for the rest of them.

In the room, Nicole’s eyes flicked between the four kids on the bed and Evan, who was lying on the floor. She couldn’t help feeling sorry for him.

“Why didn’t you take one more room? As the president of the Seet Group, you can obviously afford it.”

“I want to sleep together with you guys.”

Evan insisted to be by their side. He was worried that something unexpected might happen because the hotel was very close to the estate.

“Do you want to sleep on the bed?”

Evan glanced at the bed and saw Juan sprawled out on it. Maya never stopped kicking while Nina kept rolling around. On the other side of the bed, Kyle deliberately kept a distance from the three.

The kids had occupied the entire bed. There was hardly enough space for Nicole, let alone him.

“There’s no space for you on the bed. Why don’t you sleep on the floor as well?”

Nicole recalled the times she had slept on the floor and the backache that came to her the next morning. No, thank you. I really don’t want to sleep on the floor ever again.

“I need to sleep on the bed to look after the kids. What if they fall off the bed?”

Evan fell silent. Not wanting to force her, he switched off the lights.

Soon after falling asleep, the woman heard a dull thud.

In a daze, she struggled to open her bleary eyes. Is there an earthquake?

Listening carefully for a short while, she didn’t pick up anything strange, so she closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

At midnight, she heard another thud. Just as she chose to ignore it, Maya’s sobs echoed in the room.

She promptly switched on the lights and was stunned by what she saw.

Evan was sitting on the floor with Maya in his arms, coaxing her to sleep, while Juan and Nina had fallen to the floor as well.

Only she and Kyle were left on the bed.

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