When she recalled that Daphne had played those dirty tricks on Nicole Lane and the children on her orders, Lady Musgrave felt even more sorry for her.

“Daphne, don’t worry! I’ll make them pay for this!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned on her heels and walked out of Daphne’s residence.

When Nicole saw her four children return in high spirits, she knew immediately that they had completed their revenge plan successfully and taught that wicked woman a good lesson.

Just as she was about to praise them, she heard an urgent knock on the door.

“Who’s that?”

It was already so late. Who could that be?

Nicole opened the door to see John standing outside, his expression looking rather panicked.

After receiving the orders from Evan, John had been watching over the children silently as they carried out their revenge plan against Daphne.

When he heard that they were going to execute their plans tonight, he hid himself in a corner and observed. He left the scene a little later, and found out that Lady Musgrave was on her way to seek revenge.

“John! What is it?”

“Mrs. Seet, you’d better take the kids and hide somewhere immediately! Lady Musgrave is intent on seeking revenge for her niece, and she’s coming almost immediately!”

Lady Musgrave.

Nicole felt her heart sink. She didn’t think Lady Musgrave would’ve found out so quickly. These children must have been too careless and let something slip in their carelessness.

Trouble was coming their way.

Aside from Sir Musgrave, his wife was the most important person around in this estate. If she insisted on avenging Daphne, Nicole and her children were going to suffer greatly.

“Mommy, it was Daphne who bullied us first! All we did was take revenge. What’s there to be afraid of?”

Hearing Nina’s indignant argument, Nicole couldn’t help but sigh.

Lady Musgrave would never hear them out. She was Daphne’s aunt, and she was going to take her side for sure.

Nicole had met Lady Musgrave a few times before, and she knew that the older woman’s loyalties lay with her blood relatives rather than cold logic. Besides, she had always hated Nicole and the kids, and she wouldn’t pass up such a good opportunity to torture them.

“Mommy, we were the ones who did this. This has nothing to do with you! When the time comes, just hand us over to her…”

“Shut up!”

No mother would sell out her own children like this. She certainly wasn’t going to submit her children to Lady Musgrave’s cruelty.

These four children were her life. She had to protect them.

“Let Mommy think. Mommy will be able to come up with something.”

Just as she was wracking her brains to think of an idea, Maya suddenly said, “We can go hide out in that grandpa’s residence, can’t we?”

Nicole and the three other children turned to look at her instantly.

She was right. That grandpa had announced that nobody other than him was allowed to enter his residence.

Perhaps Lady Musgrave would be too scared to enter too. They would be safe then, wouldn’t they?

Maya could be so clever sometimes.

“Mommy, that’s the only place we can go now! It’s the safest place in the entire estate!”

“Exactly! Mommy, let’s not hesitate anymore. We should leave now.”

Nicole nodded. Although John didn’t know where they were referring to, he had no choice but to send them over there right now.

“Mommy, look! That old witch is bringing people over to our residence!”

Maya pointed to the distance. Under the fluorescent lights of the corridor, she could see Lady Musgrave heading in the direction of their house with a suite of maids and bodyguards in tow.

Looking at the number of people around her, Nicole knew she meant business. If she caught them while she was still so enraged, Lady Musgrave would punish them horribly to set things right for Daphne.

Nicole sighed with relief. Thank goodness they chose the little path that led down into the garden. Otherwise, they would have bumped right into the duchess.

“Let’s hurry and go. Once she realizes that there’s no one in the house, she’ll send people to search for us all over the estate.”

Just as Juan finished speaking, John suddenly recalled those extra bodyguards Evan had gifted them.

“Please leave first! I have to make a detour first. When they realize that you aren’t here, they’ll go and look for Mr. Seet.”


After John left, Nicole and the four children quickly made their way to the only safe refuge they knew.

When Lady Musgrave arrived at their residence, she found it to be completely empty.

“Where are they? They must have found somewhere to hide. Start looking for them right now!”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

The maids went through all the rooms, turning them inside out as they looked in every nook and cranny. However, there was nobody in the house at all.

Lady Musgrave’s face clouded over with rage. She made for the residence of the bodyguards that Nicole Lane had brought along with her.

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