However, John told her that Evan had found out an important piece of information about her birth from Daphne. Nicole wanted to ask him what was it.

Should she talk to him and ask him about it?

As she struggled to make up her mind, Evan had already walked right up to her.

He gazed unblinkingly at her with his deep eyes, making Nicole feel a little uneasy.

Just as she was about to walk away from him, Evan suddenly grabbed her by the arm.

“What do you want?” Nicole asked impatiently, shooting him an angry look.

Evan had already anticipated that she was going to be mad at him. He wasn’t perturbed at all—in fact, he continued to gaze at her coolly.

He said, “I found out two important pieces of information regarding your birth. Do you want to know what they are?”

Yes, tell me right now!

As she had expected, Evan refused to tell her the information directly. Nicole counseled herself quietly and told herself to bear with her grudge and talk to him for now. Once he finally told her, she was going to put up more walls between them!

Gritting her teeth slightly, Nicole asked, “What is it?”

Slowly, Evan replied in a deep, throaty voice, “It took me lots of time and effort to get my hands on these information. If you really want to know, there’s a price you’ll have to pay.”

A price?

Was this jerk really asking her to pay a price for the information?

Did—did she have to do that?

However, she really wanted to know who was the loser to abandon her mother all those years ago. Any price would be a small one for that sort of information.

“Well, what do you want from me?”

Evan looked at Nicole’s face with amusement. She was wearing a wary expression that silently warned him to toe the line. As his lips curled into a smile, he bent his head closer to her ear and whispered, “I want you!”

The hot air that blew into her ear as he spoke made Nicole’s ear feel a little numb, as though an electric current had passed through it. Her entire face turned scarlet with embarrassment as her heart started to race.

She hadn’t expected him to ask for this sort of thing!

An image of him pulling out all stops to rescue Daphne popped into Nicole’s mind. She gritted her teeth in rage.

And he still wanted her to sleep with him?

No way! If he thought she was going to promise him, he was wrong!

Nicole grabbed a corner of her shirt and started fiddling with it. She lifted her head and looked at him dead in the eye, a scornful expression on her face. “Dream on!”

This girl could never agree to a compromise!

“I’ll take it that you don’t want to know the clues anymore?”

Nicole burst into laughter. “Even if I did, I would never agree to a condition like that.”

“Is my condition very outrageous?”

“Yes, it is!” Nicole replied confidently.

Something flashed in Evan’s eyes.

It seemed that Nicole didn’t have any sexual desire towards him. Evan thought this was quite strange for a couple.

He frowned as he sunk himself into deep thought. After a while, he asked, “Are you still angry because of the incident with Daphne?”

Of course she was!

What sort of woman would feel happy after seeing the man they loved jumped in to save the life of another woman? Moreover, he seemed to have fallen for Daphne as well.

If that sort of woman did exist, Nicole wasn’t one of them.

She was very possessive of her man, and wouldn’t give other women an opportunity to sink their claws into him.

However, most women were duplicitous. Although Nicole felt very annoyed, she pretended that she wasn’t. Breezily, she replied, “Get close to whoever you want! Why should I care anyway?”

She broke off their intense gaze and looked down at her own fingernails, pretending to admire them.

Evan was speechless.

Realization dawned over Evan. Since Nicole had been so reluctant to sleep with him and seemed to show no jealousy towards his pretended flings, was she sick and tired of being around him?

Had she fallen in love with someone else?

Was it Levant?

He had been investigating her since a year ago. Had sparks started to fly between them?

Evan felt a sudden pain in his chest. He could feel someone grabbing his heart and was squeezing it brutally.

The man felt as though he was being suffocated to death.

As Evan’s face clouded over, Nicole pursed her lips unhappily. What a stingy man he was! If she didn’t agree to his condition, he would probably take the secret information to his grave.

Even if he refused to tell her, she could find out the same information from John if she tried hard enough.

She shot him one last glare and walked away.

She had just taken a few steps before Evan suddenly spoke again in his deep, booming voice.

“Don’t set your hopes on Daphne anymore—she doesn’t have an acupuncture mentor! Also… Levant isn’t Sir Musgrave’s son.”

“What?” Nicole was very shocked.

She suddenly recalled Sir Musgrave announcing that Levant had no chance of ever inheriting his dukedom.

Back then, Nicole had been very puzzled when she heard it. She finally understood now. It turned out that Levant wasn’t Sir Musgrave’s biological son and didn’t belong to the direct lineage of the Musgrave family.

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