“Alright.” Nicole nodded and held the girls’ hands as they headed for the dessert store.

Beside her, Nina’s gaze trailed towards Evan, Juan, and Kyle. A small frown settled on her brows as she saw them walking further away.

Why didn’t Mommy ask them to come along as well? What if we lose them?

Thinking of it, she tilted her head and asked, “Mommy, why don’t we ask Daddy to join us?”

But Nicole grunted and hastened her steps instead. “I’m not going to do that!”

She was still angry with him for trying to seduce Daphne yesterday.

Seeing her mother in a foul mood, Nina followed quietly without saying another word.

Over at the dessert store, Maya’s eyes glimmered with excitement the moment she saw the wide array of colorful and yummy desserts laid out at the counter.

To a small girl like her, such simple joy was heaven. Her mouth watered as she stared at the cheesecake. It had been a long time since she last indulged in desserts.

“Mommy, can I have a bigger piece?” she implored.

Nina rolled her eyes and smacked her lips when she heard her sister’s request. “You’ll gain more weight if you keep eating. You’ll become as big as a bear and you won’t be able to walk at this rate.”

Maya took a look at herself and let off a disgruntled scoff. It was true that she was on the fleshier side and that she had a small belly, but she felt Nina was exaggerating when she said Maya would not be able to walk.

“Yeah, yeah, I know you’re slim. You’re so slim you look like a monkey, like a stick, like a wire, like a spaghetti!” she derided.

Nina blinked her eyes sarcastically at her and looked at Maya in the eyes. “I might be a spaghetti, but I’m proud of myself!”

“You!” Maya pouted her lips and thought of how she could retaliate.

It was not like she could say she was proud of being an overweight bear.

She was lost for words.

“Both of you need to stop fighting. Maya, Nina’s words are harsh, but they are well-intended. Why not we eat less this time, but I promise to bring you here again?” Nicole suggested.

Maya thought about what her mother said and nodded obediently.

After having their picks, the three took their desserts and went over to the dining area. Maya stole a look at Nina and emulated how she ate like a fine lady, taking one small bite at a time.

Nicole smiled at Maya and patted her on the head. She knew Maya wanted to lose weight, but it was too difficult for her to say no to her cravings.

Her children were still learning how to be more disciplined and it was her job as their mother to push them a little.

As they were enjoying their desserts, Nina’s phone rang and Evan’s name showed on the phone screen. He was frantically looking for them when he realized he had lost them.

Upon finding out that they were at the dessert store, Evan quickly brought Juan and Kyle over.

“Mommy! Why didn’t you tell us you’re going to get dessert?” Juan complained.

“Yeah, Daddy was worried sick,” Kyle agreed.

Nicole took a glimpse at Evan and did not reply. Me? Getting lost? I’m an adult!

Besides, it’s not like I want to see him.

Sensing there was something going on between their parents, Juan and Kyle exchanged sly looks and started scheming a plan.

Juan stepped forwards and pushed Evan towards the table. As Evan sat down beside Nicole, she quickly distanced herself from him.

Evan’s look hardened when he sensed her trying to move away. He adjusted his seat and moved closer towards her.

But Nicole was not buying his advances to reconcile with her at all. “Don’t come any closer. Can’t you see there’s a huge gap between us?” she warned in a low voice.

Evan shot her a clueless look and then shifted his gaze to the empty space between their seats. “A huge gap? What do you mean?”

“It’s an invisible but irreconcilable gap,” she replied coldly.

Evan smiled wryly while looking at her without another word.

It seemed like she still had not gotten over what happened yesterday.

But it was not like this was the first day Evan knew her. She was always this difficult whenever she got jealous.

He did not mind putting up with it since she was his wife. In fact, he was just going to wait and see how long her anger would last.

He decided to ignore her and turned towards the kids instead.

But alas, he was met with a ghastly sight. Kyle just cut his coconut cake into a weird shape while Nina spread cream and salad over the cookies. In the meantime, Maya was talking to her belly after having her cake pop; Juan was practicing Taekwondo while keeping an eye on his cake.

Evan almost facepalmed as he beheld the ridiculous scene. At one point, he even wondered who those kids took after and his gaze naturally moved towards Nicole.

It’s obviously not me.

Come to think of it, it’s no wonder they turn out exactly like their mother.

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