Thus, she had to approach them in a way no normal person would.

She tousled her hair and made it a mess. Then, she plucked two flowers and kept them in her grasp. Putting on a blank look to make herself look like an idiot, she tiptoed her way in their direction.

In the meantime, Daphne posed Evan another question, “You’re still single, aren’t you?”

He did not answer her as he was not in the mood to entertain her pointless questions. Instead, he only kept his eyes straight on the road ahead.

Just then, Nicole scurried toward them and landed a punch on Evan.

When Evan spun around and saw her, surprise was written all over his face.

Meanwhile, anger was evident on Daphne’s face when she saw Nicole. “What is an idiot like you doing here at this hour?”

Nicole shot a fleeting glare at Evan first before she started giggling foolishly.

Damn, why does my voice sound so croaky?

Nicole did not really lose her mind, so it was hard for her to laugh when she saw her man spending time with another woman.

Thus, she stopped forcing herself to smile before she walked up to them and seized Evan’s arms.

“W-What are you doing? Let go of him now!”

Since Nicole had already snatched Levant away from her, Daphne would never allow Nicole to do the same thing to Hector again.

However, it seemed like Daphne’s words had fallen on Nicole’s deaf ears as she went on to sink her teeth into the flesh of Evan’s arm.

Then, she snapped, “Ass*ole, this is the punishment you deserve!”

Instead of pushing her away, Evan put up with the pain and let her be.

Judging from the glare she just shot him and how hard she was biting him, he knew the silly lady was being jealous.

Yet, for some reason he was pleased, because it showed how much she cared about him.

“Let him go now!” Daphne was ready to summon the maids over to haul her away.

Nicole only let go of his arm when she felt that her anger had been alleviated. She then made a run for it the next second.

“I really should teach that fool a lesson some other time!”

Suddenly, Evan turned around and gave her a penetrating gaze.

Daphne’s heart skipped a beat under his gaze and she couldn’t help but wonder whether what she just said was wrong.

“Ms. Ankins, may I ask you a question?”

“What is it that you want to know? I happen to have some questions for you too. You may ask me first!”

“I heard that your acupuncture master is famous for his skill. May I have the honor to have him check my pulse?”

My acupuncture master?

Pfft! Daphne burst out laughing all of a sudden. “Who told you the rumor?”

Evan was rendered speechless. Rumor?

He furrowed his brows in disbelief.

Is that a mere excuse because she isn’t willing to speak truthfully?

Seeing he was unconvinced, Daphne gave him a detailed account of how the rumor eventually came about.

After listening to her narration, Evan finally understood what the matter was all about.

As it turned out, there was a bodyguard working at the estate who had some health problems. His life was saved by a mysterious person who gave him an acupuncture treatment.

The moment the bodyguard regained his consciousness, Daphne was the first person he saw and she happened to be holding a packet of silver needles left behind by the mysterious acupuncturist. That was the reason why the bodyguard assumed Daphne to be the one who saved his life.

Just like that, the rumor that she was an acupuncturist started spreading among the people at the estate because she did not bother to make any clarification.

Evan’s face looked extremely glum upon knowing the truth.

To his utter dismay, the information which they had thought to be an important clue turned out to be nothing but a rumor.

How ironic was that!

Just as he was about to walk away, Daphne spoke, “Now, it’s your turn to answer my questions.”

Evan did not respond to her.

After instructing the maids to give them some space, Daphne looked at Evan with a smug expression. “Are you interested in becoming the most respectable man in this estate?”

Surprise flickered in Evan’s eyes as he was at a loss for words.

He was both baffled and shocked by the question she posed.

Seeing his confused expression, Daphne explained, “I think we’re somehow destined to be together. Since Aunt Portia is going to make me the future duchess, you will become the future duke if you marry me.”

Evan remained silent as he did not quite get what she meant.

As Evan still looked puzzled, Daphne decided to tell him all about her plan. After all, she needed to make sure he was on the same page with her if they were going to marry each other in the future.

Fate had arranged him to meet her and save her life. In Daphne’s opinion, he was the perfect man sent by God to take care of her in Levant’s place.

“Let me share with you a secret – Levant isn’t Aunt Portia’s biological son and they aren’t related to each other. Meanwhile, I’m Aunt Portia’s niece and she adores me.”

Evan was stunned to hear that.

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