Nicole caressed Maya’s head and responded, “Your name is Donut!”


Mommy can recognize Nina, but not me.

Pouting her lips, Maya sighed bitterly, “Mommy doesn’t remember me anymore. I’m going to be an orphan who is loved by no one from now on.”

I’m so sad.

After applying ointment on Maya’s hands and bandaging them, Nicole reassured her, “Of course Mommy loves you. I love each and every one of you.”

“Mommy, you actually know who we are. So, have you really gone mad?” Juan asked with a look of utter surprise.

In the meantime, Kyle had been scrutinizing Nicole with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Nicole’s looking fairly normal at the moment without that goofy grin.

Could she be…

Sheila and John were surprised to note the difference in Nicole’s behavior too. Sensing that there was something more to it than met the eyes, John had the gumption to go and guard the door.

“Nicole, you didn’t really lose your mind, did you?” Sheila asked.

Nicole nodded her head.

The kids were both surprised and elated to see her reaction.

Maya looked stunned as she couldn’t believe she was fooled by Mommy just now.

“Mommy, why were you acting like an idiot just now?”

Nicole stared at them solemnly and replied, “I’ve been acting that way because someone tried to turn me into an idiot before this! All of you have to be extra careful throughout your stay here.”

Juan was pissed to hear that. “Who did that? How dare that person sabotaged my Mommy! I have to skin that jerk alive!”

Kyle cursed through gritted teeth, “I have to remove all the tendons from that jerk’s limbs!”

Wearing a dour expression, Nina seethed, “I’m going to apply makeup on that jerk and turns his or her into the most hideous person on earth!”

“I-I can hit that jerk with my Maya Punch!”

Uhm… Maya Punch is unavailable at the moment because my hands are injured… Another brilliant idea struck Maya at the moment. “I’m going to finish all the snacks that jerk stashed up in the cupboard!”

How useless and weak is that tactic? Nina rolled her eyes at Maya.

“Mommy, who tried to sabotage you?”

Nicole was happy to see how eager the four little devils were to avenge her grievance. “Please keep this in mind – stay away from everyone except for Mommy and Aunt Sheila from now on, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy.”

“Mommy, whoever tried to harm you will do something bad to us too. Please just tell us who is that culprit so that we can be mentally prepared.”

Sheila chimed in, “Nicole, please just tell us who that person is so I can be extra careful in the future.”

Looking at the inquisition in their eyes, Nicole revealed the truth. “It’s a woman named Daphne.”



The kids kept on muttering the name resentfully, making the woman their biggest enemy.

Punishment will be coming your way, you bad woman!

Yoda, who came to visit Nicole, was baffled when he saw John standing at the door.

Why is John here?

In fact, it’s actually good to have him here.

John had been Yoda’s right-hand man for years. So he was glad to see him there as his assistance would come in handy soon.

However, his way was blocked by John before he could even get near to the door of Nicole’s room.

John eyed him suspiciously. “Are you Yoda?”

The truth was, John had no idea who Yoda was. He only heard of his name as the kids kept on mentioning it during their journey to the estate.

As John was examining the man carefully, he found the man giving out a very similar aura to Mr. Seet’s. However, his face…

“Tsk, tsk. I’m sad to say that your great-looking body isn’t going to help you much when you have such a hideous face,” John commented after giving him a once-over.

Yoda experienced a mixed feelings hearing his comment. It never occurred to him that John, who had been working as his assistant for years, was actually someone who judged a book by its cover.

Seems like I didn’t do a great job in educating and training him back then.

“Has my face really changed beyond recognition or are you blind?”

John was stupefied when he heard his sonorous and arrogant voice.

How come his voice sounds exactly the same as Mr. Seet’s?

John examined Yoda’s face again as he stammered, “A-Are you…”

Yoda cast an annoyed glance at him before pacing his way into the living room.

John was stuck in a trancelike state, thinking that there was something fishy with Yoda.

Other than his face, everything about him was way too similar to Mr. Seet!

What’s going on? Could he be related to Mr. Seet?

But then again, I don’t recall Mr. Seet having a twin brother?

Yoda beamed with elation at the sight of the kids.

Juan, who was talkative as ever, spoke first, “Yoda, it must have been your credit that Mommy didn’t lose her mind.”

Nina sighed, “We were so worried about Mommy throughout our trip here!”

Yoda, who had yet to recover from the surprise to see the kids there, was shocked to hear what Juan just said.

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