However, what Nicole said was not unreasonable in any way.

Evan reckoned that it would be necessary to find a bodyguard for Nicole in the future. Someone who could follow her around and see to her safety when he could not.

Back to the situation at hand, the pair began to go through the events that Sylphiette described.

“Sylphiette wasn’t a complete bust. There was something she said that was somewhat useful—Your mother was pregnant when she married Zane. And Zane married her to get your grandfather’s help. It was a marriage of convenience, essentially.”

“You’re right,” said Nicole thoughtfully. “My mother may not have married him willingly. Earlier, Sylphiette said that my mother pined for my biological father but had no feelings for Zane. Rather, she felt sorry for him. I think that’s why she decided to take all the blame when Zane hit your grandmother.”

“Your mother had no feelings for Zane, and I think Zane felt the same way about your mother,” said Evan. “Otherwise, why would he have a child with Sylvia?”

Nicole smiled bitterly. “Don’t you find it ironic that two people with different purposes entered into the same loveless marriage with each other, only for my mother to end up that way? Yet the other party was unscathed!”

She sighed and continued. “Why did that happen to my mother? Since my biological father knocked her up, why didn’t he marry her? I also wonder why she kept his existence a secret from me even until her death and never said a word about him to me.”

Nicole picked up the coffee cup and toyed around with it before setting it down hard.

These questions weighed heavily on her, but she really wanted to know what kind of ill-begotten man her biological father was. She wanted to know why he abandoned a pregnant woman and left her in a state of desperation where she had to marry someone like Zane.

“Well, I think Sylphiette only knows this much. The rest will be uncovered in due time, with enough effort.”

They sat there in silence for a while. Nicole turned to Evan and said, “Mr. Seet, I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“I want to go to K Nation with Levant and get to the bottom of this. I want to know who that b*stard of a man is, find him, and make him apologize in front of my mother’s grave. She deserves nothing short of a full apology.”

Yoda did not respond. He wasn’t even expecting her to make such a rash decision.

But to let her go to K nation with someone like Levant, whose motives were unclear… it was hard for him to not be concerned.

He studied Nicole’s expression and realized that she had already made her mind up.

After some thought, Evan replied, “I’m coming with you.”

Nicole stared at him, a little alarmed at the suggestion. “But your parents need you. And the company—”

“And you don’t?” Evan interrupted her with a frown.

“I—” Nicole did need him.

However, she was concerned about how long the trip would take. There was no telling when they could return.

If Evan came out of hiding, it would fix so many problems. For one, Jonathan and Sophia would be thrilled to know that their son was alive this whole time. Even the Seet Group’s crisis would also be sorted out.

If Evan left with her, then he would then have to lay low for much longer.

Didn’t he care about his parents or the company he worked so hard to build?

Evan seemed to understand what she was worried about. He looked at her solemnly and said, “We don’t know why Levant wants to kill me yet. If word spreads that I’m still alive, then he won’t stop until I’m dead for sure. For now, it’s better to let him think I’m truly dead. If I come with you, we might get answers to both our questions.”

Nicole pondered over this for a moment and realized that Evan’s suggestion made sense. “But what about the kids?”

“Don’t worry, my mother will take good care of them.”

Nicole agreed with what he said, for Sophia was really kind to the children.

Since there were no other options, she’d sit the children down at the next opportunity to discuss this with them.

All that was left was to find out when Levant planned to return to K Nation.

That night, Nicole made plans to call Levant. She showered and locked her bedroom door before making that dreaded call.

Levant picked up shortly after. “Nicole? I didn’t expect you to reach out. Not since the incident at the Amazon Hotel…” he trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

“What incident at the hotel?” asked Nicole, feigning ignorance.

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