The three little children looked at each other in surprise as they walked out of the study room, shell-shocked by the sudden revelation and feeling helpless to boot.

Juan mentioned to Kyle, “Do you have any idea why Daddy hasn’t come back?”

“Anyway, I won’t believe a word uttered by that witch regarding Daddy’s death.”

“I don’t believe it either. How could our mighty Daddy die?”


It was then Yoda realized, in their minds, Daddy was so omnipotent and powerful that he could control life and death.

Children were indeed innocent.

As they had never experienced life or death, they were not aware that death could be knocking on anyone’s door at any point in time.

Kyle sighed, “But if he doesn’t come back, what should we do if Mommy really ends up marrying Mr. Levant?”

“Then we’ll do everything we can to sabotage the wedding. We can’t let Mommy be with Mr. Levant, ever.” Juan decisively said.

“I will sabotage the marriage too. Yoda, will you help us?”

Looking at Maya, Yoda nodded in agreement.

The children were unexpectedly so united. In this matter, he should be the one who should stop the marriage with all his effort.

The four children settled into their respective bedrooms to rest. As Yoda was walking downstairs, he stopped suddenly when he saw the lights were still on in the study room.

Should I just go up to her and confess?

Remaining silent, he decided that the time was not ripe yet. He still needed to hide behind Yoda’s identity to pull off some important tasks.

Once his identity was revealed, all previous efforts would be in vain.

Nicole, I’m so sorry.

He clenched his fingers into a fist, moved his legs, and resumed walking downstairs.

In the meantime, Nicole was sitting at the study, staring in a daze at the human skin mask that the butler had passed to her.

Now she understood why it had not worked when she had forced him to wash his face several times. She had thought that he was wearing a makeup disguise. Instead, he had put on a human skin mask all along.

“Evan Seet, you bastard. You are obviously not dead. You know that I am grieving over your “death”, yet you are unwilling to reveal that you are still alive?”

Slamming her fist onto her desk, she continued to murmur, “Do you like to watch me lose my mind for you? Don’t even think about it! I won’t let you see me sad again. I will be happy and live happily ever after with another man. Just you wait and see!”

As she whispered those words, she was shredding up the human skin mask in her hand little by little.

The next day.

After Nicole got up, she got dressed in front of the mirror. She made up her mind to take a trip to Levant Winery.

Sylphiette had called her before and the former had first mentioned that she was not Zane’s biological daughter. Sylphiette had also mentioned that Zane had traveled to K Nation to investigate her parentage.

Obviously, even Zane was not aware of her parentage.

Then again, she had guessed that Levant would know some background information of hers, hence she had decided to seize this piece of clue.

Levant had wanted to marry her for his own agenda. Since that was the case, she should put on an act and play along, just to stimulate and rile up a certain someone who was hiding behind a mask.

“Let’s see how long you can keep up your act!” Nicole muttered under her breath resolutely.

Levant Winery.

As he was reading the relationship stratagem Zackery had laid out for him, Levant pondered about his next move.

He had gone over to Nicole’s to bid her farewell last night. it was obvious to him that Nicole still wanted to know about her parentage, and knowing her, she would take the initiative to ask him soon.

However, there were just so many unknowns. What if she did not show up?

Levant was uneasy the moment these thoughts struck him.

The manager gave Zackery an eye gesture.

Getting his hint, Zackery stepped forward reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Levant. She’ll be here. If she doesn’t show up in the morning, she’ll definitely be here in the afternoon. If she doesn’t appear today, she’ll be here tomorrow. In short, within two days, she’ll definitely show up!” Zackery spoke in a very convincing and confident tone.

“She’s different. What if she never shows up?” Levant cocked his gaze at Zackery.

Meanwhile, Zackery was praying fervently in his heart. Please let this Ms. Lane be here; she must show up. She had to. Otherwise, his generous reward would disappear.

Although he himself was lacking in faith, he had to put up a brave front to boost Levant’s confidence.

“Mr. Levant, don’t you worry. I promise you she’ll show up. If she doesn’t, then well, you can just fire me.”

“To merely fire you will be too lenient. Mr. Levant will first let his people beat you up so badly that you’ll be beyond recognition even by your own birth parents. Only then we’ll let you off,” the manager chimed in a jovially dangerous tone.

Damn, what have I gotten myself into? I do not expect a relationship expert to be living a life on the edge.

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