Levant was speechless as he listened intently. While he had no experience in relationships, he could still sense some semblance of truth in the man’s long-winded explanation.

At the moment, he had no better solution, so he decided to keep the man at his side for now and gave him a go.

Upon hearing that Levant had decided to let him stay, the man was overjoyed.

It was totally out of his expectation that his years of accumulated experience in flirting and picking up girls would one day translate into a well-paying job.

His mind could not help but muse: Life is full of surprises indeed.

“Why don’t you fill him in about the current situation with Ms. Lane? Let him plan and come up with a strategy to help me court the lady of my dreams.”

Levant looked at the manager keenly while relaying instructions.


Mr. Levant can really blow a matter out of its proportion sometimes. Shouldn’t he just practice it? Why on earth does he want a strategy guide? To study in advance?

Despite his misgivings, the manager still nodded and accepted the request, “Yes, Mr. Levant.”

As the manager led the “love mentor” out of the room, a grin of joy crept across Levant’s face.

Nicole, here I come!

Meanwhile, the manager led the love expert to the next room and gave him a pen and paper. The manager briefed the latter not to worry nor rush, but rather to slowly think and write down the strategy with careful consideration – making sure to write down the most useful tricks in a courtship.

“Don’t worry. Even if I can’t do a single thing right my whole life, when it comes to relationships, I am confident there is no woman under the sun I can’t court. And that is not an exaggeration.”

The manager gave the man another visual scrutiny. Judging from his lanky body, his average appearance, and his shabby clothes, the manager secretly sighed and wondered: how good can this man be?

Then again, women loved sweet talkers.

“And you are?” the manager asked.

“The love expert, Zackery Williams at your service.”


“Zackery Williams is my name.”

“Ah, that’s a good name.” The manager said politely.

Zackery gave the manager a sweet smile.

The manager could feel goosebumps all over his body. “Cut the crap and quickly write down what you’re supposed to do. After you’ve finished show it to Mr. Levant. Chop-chop!”


Zackery spent two hours writing down all his precious experiences one by one.

After jotting it all down, coupled with the current situation with Nicole, he meticulously analyzed and wrote up a plan.

Gingerly he stood up and showed the manager the result of his hard work.

Just by merely glancing at the pages of densely-packed words, the manager could feel a headache coming up.

“Anything related to women is usually trouble. Forget it. Since I can’t understand it, you may as well show your work straight to Mr. Levant.”

Upon receiving the pages in his hands, Levant looked at them curiously. The more he looked at them the more they seemed like a script.

“Courting a lady involves acting too?” Levant queried incredulously.

“Mr. Levant, life is but a play. What I wrote for you is the most classic script used since ancient times. It will teach you the most effective dating tricks to win over Ms. Lane in the shortest time possible.”


Levant knew he was in for a headache as well. However, upon thinking of Nicole, he decided to bite the bullet and thus pored over the script carefully.

It was unthinkable that there was so much knowledge in the art of dating.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After work, Nicole left the Lane Corporation early.

She had deliberately gone to a professional lock picker. It had taken a long time to open the box. The moment the box was pried open, she saw the content and was dumbfounded.

How could this be?

Inside the box was a note with a short line written on it: “Is it fun to be a thief?”

Darn it! Is it possible that the owner has long expected her to steal the box, hence, has stored the note inside since the beginning?

As she pondered on it, it felt unlikely.

Recalling the movement in her room last night, she concluded that the content of the box had been taken away and was replaced with the note on purpose.

Who then, is the one that did all this?

Studying the handwriting on the note, she suspected that it was the clue she needed. Tracing the handwriting to its source would lead her to find out who the culprit was.

Since the box originally belonged to Yoda, he would be the most suspicious one on the list and should be the first one to be investigated.

Putting the note away safely, she drove back to the Imperial Garden.

As soon as she entered the living room, Nicole immediately ordered the butler to call Yoda into her study room.

Witnessing Nicole’s darkened expression, the butler did not dare to delay. Turning around, he briskly walked away to call for Yoda.

“Quick! Ma’am is waiting!”

As Yoda headed towards the study room, he knew the reason why he was called and what was in store for him, yet he did not panic.

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