After the call ended, John took a deep breath. Knights always ride to the rescue of a damsel in distress. Apparently, Mr. Seet is no exception!

How would the Seet family react when they find out he has done this for Nicole?

When the president is blamed, hopefully, I will not get into trouble.

“Mr. Seet, have you thought about the consequences before making this decision?”

John stared at his mobile phone with a worried expression as he let out a heavy sigh.

Nicole got up from bed and prepared breakfast. As usual, she sent the two kids to kindergarten.

In order to prevent them from seeing any scandalous reports in the news, last night she had prepared a lot of work for the children.

She could withstand anything but the children’s hearts were fragile and they could not take too much battering.

They needed to be protected with care.

When they reached the kindergarten, Nina and Maya waved goodbye to her happily.

After seeing them running and skipping into the building, Nicole gave out a sigh of relief. The smile on her face faded away slowly and was replaced by a look of worry.

She turned the car around and drove quickly to Lane Corporation.

The moment she reached her office, she saw something she had never experienced before.

A crowd had gathered outside her office. At a closer glance, they seemed to be waiting to take photos of her to create trouble.

There were even some carrying vegetable baskets in their hands, apparently containing rotten vegetables picked up from the rubbish bins at the market.

Are these meant to be thrown at me?

At this moment she must be the most hated woman and there were people waiting to beat her up wherever she went.

Who would have known that the power of scandalous rumors was this strong?

Seeing her car, many people gathered around and yelled at her.

At this moment, Nicole was extremely sad and she felt as if she had done something so terrible that even strangers hated her.

Not far away, the woman behind the scenes, Sofie, was hiding in a corner with her mobile phone ready to take videos of the next scene of Nicole’s humiliation!

When this video was posted online, it would be another sensational hot news.

This was guaranteed to destroy Nicole.

She would never have the chance to marry into the Seet family ever again.

Nicole was in a dilemma, sitting inside the car. It was dangerous for her to get down from the car. She could imagine what would happen when she got off the car.

If she remained inside the car, this crowd would not leave either.

As she was at a loss what to do, suddenly several luxury cars drove in her direction.

Then she saw Sheila getting down from one of the cars. She did not know what Sheila said to the crowd but they seemed to discuss something and then dispersed.

Full of curiosity, Nicole came out and asked Sheila what was going on.

Sheila laughed, “These are actors specially hired to do some acting, some will question you, some will scold you and some will throw things at you. The purpose is to give you a bad name.”

Nicole frowned and asked, “Who hired them?”

“They don’t know who hired them. The people behind this plan will not let them know. As long as they get paid, that is what matters.”

“Then, why did they leave?”

“I asked them how much they will be paid. The one who hired them is paying one thousand each. I am paying them one thousand one hundred and they don’t need to do anything. There is no reason for them not to leave.”

Nicole was speechless.

This was beyond her imagination.

Apparently, this person behind the scenes really wanted to destroy her. He or she would go to any lengths to get it done.

“Sheila, thank you!”

“Don’t thank me. Sooner or later, we will be one family.”

Nicole was speechless again.

Seeing Sheila being so warm toward her, Nicole did not speak her mind.

Sheila, even if you can marry Davin, it is impossible for me to get married to Evan and so we can never be one family.

I’ll remember your kindness and repay you one day!

Hidden in a corner, Sofie watched the group of actors being sent away and she gritted her teeth in anger.

Why would Sheila help Nicole? She has really dashed my plans!

No, I’m not leaving it alone. I must create more trouble for Nicole and completely destroy her hopes of ever marrying Evan.

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