“Oh, I have to go now. Bye.” Davin turned around and left in haste.

A corner of Evan’s mouth quirked up. He did not expect someone as carefree as Davin to be so afraid of Sheila.

This is his Achilles’ heel!

I’ll remember this, and if need be, I’ll threaten him with this.

Davin’s phone rang the minute he stepped out of Seet Group.

He took a glance at the screen, instantly felt his head hurt, and slapped his hand on his forehead. What is wrong with this woman? Can’t she leave me alone?

Just when I thought I could take a breather, and here she comes! Argh.

After venting his frustration for a bit, he still answered her call.

“What do you want?”

“Davin Seet! The doctor specifically warned you not to run around. Where the hell did you go?”

“I’m handling some matters in the office. I’ll be going home tonight and won’t be returning to Rose Garden. You should go home too.”

“You’re not coming back? Are you planning to stay in the office the whole day?”

“I have some other matters to attend to as well. Got to go now. Bye, Sheep!”

“What the hell. Why are you calling me She…” Before she could finish her sentence, Davin already hung up on her.

In the last couple of days, Davin was forced to stay in bed. Now that he finally got a chance to roam around, of course, he would not want to return to Rose Garden. Day and night, she just couldn’t stop nagging. I can’t stand her anymore!

He needed to be away from Sheep for a day so he could have some fun.

Sheila stared at the darkened screen and let out a sigh. In the last couple of days, when Davin could not move around, she was relieved that she got to stay by his side.

Rumor had it that Davin had once fallen madly in love with a woman, but they somehow parted ways due to an unknown reason.

She was worried that Davin had not given up on that woman. What if they bump into each other and fall in love again?

“No way. This will not happen. He’s my fiancé now, and I’ll not allow any woman to go near him!”

Sheila was a woman of action, and she immediately made a call and ordered someone to track Davin’s whereabouts.

Meanwhile, at Lane Corporation, Nicole had a long day. She was exhausted, but at the same time, she was very happy.

Companies that used to stay away from Lane Corporation took the initiative to approach them and expressed their interest to work with Nicole’s company.

Deep in her heart, she knew these people had a change of attitude all because of the trending topics on social media.

It was all because of Evan and Seet Group.

Is this why he didn’t get someone to remove the trending stories? He wants to help me and my company?

Or is it because he’s too busy to look into this?

Or perhaps all these rumors mean nothing to him.

Nicole processed these thoughts for a moment. I don’t know why he didn’t remove the rumors from social media, but I know I’ve benefitted a lot from it.

Therefore, she wanted to express her gratitude.

Nicole took a glance at her watch and realized it was time to fetch her children from school.

She then left the office and drove to Maya and Nina’s kindergarten.

Once she had picked them up, she contemplated if she should get Maya to call Evan and invite him over for dinner.

Before she could make the call, her phone rang.

It was Mrs. Seet.

She hesitated as she was taken aback for a bit, but eventually, she answered the call.

“Can we meet, Ms. Lane?”

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“We want to know what’s going on between you and Evan. Do you want to come to Seet Residence, or you want us to go over?”

It seemed inappropriate for Nicole to have the elders come over. Besides, Mrs. Seet had always treated her well, so Nicole believed they would not do anything bad to her.

With a sincere heart, Nicole replied, “I’ll pay you a visit.”

“Alright. We’ll wait for you.”

After ending the call, Nicole let out a sigh and went straight to Seet Residence. What should I do with Maya and Nina?

Initially, she wanted to bring them along, Nina refused to go. In the end, she had no choice but to leave them at home.

After making some simple snacks for the two girls and telling them to take good care of themselves, Nicole drove straight to Seet Residence.

While making her way to their house, she felt anxious all of a sudden.

What will Mrs. Seet say to me?

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