Nicole rubbed her fingers lightly as she thought about John’s words. She couldn’t help but feel that Evan had crossed a line this time—his actions had utterly humiliated her.

She looked up at Evan without a trace of fear on her face. “Mr. Seet, the Lane Corporation might be in dire straits right now, but I won’t sell my body because of that!”

“I haven’t played any of the emotional games you’ve accused me of playing. As for throwing myself at you, you can dream on!”


Evan froze. So much for John’s reminder—Nicole had completely misunderstood his words.

However, Evan took an issue with her denial of throwing herself at him…

Looking up at Nicole, he smiled blithely and said suddenly, “When you’re drunk, you do throw yourself at me, though.”

Nicole frowned, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

“Evan Seet,” she snapped, “why exactly have you invited me here today?”

Seeing her furious expression, Evan coughed slightly.

“I called you here to talk about our company’s partnership. Let’s get serious!”

Nicole looked at him suspiciously. There was something off about Evan’s behavior today.

Could he be making use of their partnership to make a move on her?

That was quite unlikely. After all, Nicole had gotten drunk yesterday night, and it would have been a wonderful opportunity for Evan to take advantage of her. However, he hadn’t done anything. Perhaps he was contemptuous of her!

Nicole’s head buzzed with theories. Ultimately, she decided, it was better to keep her guard up around this man. Heaving a sigh, she sat down and started discussing the partnership contract with Evan.

As Nicole listed her requests, Evan agreed to them without even pausing to consider them carefully.

As the requests became more outrageous and Evan continued to approve them, Nicole started feeling a little perplexed.

Evan never engaged in a business deal that would cost him a loss. Why was he suddenly opening his wallet so generously in order to save a small, struggling company like hers?

Nicole suspected that he had an ulterior motive.

After the talks concluded, John came in with the contract. Seeing Evan lifted up the pen and signed his name on the contract, Nicole finally felt at ease.

That thin piece of paper was the Lane Corporation’s way out of their quagmire.

Nicole thanked Evan sincerely before placing that piece of paper into her bag carefully.

Looking up at him, she said, “Mr. Seet, I need to ask you for another favor. Maya wants to eat your spaghetti again. Can you teach me how to make it?”

Evan quickly put on a serious expression and rejected her request, claiming that the recipe was his secret and he couldn’t let others know about it.

“I see,” Nicole said rather forlornly. “Just forget that I asked.”

Maya was going to be disappointed again.

Nicole walked out of the president’s office, feeling both overjoyed and dejected.

In the president’s office, Evan’s lips curved into a meaningful smile.

“What a silly woman! I’ll see you at night.”

That night, Nicole picked Nina and Maya up from kindergarten.

The moment Maya set foot in the house, she started whining about how she wanted to have Evan’s spaghetti for dinner.

Nicole felt a migraine coming on.

Evan had refused to tell her the recipe. How was she going to resolve this issue?

In order to prevent Maya’s disappointment, Nicole had no choice but to try and recreate Evan’s spaghetti herself. She even told Maya a white lie that Evan had given the recipe and that she could recreate the taste of his spaghetti.

Hearing this, Maya blinked her huge, round eyes and ran to sit down at the dining table, waiting patiently for Nicole to finish cooking.

Nicole arrived in the kitchen. Fervently, she prayed that she would be able to pass her spaghetti off as Evan’s own.

She googled how to make spaghetti, before turning to the stove and starting to cook seriously. When she was done, she walked out to the dining table and set down a plate of spaghetti before Maya.

“Maya, you must be hungry! Here’s your spaghetti.”

Maya blinked excitedly and picked up her chopsticks, ready to dig in. However, one mouthful of spaghetti later, she put down her chopsticks and complained that the taste wasn’t the same.

“Mommy, this doesn’t taste like Daddy’s spaghetti at all. I want to eat his spaghetti.”

Nicole tried to coax her into eating the rest. “Maya, this is Daddy’s spaghetti.”

“No, he doesn’t make it like that! This isn’t his spaghetti…” Maya starting throwing a tantrum.

Nina looked at her sister’s uncharacteristic outburst and said that Maya’s refusal to eat must mean that she wasn’t really that hungry. She advised Nicole not to pay any attention to her.

This made Maya even angrier. Instead of giving Nina the Maya Punch like she usually would, she burst into an ear-splitting wail.

“Maya, don’t cry. Mommy will remake it for you, okay?”

Nicole was prepared to follow every single recipe on the internet. There had to be at least one out of all of them that tasted like Evan’s spaghetti.

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