Before Juan could answer, a knocking was heard.

Nicole hurried to open the door.

A lavishly-dressed man, who looked like he was here for a catwalk, stood by the door. Nicole was stunned.

“It’s you?”

She was not expecting Evan to show up here.

He must be here to pick up Kyle and Juan.

When Evan saw her behind the door, his eyes lit up. He could not control himself but to study her from head to toes.

She looks elegant, capable, and charismatic in this simple black dress. Her curve is outlined perfectly in the dress along with her slightly curly long hair.

“It looks great on you.”

Surprised that Evan would comment on her outfit, she smiled. “Thank you.”

“I heard you are in charge of the Lane Corporation. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

He was speechless.

What is with the sudden change in her character? Why is she giving the same reply?

Nicole did not have a sudden change in character. It was merely because she had been rejected everywhere and she no longer had the energy to fight with him.

Evan lifted his leg and stepped into the room.

The children’s hearts were beating extremely fast at the sight of him.

Uneasy, Kyle and Juan gazed at each other before lowering their heads.

Maya froze on the spot with a shocked expression. With her eyes fixated on Evan, she forced an unnatural smile that looked uglier than a crying face.

They were feeling guilty for hacking their Daddy’s account!

The only one who remained their composure was Nina. She rolled her eyes at Evan arrogantly and went back to her bedroom, ignoring him completely.

Evan looked at Kyle and Juan with sharp eyes. These two are behaving weirdly. They don’t even dare look me in the eyes.

After thinking about it for a moment, he figured that they were scared of being brought back home as they still wanted to play.

Hence, he sat on the sofa. “Go ahead and play. I’ll bring you back home when you’ve had enough fun.”

The two boys nodded and fled to the toy room.

Looking at Evan who was seated on the sofa, Nicole wondered if he was going to stay for lunch.

His deep and mellow voice interrupted her thoughts.

“I heard the Lane Corporation is in need of cash to keep the operation running. What’s your plan?”

Her heart plummeted upon hearing this. What does he mean? Is he showing concern for me?

Seeing that she had no reply, he added, “The two chances I offered are still valid.”

It was obvious what he meant; Nicole may ask him for money.

A sudden sadness washed over her when she heard his words.

Is he planning to lend me money or does he have ulterior motives? It doesn’t matter what his intentions are. What’s important is I should stop depending on him and keep a distance.

“Mr. Seet, I will take care of the Lane Corporation. Thanks for your concern.”

Evan’s pupils constricted slightly. How is she going to solve the problem?

She stood straight and talked to him in a polite tone. This made him uncomfortable.

“I’m interested to know about your plan. Are you going to ask Rocky for the money?”

His words seemed to carry a profound meaning.

He specifically used the word ‘ask’ instead of ‘borrow’, which made it sound like she had an unusual relationship with Rocky.

Nicole was disturbed by his choice of words.

“Mr. Seet, I’ll ask anyone for help except you! Don’t you worry about it.”

Evan was speechless.

Ha. She’d ask everyone else but me? Who’s richer than me in Y City?

He was the dream guy of numerous socialites in the city. However, Nicole, being the only exception, despised him.

Evan’s deep eyes stared straight at her as fury overwhelmed him.

Suddenly, Juan ran out. “Mommy, we’re hungry. What are we having for lunch?”

Nicole thought about it and looked over her shoulder. Is he going to stay for lunch as well?

Evan knew what she was thinking. He slumped onto the sofa lazily and spat out two words, “I’ll pay!”

She was dumbfounded. So he does plan on staying. I’ll prepare more and earn some money then.

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