Thus, she feigned sleepiness and asked Sylvia to arrange a room for her.

Sylvia cleaned the guest room obligingly and even put her most expensive bedsheets on the bed. Normally, she wouldn’t even use those precious bedsheets for herself.

“Ms. Thales, the bedsheets are smooth and silky. You will definitely sleep well in them.”

“Mm, I want to sleep already and don’t wish for anyone to disturb my sleep. So, please make sure that no one will make any noise near this room.”

“Rest assured. No one will disturb you.”

Nina nodded and crawled into the bed.

Sylvia tucked her in and only tiptoed out of the room after making sure that Nina was comfortable. She closed the door behind her with a soft, almost inaudible thud.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Nina got up from bed immediately. She left her room quietly and roamed around the house, with footsteps as light as the cat, in search of Nichole’s whereabouts.

Suddenly, she heard Sylvia’s voice when she passed by the study room.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Cannon. She is in my hands now. You will surely be satisfied.”


“Yes, you are right. She will definitely be obedient. I will make arrangements.”


A thought struck Nina’s mind. This witch must be referring to mommy!

Sylvia hung up the call and walked out of the study room, mumbling to herself. Nina quickly hid in the room beside the study room.

Sylvia went into her bedroom before coming out with something in her hand while mumbling to herself, “Little slut, this will definitely make you obedient and earn some money for me!”

Nina, who had been spying on her, had a bad premonition when she heard Sylvia’s words.

This witch wants to hurt Mommy! I must save her immediately! But where is Mommy now?

When she was racking her brains, Sylvia fetched a glass of water and beckoned a maid over before whispering something inaudible into the maid’s ear.

A troubled look crossed the maid’s features.

“Ma’am, this is not right. Nicole…”

“Stop uttering rubbish and do as I say! Otherwise, I shall make life difficult for you in the future!”

A vicious glint flashed across Sylvia’s eyes. The maid had no choice but to oblige. She agreed to deliver the dubious glass of water and some snacks to Nicole.

But Sylvia was worried and followed behind the maid.

She wanted to see for herself that Nicole drank the water!

But never in their wildest dream would they guess that Nina was behind them too. Seeing that they were headed to the maid’s room, Nina realized it was where Nicole was held captive.

This is an emergency! How should I stop this witch!

She dashed to the living room, picked up the vase and slammed it on the ground, smashing it into pieces.

Sylvia jumped at the sound of the vase breaking and ran towards the living room in a panic.

“What happened?”

When Sylvia was running in the direction of the living room, Nina had slipped through the tiny gap between the sofa and the wall and ran towards the maid’s room.

Indeed, the door is left ajar. The maid is in the room, coaxing mommy to drink that dubious glass of water. She still feigns kindness and claims to have fetched the water for mommy out of pity for her. What a liar!

Nicole looked at her suspiciously. How will the maid dare to go behind Sylvia’s back to deliver water and food to me? Won’t they fear the horrible punishment from Sylvia, that vicious woman? I don’t believe this maid! She must be up to no good!

Suddenly, the room door was closed, and Nina shouted anxiously, “Mommy, knock her out quickly!”

Nicole, who was in a daze, recognized Nina’s voice and acted accordingly to her instructions instinctively.

Before she realized what happened, the maid was knocked unconscious after Nicole pricked a needle, which she had been hiding in her palm, into her neck.

Nicole looked at Nina in astonishment, “Nina, why are you here? And why is your face made up like this?”

“Mommy, I’m here to save you…”

Nina relayed the conversation she had eavesdropped on earlier to Nicole. The latter clenched her fists in anger.

Damned Sylvia! How dare she arrange for me to sleep with some random man! I must take revenge!

“Nina, I need your help to deal with that witch.”

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