Ian did not dare to name a high price as he was the one asking a favor.

“Mr. Seet, I’ll leave the price to you.”

“Alright then, I’ll pay the market rate. As for the Northern Suburbs project, can I assume you’re happy with the price I agreed on?”

Ian was taken aback.

What a scheming move from Evan! He knew that he wouldn’t be taking this loss-making project and pushed the unfair deal to the Yan Group instead.

He had no choice but to accept.

Otherwise, they would suffer greater losses if word got out that Evan was targeting the Yan Group.

“Alright then.”

After hanging up, Ian commanded, “Transfer ownership of the apartment at Summervale to Evan immediately. You’re no longer allowed to set foot there!”

Evan was swift and efficient. He managed to get the property rights within the blink of an eye!

Rocky was indignant, but he was powerless to do anything about it. He could only bear with it for now.

Evan was in high spirits and slumped against the sofa. He started mulling over how to assert his dominance over Nicole at his newly acquired apartment.

I’d like to see the look on that woman’s face when she finds out that the house is now mine.

Just as he was rejoicing over his victory, he received a call from Sylphiette.

“Evan, why haven’t you returned yet? I’m waiting for you to have dinner together.”

Evan spat in disgust when he heard the sickening tone, “I’m staying in Hillside Villa tonight and won’t be going home!”

He hung up promptly.

He knew how Sylphiette was able to answer Davin’s questions accurately and was sure that Sylphiette was not the girl from back then!

If it were not for the fact that she might know who the girl was, he would have tortured her to let her know the consequences of deceiving him!

Sylphiette stared at the blank screen of her phone disappointedly.

Looks like even though I managed to answer Davin’s questions, Evan is still suspicious. What can I do to regain his trust?

She was lost in thought.

Evan phoned Davin.

“What’s up, Evan?”

“Since you managed to find out that Sylphiette is an imposter, did you also manage to find out who the actual girl is?”

“Evan, who else is there other than Nicole? She’s the only daughter of the Lane family other than Sylphiette!”

“What if the girl isn’t from the Lane family? I suspect that Zane is making all of this up!”

“In other words, you want evidence?”

“That’s right! Sylphiette is our best clue. Make use of her!”

Davin glanced at his injured leg and responded, “Evan, you know that Sylphiette is a tough nut to crack. How do you expect me to get any leads from her with the state I’m in?”

“That is very true!”

Just as Davin felt touched by his brother’s concern, Evan concluded, “Find someone to help you, then!”

So it’s back to me again?

“Who else can I count on? Evan, please!”

“You have Sheila, don’t you! That way, you can improve your relationship! Mom will be happy to hear this!”

“Evan, are you trying to find evidence, make mom happy, or do you have some other motive for this?”

Evan chuckled, “Both are important! I can definitely stand to learn from you and get a new sports car from mom as well!”

Davin gulped. Which busybody told Evan that I got my car by betraying him?

“You have five days!” Evan suddenly set a deadline.

Davin paused and the first thing he thought of was to bargain.

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