“Tell me you surrender, Davin Seet!”

Sheila pinched Davin by the cheek and glared at him. “I’ll scratch your face if you don’t!”

“Okay! I surrender!”

At this moment, Davin could only think of how much of a disadvantageous situation he was in now but he had to suck it up and endure the torture.

“Are you going to keep calling me Sheep?”

“No, I won’t!”

“What are you going to call me?”


“Hmm?” Sheila clearly didn’t seem too pleased. She tightened her grip on his face.

“Then tell me what I should call you!”

“Call me Your Majesty! Now!”

Davin took a deep breath. After silently telling himself that he’d have a chance to get back at her one day, he gritted his teeth and cried out, “Your Majesty!”

With that, Sheila finally let go of him.

“What a chicken.”

Kyle rolled his eyes outside the door, not forgetting to remind Juan never to follow Davin’s footsteps in picking on a girl.

Juan nodded and made up his mind to get his classmate a new pencil case the following Monday. I can’t let myself end up like Uncle Davin when I grow up.

As the house fell silent, the two boys leaning against the door were about to leave when it suddenly flew open. They fell to the ground.

Sheila hurriedly bent over and helped the children who were eavesdropping up.

“What did you two just hear?” she asked with a cheerful look on her face.

Juan’s eyes darted left and right as he shook his head.

“You didn’t hear anything, did you? Good boy!”

Sheila happily caressed his head.

Kyle glanced at Davin, who was covering his own face with one hand. “We heard you teaching old meanie Uncle Davin a lesson. Great job, Ms. Sheila!” he answered while giving her a thumbs up.

This took Sheila by surprise. She didn’t expect anyone from the Seet family to back her up. Looks like Davin really deserves it!

“Kyle, you little brat! How dare you call me a meanie? Just you wait—”

Sheila turned and glared at Davin, causing the man to shut up immediately.

“You’re such good boys! Let me take you out shopping for gifts. You can have anything you want, okay?”


“Yes, anything!”

The two boys were overjoyed.

“Come back once you’re done,” Davin urged. “I’ll need you to take part in this afternoon’s show.”

Juan and Kyle were taken aback.

What did Davin want them to do?

Juan thought back to when Davin asked for their help when performing a magic trick for Russell. He curiously asked if his great-grandpa was coming to watch today’s show.

“Great-grandpa won’t be coming. Do you miss him? You can ask Daddy to take you to his place if you want to see him.”

Juan nodded vigorously.

Sheila propped her chin with her palm at the mention of the old man as she gazed at Davin with a displeased look on her face.

Davin instantly felt anxious.

Having just been punished by her, he spoke as gently as possible. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Sheila clicked her tongue. “Seriously… If it weren’t for your grandfather, my family wouldn’t have readily agreed to let me marry you.”

Davin scoffed. “Your family sure is smart. Who do you think my grandpa is? He’s the legend who founded Seet Group. Of course you’d agree to—”

“Stop, stop. I’m not talking about your background.”

“Then what do you mean?”

“What I meant was that my parents were moved by your grandfather’s love for your grandmother. They felt that Mr. Russell’s grandson would be just as loving, so they agreed to our union. But look at you! Are you sure you’re his grandson?”

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