Nicole grinned awkwardly. “I’ve finished eating too. Let’s go then.”

Suddenly, Rocky’s phone rang. It was a text message.

There was a glint of confusion in his eyes after reading it. When he was getting up, he accidentally hit the wine glass and it spilled on Nicole.

He apologized at once and helped her to clean up.

“It’s okay, I’ll do it myself.”

“I’m really sorry. It’s cold outside, why don’t you take my jacket?” Rocky removed his jacket and put it on Nicole without any hesitation.

Although she wanted to decline, she was more concerned of the embarrassment it would bring her if she walked in public with a big patch of red wine stain on her chest.

Hence, she nodded while adjusting the jacket.

“I’m really sorry about it. I’ll buy you a new blouse tomorrow.”

“No worries. I can still wear this after washing.”

“Come on, Mommy, why don’t you just let Uncle Rocky buy you a present?” Her little rascal was coaxing her and she would not stop until Nicole glared at her.

When they were leaving the hotel, someone bumped into Nicole. She stabilized herself and was taken aback when she realized who gave her that hefty shove.


“Oh what a coincidence, Nicole!” She was scrutinizing her jacket, which belonged to Rocky.

Rocky explained casually, “Her blouse was stained by red wine, so she’s wearing my jacket.”

Sylphiette was secretly delighted while showing off the jacket she was wearing. “Well, Evan was afraid that I’d catch a cold, so he gave me his jacket too. Rocky, you’re such a gentleman to my sister.”

“We have to head back soon. Let’s get going now.” Nicole could not be bothered and strode off. The children followed.

Rocky intentionally walked closely by her side. From a certain angle, it looked as if he was hugging her.

Snap! Sylphiette took the opportunity to capture pictures of them with her phone and smirked satisfactorily.

“Nicole Lane, just wait for the next exclusive tabloid.”

You’re a flirtatious mother of four who don’t deserve to have your own Cinderella story!

Sylphiette knew that Evan was with Nicole. Hence, when she got into his car, she pretended to be unwell and borrowed his jacket. Then, she schemed ‘the encounter’ to show off the jacket and implied her closeness with Evan. Sylphiette was pleased to see the reaction she had expected from Nicole.

Her red lips formed a coquettish smile as she turned around and rushed towards the parking lot.

The impatient Evan asked, “Where did you disappear to for so long?”

“I had a tummy ache, Evan. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Throughout the journey back to Rose Garden in his Rolls-Royce, Evan did not speak another word.

Meanwhile, after putting her children to sleep, Nicole sat by the window, gazing at the stars.

Evan is treating Sylphiette so well, would he help Lane Corporation to stage a comeback?

It’s been very challenging to seek revenge for mom and claim possession of Lane Corporation. If Evan becomes the pillar of support for the Lane family, then it would make it even harder for me to achieve anything.

When she thought about that, she felt so lost and down. How many more hurdles await me? Will I be able to accomplish what I desire to do?

She sighed while going through an emotional turmoil. Right then, a text message from Rocky came in: Nikki, I have a question for you.

She regained her senses and replied: What is it?

After some time, another message came in: Forget it, have a good rest.

Nicole knitted her brows in confusion. What did he want to ask me?

Rocky was reflecting on what he just did and he felt uneasy being caught in a dilemma. Is this the right thing to do?

Rocky knew very well that Nicole liked Evan, but Evan already had Sylphiette.

If only Nicole realized that she had no future with Evan, she could move on with her life happily. I reckon I’m actually helping her by doing this, aren’t I?

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