After saying her piece, Sophia held Juan and Kyle’s hands before walking out.

Juan inhaled deeply before turning to Kyle and asked, “Why can’t I smell anything?” Also, is there something wrong with my nose?

Kyle sniffed around too, “I don’t smell anything.”

Davin chuckled aloud.

“You two rug rats are hungry, aren’t you? Alright, I will get you some barbequed fox today, and the two of you can pretend that meat is the woman. Tear into that flesh and vent out all your anger.”

Sophia glared over at Davin and reminded him, “That is too graphic for the kids. Let’s have hotpot today, and we’ll get a variety of meat, not just barbequed fox. How’s that?”

The two kids were ecstatic to hear that.

Juan suddenly thought of Maya, and how happy she would be if she were there with them.

He pictured Maya eating so much that her face was all smudged, and her round, little tummy would bulge like a cute piggy. That got him to giggle while covering his lips.

He missed them when he couldn’t hang out with them all the time.

I wonder what they’re doing now.

Nina was putting make-up on a figurine at the time when she suddenly sneezed. Maya immediately got Nina a piece of tissue.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Nicole smiled as she watched her children played together nicely.

Her phone rang up at the very next second, and she checked the screen to see that it was from Rocky.

She accepted the call.

Rocky invited Nicole out for dinner. He suggested a restaurant nearby. It served unique dishes that the kids would love.

Rocky had been a great help to Nicole, so she didn’t feel right rejecting his invitation. Besides, she thought she would pay for dinner as a gesture of appreciation.

“I’ll go pick you girls up. I should be there in about twenty minutes.”


The two kids were delighted to hear that they were eating out that night.

Maya was especially happy, and she jumped around gleefully. She completely ignored her plump tummy showing itself and dancing in the air.

Nina looked exasperated and turned away as if she was too annoyed to say anything.

Nicole walked to Maya and helped her cover her tummy up.

“Maya, let’s go change into another outfit, okay?”

Maya stared at the tiny shirt that could barely keep her tummy concealed. She sighed.

The floral print shirt was her favorite.

She reached out and touched her chubby face before saying, “Mommy, I think I should really lose some weight.”

“Alright, then we’ll eat less.”

“Okay,” agreed Maya as she nodded.

Nina’s eyes bulged as she stared at Maya.

Nina was convinced that Maya’s sudden desire to lose weight would definitely be defeated by her incredible appetite.

Twenty minutes later.

Rocky showed up on time, and Nicole got the two kids into the car before they headed to Amazon Hotel.

The night was as chilly as ice.

Evan seemed gloomy when he sat inside his Rolls-Royce. He kept thinking about how Davin had asked him if he truly loved Sylphiette.

Do I really love her?

Evan lit up a cigarette.

The smoke parted, and when it brushed past him, it highlighted the pride in his handsome face and the sorrow in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and thought about what Sylphiette had said earlier.

“Evan, your mom doesn’t like me. What do we do if she insists on chasing me away and make me leave? I don’t want to leave you. I honestly don’t! I’ve always seen you as my future, and you promised. Back then, you promised that you will keep me safe for the rest of my life, Evan.”

Back then…

Why can’t I feel the way I felt before? What’s the problem? Is it because the silly little girl from all those years ago had changed? Or am I the problem?

Nicole’s beautiful face suddenly popped up in Evan’s mind when he thought about the girl. The way Nicole looked at him, her smile, her frowns… everything was memorable.

Why am I thinking about that woman again?

Evan slammed on the steering wheel. He was even more frustrated, and he tossed the cigarette out of his car before he stepped on the gas.

The neon lights shone brightly under the dark sky that night.

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