Kyle thought about it before nodding with a straight face on.

“Mommy has moved into Uncle Rocky’s house, and Nina mentioned how much she loved the place. I bet she’s going to help Uncle Rocky court mommy.”

“Nina is a traitor!”

Kyle’s distant little face shone with a hint of anger. What about daddy? What is he going to do if mommy really ends up with Uncle Rocky? Our dreams of getting the family back together will also go up in smokes if that happens!

“This isn’t entirely Nina’s fault. She and daddy are like enemies, so it’d be strange if she wants to help him.”

“We must help daddy if she won’t. Only daddy will love and care for us. Stepdads will only torture us,” informed Kyle, who had a serious face on when he turned to Juan.


Juan scratched his tiny little head. I don’t think Uncle Rocky would go as far as torturing kids… Wait, that is not the point… “How do we help daddy?”

The two tiny things got lost in their minds. One of them rested his chubby cheeks on his hands as he thought while the other one frowned.

After a while, Juan suggested they ask for Davin’s help.

Kyle scoffed and spat three precious words, “He is useless.”

Davin caught Kyle saying that, but the former shrugged. I’m not useless, okay? The b*tch is just too powerful. I still can’t figure out how that Sylphiette got the renowned Mr. Seet to condone her terrible behavior.

Despite that, Davin still helped his two nephews come up with ideas.

“Okay, I’m useless, but a certain someone can definitely help. It all boils down to whether or not the two of you can get that person to help.”

The two kids turned around. Juan looked surprised when he saw Davin there.

Kyle, however, remained cool and glared at him without saying a word.

“Kyle, I’m your uncle, not your enemy, so it’s not nice to look at me like that.”

Kyle’s expression changed from distant to downright annoyed and discriminating after hearing what Davin said. The former even rolled his eyes at his uncle.

Davin suddenly felt like the kid’s distaste towards him had just intensified.

That previous glare was fierce, but at least it wasn’t piercing.

“Alright, alright, we’ll pretend I never said that last bit,” said Davin before he turned to Juan and added, “You understand what I mean though, don’t you?”

Juan scratched his teeny head as he thought about it. His beautiful, dark eyes shone with revelation when he blurted, “You meant asking grandma to help!”

“Smart boy. Your grandma is the only one who is able to knock your dad out, and it is a joy to watch.”

“Then we’ll go ask for grandma’s help right away.”

Juan stood up to walk up the stairs, but Davin reached out to stop him and give him some advice.

Juan giggled and promised, “Don’t worry, Uncle Davin.”

After saying his piece, Juan dragged Kyle along, and they went to their grandma’s room.

Sophia was lying on the bed with her mask on at the time. She even lit up a scented candle and was relaxing both her body and soul.

Two tiny figures suddenly barged in and ran to her side.

Kyle greeted coolly, “Grandma.”

Juan was quiet for a moment before his eyes turned watery. His incredible acting talent kicked in, and he sounded devastated when he called out, “Grandma…”

His watery eyes were especially heartbreaking, and Sophia was knocked out instantly. She turned to him and asked, “Oh, my sweet boy, what is it? What’s wrong?”

“Grandma, if daddy marries that witch and she becomes our stepmom, we will definitely be tortured.”

“Stepmom? Now that is just not true. Your daddy will not marry that woman.”

Sophia was surprised to hear that. Who told the kids such things?

“Grandma, I don’t want daddy to marry that woman. She is a witch!”

Kyle chimed in suddenly, and his tiny face glowed to show how serious he was.

“It’s true, grandma. Stepmom will hit us and will turn into a big, bad wolf. She will eat us up!” insisted Juan, whose tears slipped out of his eyes. Kyle thought about how terrible things would be if his dad actually married the woman, and he couldn’t help crying as well.

Sophia’s heart shattered when she saw her two precious grandsons crying like that. She kept cooing endlessly, but the two little things were stubborn. They kept crying no matter what she said.

Davin walked in at that moment and saw the two kids crying so pitifully. He sighed and mentioned, “They must’ve been traumatized by Sylphiette’s bullying.”

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