Chapter 1967 Beware Of Nicholas And Mabel

“I also don’t know what to do. Should Maya fall for another man, will Wilbur still want her?”

“Dream on! Why would Maya get together with another man? And don’t even think about hooking her up with someone to destroy her innocence. This is a hospital. Besides, should the Seet family find out about this, they’ll crush you into pieces, and we’ll be dragged down with you as well.”

“Do you have any good ideas then?” Janice asked. Mabel spoke up from the side. “I wonder if she has luck on her side, or will she run into some kind of disaster?”

“What are you planning, Mom? Should Maya get into an accident, the Seet family will definitely get to the bottom of it. We can’t afford to take that risk!”

Janice did not expect Nicholas to be this cowardly. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you continue to be scared of everything, then let’s not do anything and watch as Maya and Wilbur marry and the Seets become his pillar of support!”

He glared at her and left the ward without saying a word.

Mabel was baffled by his actions. Is he really not planning on fighting for anything? Curious, she followed him out of the ward.

“Do you not want anything anymore, Nic? Are you planning to give everything to Wilbur?”

“It’s not that, Mom. I just feel that it’s too risky to harm Maya. We can’t afford to offend the Seet family. How about…”


Nicholas looked into her eyes. “Which do you think has more serious consequences, Mom? Maya getting into an accident or Wilbur?”

“What do you mean, Nic?”

“If Maya got into an accident, the Seet family would do whatever it takes to find out the truth. But if my brother got into an accident, do you think Dad would do the same? Dad values his interest the most and will only weigh which situation is most beneficial to him, the company, and the Simpsons!”

Mabel looked at her son. His words had struck a chord with her.

She had felt that Wilbur had to be gotten rid of as soon as she had heard Janice’s unintentional remark earlier.

If we manage to get rid of him, we’ll be eliminating a major threat. What Nic said makes sense. Even if Rodney has doubts in his heart, he won’t investigate the truth. Having only two sons, he wouldn’t risk losing Nic after Wilbur dies.

“Are you intending to take his life, Nic? Do you have a plan?”

“No, Mom. After all, we’re still brothers. I just want him to lose the right to inherit the company and the right to be with Maya.”

“What do you mean?” Mabel questioned.

“There’s no need for you to get involved, Mom. Leave it to me. You must keep it a secret from Janice. She loves Wilbur, so she mustn’t know about this.”

“Don’t worry. All she can think about now is how to go about tormenting Maya to vent her anger. She’ll never expect you to make a move against Wilbur.”

“Okay. You should hurry home, Mom.”

“All right.”

Back in the ward, Janice was feeling restless and fidgety.

Mabel and Nicholas must be hiding something from me. That’s why they went out to speak. Could it be that they came up with a plan but purposely hid it from me? What solution can he think of anyway, seeing as he’s so afraid that he’ll get into trouble if something happens to Maya?

After pondering over the matter, a thought suddenly came into her mind. Don’t tell me they’re thinking of targeting Wilbur? Mabel’s expression seemed strange earlier on when I said that Wilbur would seek revenge on her.

The more Janice thought about it, the more it seemed plausible to her. After a moment of hesitance, she took out her phone and sent Wilbur a text: Beware of Nicholas and Mabel!

Wilbur, who was having dinner with Maya at that moment, frowned upon receiving the text.

“What’s the matter?’ Maya asked.

He calmly kept his phone.

“It’s nothing. Hurry up and eat before it gets cold.”

“All right. Aunt Sheila called me, and I told her that I’ll return to filming after a few days.”

“I’ll also settle the company affairs quickly within these days. After that, we’ll take a few days off to concentrate on the filming. We mustn’t delay the progress.”

“Yes, my thoughts exactly.”

They chatted over dinner, and Maya allowed Wilbur to take her back to the hospital after that.

He even reminded her that there was a caretaker to take care of Janice, so she should not need to do everything herself and to put herself first.

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