Kyle put the prawn back to his plate after Maya nodded at him vigorously.

Shortly after that, they heard a string of footsteps coming from the direction of the staircase. In a swift move, Maya took a swig of the milk and put down the glass before stuffing the prawn into her mouth.

At the sight of Nina making her way over to the dining table, she deliberately covered her mouth with both hands and turned around. After some frantic chewing, she stretched her neck and swallowed the prawn.

When Nina sat down at the dining table, she frowned at her own plate before turning sideways to observe Maya’s plate.

“Seems like the breakfast today isn’t as generous as other days,” she grumbled bewilderedly.

“I think the portion is the same.” Maya stared at her with an unruffled look when she continued, “As a foodie, I think the food is enough. You’re going to turn yourself into a fat pig if you think the food is not enough.”

To both Juan and Kyle’s surprise, Maya was very calm and convincing when she was lying.

The boys exchanged a glance in silence before burying their heads in their plates, trying hard to suppress the urge to laugh.

They agreed that it was about time for Maya to execute her revenge after having been given an earful by Nina over the past few days.

Nina rolled her eyes at her and retaliated, “You’re the fat pig.” With that, she put an end to their dispute and started digging in after taking a sip of the milk.

Maya felt delighted secretly.

She made up her mind to sneak more food from Nina’s portion tomorrow. Nina needed to have a taste of being starved so that she would stop criticizing her.

All of a sudden, Juan adopted a serious attitude when he stared at the rest of them. “I have something important to share with you all—this coming weekend Daddy and Mommy are bringing us to the theme park. Now, let’s try to come up with a plan to help them patch things up. We will have a meeting tonight to share our thoughts.”

As soon as he said that, Nina snorted presumptuously, “Why should we help Mommy patch things up with that jerk when she clearly deserves a better man?”

“Other men might be better but they aren’t our Daddy. So, we should do our best to make sure Daddy and Mommy stick together.” Maya stared at Nina earnestly.

“Maya, you might see him as your Daddy but he might not treat you as his own. Isn’t it obvious when his own sons went to a prestigious kindergarten for the rich while both of us went to a cheap kindergarten? Also, didn’t you say he is a jerk too?”

Suddenly, Maya agreed that Nina had made a good point. “So, should we get a man who treats us nice to be our Daddy?”

“No!” Kyle was the first to voice his objection. “Mommy can only be with Daddy!”

Staring at the girls somberly, Juan insisted, “Exactly. Daddy and Mommy are a good match to each other. What if the new guy turns out to be a jerk?”

“Evan is a jerk! Nobody can be more of a jerk than him!”

Nina put down her glass of milk and glared at Juan resentfully.

Before Juan could get back to her, a sonorous and deep voice came, “Don’t you think you need to have a good reason to call me a jerk?”

The kids spun around and found Evan standing somewhere nearby, watching them with a stern look.

Considering that it was not Nina’s first time to label him a jerk, he was really curious as to how he had offended the little girl before.

Dauntlessly, Nina got to her feet and marched toward Evan with her eyes laden with a grudge. “You’re a jerk because I say so,” she snapped angrily.

With that, she let out a snort before storming her way upstairs.

What kind of reason is that?

It isn’t right for her to judge a person totally based on her own preference.

“You guys shouldn’t be like her, do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. Same for you too.”

With a chortle, Evan replied, “I’ve always judge a person…”

“Mr. Seet’s always judged a person based on his own prejudice. For example, if he decided that someone has a dubious character, the person would be deemed as having an ulterior motive no matter what the person does. Am I right?”

Crossing her arms in front of her chest, Nicole stared at Evan intently.

Evan could understand what she meant having thought about the remarks he had made about her before.

“I do have a preconceived opinion on a certain someone but I don’t think it’s prejudicial because it’s the truth.”

Nicole sneered, “Time will reveal all. Also, we will see whether Nina’s opinion on you is sensible or otherwise as time passes.”

“Well, let us wait for the answers then.”


Time would show that what he thought of her was prejudicial and prove that he was truly a jerk to his daughters.

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