Chapter 522

Sarah had decided to stay and take care of the sickly lady until she was

nursed back to health. Then she would take her and Amy and leave this

godforsaken hellhole.

“Let me do that, Miss Sarah,” Suri said. She couldn’t believe Sarah was cooking

and cleaning. She’s a Quillen!

“It’s alright. I can do this.” Sarah smiled, but she didn’t stop.

As the sickly woman lay on the bed and watched her in silence, conflicting

emotions welled up within her. She was worried for Sarah, but the kindness of

this young lady was a sliver of light in the darkness of this village. She had

been in this hellscape and living her life in humiliation for decades, after all.

Soon, a commotion broke out as expected, but it was larger than the woman

thought it would be. The ground itself was rumbling, and she looked out the

window. There’s at least a hundred of them! Shocked, the woman leaped out

of bed. “Dear Lord, that must be Bugsy himself. Leave using the backdoor

now, or you’ll never escape!”

“This isn’t a drill, Miss Sarah. We need to get out of here,” said Suri worriedly.

There were more than a hundred people out there. No matter how good a

fighter Sarah was, she couldn’t fend off a hundred men.

Sarah knew that too. This wasn’t something she could handle herself, so she

quickly said, “Suri, we’re also taking Mrs. Hedge with us too, so help me.”

The woman was crying, touched that Sarah still wouldn’t give up on her even

now. However, when the ladies came out of the backdoor with Amy and her

mother in tow, the whole house was already surrounded, and a group of

burly men stopped their path.

“I can’t believe she’s still here!” Cobra’s eyes shone at the sight of Sarah. He

was worried they might have made their escape. If they did, he wouldn’t be

able to do whatever he wanted to them.

Bugsy and a few of his lackeys arrived shortly after. One look at him, and

Sarah knew he was not to be trifled with. His muscles were taut, and his

footsteps were firm. Bugsy was no trifling thug like Cobra.

A worried Suri whispered, “What now, Miss Sarah? I think you should just ditch

all three of us and run.” If she escapes alone, she might be able to break

through, but with us tagging along? Not a chance in hell.

Sarah gritted her teeth. “I won’t ditch you guys.”

Even at a distance, Bugsy heard everything, and he roared with laughter.

“Good! I love women who care about their friends. So, you want to stay here

and marry me? I might have a harem, but I can make you feel like a queen.”

Suri spat in disdain. “How dare you speak to her like that, you oaf? Do you

have any idea who she is? She’s one of Yeringham’s most prized women.”

Fighting head–on wouldn’t win them the battle, so she had to use the family

name to scare these people off.

Bugsy froze for a moment before grinning. “Ah, a Yeringham local. Well, spill

the beans. Tell us who this lady is.”

Before Sarah could say anything, Suri proudly proclaimed, “Then listen close,

oafs. She’s the second daughter of the Quillen family, the richest family in

Yeringham. Touch her, and her father will level this place along with you in it.”

She thought the threat would work. After all, the Quillens were also an

influential family in Onza.

However, the thugs burst into laughter along with their boss. They didn’t even

think the Quillen family was a threat. Bugsy swaggered ahead and tried to

hold her chin. “And here I wondered where this lily angel came from.

Daughter of Yeringham’s richest man, I see. Explains the beauty.”

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