The nwanted Bride Of Atticus awn Chapter 38


“Hey, Tyler!” I shout. Autumn may think I left her with Clarissa to run after Anya, but I had other matters

to deal with. I didn’t want her to know what I was up to. She may not be too happy about it, and I was

already on her bad side I didn’t want to make it worse. I’ve done many things recently to make her

unhappy with me, but this one had to be done. I had to teach Tyler a lesson he had to know to stay

away from Autumn. While I was just pissed that she’d flirted with another man, I was also concerned

about her safety. Tyler was not to be trusted around any woman. And he definitely couldn’t be trusted

around my wife.

He turns around, and his eyes widen the second he spots me, “oh shit.”

That is precisely what I was thinking. My stride is long and fast as I grab him by his t shirt and shove

him up against the wall. “What’s this that I’ve heard about you wanting to take my wife to dinner tonight

if you win the game?”

He coughs and clears his throat as he looks around for help. I’m positive that he’s looking for his

teammates. They all stuck together, but I chose the perfect timing to catch him by himself. Not that I

was scared of the fearsomes. It was just less messy this way, and I had to keep it that way to prevent

Autumn from finding out. I didn’t want her to get any angrier.

amon joins me, “look at you starting the fun without me. What part of wait on me didn’t you get?”

“The part where you were taking too long,” I inform him. “The game was about to start, and I had to pay

our little friend a visit before he went and tried to win the game without talking to us first.”

“I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t know it would cause a problem.” He apologizes. “I shouldn’t have asked

Autumn out. Or even spoken to her. I understand my mistake now. It won’t happen again.”

You bet your ass it won’t happen again!

“Why the f**k would you think that it wouldn’t have caused a problem?” I ask.

Had he been away from his phone all of this time? Why would he think I would be okay with him flirting

with my wife? News of Autumn and me had spread like wildfire. There is no way that he didn’t know

she was married to me. So what the hell could be his reasoning for his dumb statements?

“Everyone knows that you still love Anya.” He points out. I stiffen at the mention of Anya. Why was he

bringing her up when the conversation was about Autumn?

“I didn’t think you would be so concerned about who Autumn was seeing. If I had known, I would have

kept my distance from her. I can see now that she means something to you.”

Of course, she f*****g meant something to me. She was mine!

I press my elbow tighter against his throat, “stay the f**k away from Autumn. If you ever talk to her

again, I’ll ensure you can never play a game of football again. o you understand me? Y ou won’t even

be able to stand again after I’m done with you ”

He holds his hands up in the air, “you don’t need to tell me twice. I misread the situation. I’ll keep my

distance from her.”

“While keeping your distance from Autumn, keep your distance from Clarissa as well.” amon adds.

I knew he was waiting for his chance to inform him that Clarissa was also off limits.

“Your sister?” He asks. “Why would I do that? It’s not like you want her.”

It might have been a joke to Tyler, but we didn’t take it lightly.

I let go of him then because I know amon is the one who’ll want a piece of him now . Not that I didn’t

want to punch his face. But I knew that amon wanted it more than me, and I’d already gotten my


I have the pleasure of watching amon’ s fist connect with his jaw, “there is plenty more where that

came from if you even dare try anything stupid around her. I’ll come and find you if I hear anything,

even if it’s a f*****g lie, so make sure there aren’t even any rumors about you next to her.”

Tyler spat out the blood from his mouth and rubbed his jaw. “I understand. Now can I go play my

game? They’re all waiting for me.”

“et’ s go, amon,” I tell him. “Good luck in the game tonight!” I add as we finally allow him to leave.

Tyler glares after us, but he doesn’t try to do anything stupid. He knows he’s no match for us.

“I think we should have done more than that,” amon says as we walk away . “Guys like Tyler don’t

learn so easily. You need to make an example out of him to keep him and others away from Autumn.”

“Are we only speaking about Autumn or Clarissa as well?” I ask.

I’ve been noticing his strange behavior around her recently, and I wasn’t sure what to think of it.

“Autumn, Clarissa, Anya. We must protect the women in our lives from men like him.” He answers.


I was still pissed at her and what she’d done. But I also felt terrible after telling Autumn that I would

protect her if I had to choose between saving her and Anya. I saw the hurt on her face, and there was

nothing I could do about it.

cooled. He replied sneeringly, “What a surprise! To think

someone in Yeringham would dare to use such a tone

against me! But young fella, you’re overestimating

your skills. You should know that once I give the word,

your corpse will be floating along Yeringham River


The threat struck fear within Sheldon, whose legs

almost crumpled from fear. He sucked in several

breaths to calm himself down.

Samuel hardly joked around, and he would surely.

make good on his promise.

“I don’t know about that,” Emmanuel continued firmly, “but I do know I have a goal to complete today.

Even if I

end up dead, I’ll drag all of you down to h*ll with me!”

He meant every word he had said. This was no empty

boast on Emmanuel’s part.

He was out of options, in any case. He needed to bring

Mackenzie home to meet his mother.

If he failed today, his proud wife would turn her nose

up at him, and it would be near impossible to convince

her to visit his family home in the future.

Samuel and Emmanuel found themselves engaged in

a tense staring contest. The older man had spent most

of his life fighting and knew he could not afford to piss

off Emmanuel.

Were he any younger, he would have considered a

duel with Emmanuel.

Things were different now. Samuel was older and had

too much to lose. Gone was the hot–blooded fervor

and all–or–nothing attitude that so defined his past.

To put it plainly, if he ended up behind bars for

breaking the law, his age and physicality no longer

aided him in earning the reverence and admiration of

his fellow inmates.

Spying his hesitation, Emmanuel advised earnestly,

“Mr. Webber, it’s time to stay on the right side of the

law! Please call your men back!”

It was at that point that Sheldon realized he was no

longer quaking in fear.

Emmanuel appeared to have intimidated Samuel into

submission, and it was not by any threats of legal


Instead, he simply replied on his fearsome

determination and indomitable aura. Sheldon was in


No wonder they say you can’t judge a book by its

cover. Who knew someone who looks as genteel as

Emmanuel would turn out to be such a fierce


Samuel’s furious shout pierced the silence of the room.

“You think you can just order me to ask my men to

leave? What about my reputation? What will everyone

think of me then?”

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