Chapter 181

Chapter 181

“Mom, it’s because he has betrayed me and fallen for his cousin’s wife! He

completely ignored me last night and only talked about someone else’s wife.

I couldn’t stand it, so I had to confront him! He’s the one who betrayed me

first. I did nothing wrong! It serves him right!” Abellyn’s confidence grew as

she spoke, making it sound like it was the truth.

Ryder was infuriated by her. He couldn’t believe she had the audacity to

make up such nonsense. Her actions had consequences not only for her own

family but also for Emmanuel’s family.

However, he was not good with words and didn’t know how to explain himself

at that moment.

Emmanuel, on the other hand, chuckled and said, “What makes you think

Ryder likes my wife?”

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Abellyn was the kind of person who couldn’t think rationally, and she blurted

out whatever came to her mind when she got worked up. She immediately

exclaimed, “He talks about your wife all the time, saying that she’s beautiful

and has a great figure! He doesn’t even bother cooking when he talks about

her. Isn’t it because he likes your wife? If that’s the case, he should just be with

your wife!”

“Shut up!” Emmanuel couldn’t bear it anymore and shouted angrily. He

refused to allow anyone to defame his wife.

At that moment, Mackenzie happened to arrive at the entrance.

When everyone saw her Maserati, they were all stunned and momentarily

frozen in awe.

Mackenzie got out of the car and didn’t hear what they were arguing about

just now. However, she noticed that everyone’s gaze was on her, which felt a

bit strange to her.

David stared at Mackenzie intently, practically drooling. Is this really

Emmanuel’s wife? Da*n! No wonder Ryder would have a change of heart.

Who wouldn’t be tempted by a gorgeous wealthy woman like her? She has

completely overshadowed my cousin!

“Can you believe it? She comes to my house early in the morning. Is she so

eager for a secret affair? And you dare to claim there’s nothing going on

between the two of you?” Abellyn pointed at Mackenzie and Ryder,

maliciously trying to tarnish their reputation. She thought she was making

perfect sense.

On the other hand, Mackenzie remained completely composed. She was too


lazy to deal with such a petty woman. Instead, she turned to Emmanuel and

said, “I came to pick you up. Can we go home now?”

In an instant, everyone in the Sheppard family looked at Abellyn.

Regardless of the truth, everyone felt that she was being unreasonable at

that moment.

Even Chloe covered her forehead, thinking that Abellyn was a complete id*ot

with no intelligence whatsoever.

We are all here to support you, so you should behave properly. But now you’re

making a fuss and being unreasonable. Mom and Dad won’t back you up if

you keep acting like this!

Emmanuel didn’t want to leave yet, fearing that if he went back, Ryder would

be at a disadvantage.

“Emmanuel, you and your wife should go back. I can handle my own family

matters.” Ryder might not be good with words, but he knew how to handle

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things. He didn’t want Emmanuel and his wife to get involved in his family’s


“Okay then. It’s getting late. Mackenzie and I will take Tommy to school first.” It

was hard for an outsider to meddle in family affairs, and Emmanuel knew

that Ryder should handle this on his own.

However, he intentionally raised his voice and said, “Ryder, if you need help,

just let me know. Remember. The Lowe family also has its own people, and

we’re no pushover!”

As these words landed, a faint tremor ran through the male members of the

Sheppard family, and they could no longer maintain their arrogance.

Tommy, surprisingly, demonstrated a stronger resilience than expected.

He knew something had happened to his parents, but he had managed to

hold back his tears.

However, once he got in the car, he couldn’t help but cry silently in the back


“Stop the car.” Mackenzie, who was originally sitting in the passenger seat,

heard Tommy crying and took the initiative to ask Emmanuel to stop the car,

and then she moved to the back seat.

“Don’t cry, Tommy. I’m here with you.” Mackenzie gently caressed Tommy’s


Even though she didn’t have a distaste for young boys, it was her first time

comforting a child in this manner. If Beatrix and the other members of the

Quillen family were to witness it, they would surely be astonished.

With the comforting words of a pretty lady, Tommy quickly dried his tears

and uttered a soft sound in response.

Seeing this scene through the rearview mirror, Emmanuel couldn’t help but


curl his lips into a smile. “Mackenzie, I didn’t know you have such a gentle


Mackenzie’s gaze turned icy in an instant, causing Emmanuel to shudder as

he caught a glimpse of her through the car’s rearview mirror.

“What are you trying to say? Are you implying that I have a short temper?”

she asked.

“No, that’s not what I meant…” Emmanuel said anxiously. His forehead was

covered in cold sweat, and he struggled to explain himself.

Seeing the situation, Tommy immediately stopped crying and burst into

laughter. “Uncle Manny, you’re really silly. You have said the wrong thing. You

should find a way to make your wife happy.”

Mmm… This brat knew quite a lot!

Emmanuel and Mackenzie both wondered if Tommy had learned this from

his father.

They thought that perhaps Ryder had always accommodated his wife,

appeased her, and spoiled her, which resulted in the woman becoming

difficult to deal with, leading to conflicts in their marriage.

Tommy was unaware of their thoughts and spoke without restraint. “Uncle

Manny, why aren’t you saying anything? Mackenzie is so pretty. If you’re so

bad with words and can’t even coax a girl, you might end up single


Emmanuel felt like he was going to cough up blood. “You have such a sharp/


Mackenzie couldn’t hold back her laughter either.

Tommy was incredibly cute. His words hit right in the heart, and it was no

wonder she had a soft spot for him.


On the other hand, after some convincing from Mary, both Ryder and Abellyn

managed to find a temporary resolution and agreed to set aside their

differences. “Keep this in mind. After a fight between spouses, it’s important

to reconcile and move on. Both of you should live your lives peacefully and

stop creating unnecessary trouble.”

Both Mary and her husband were traditional–minded and believed that

divorced women were less favored for remarriage.

At first, George thought that his daughter was the victim of domestic

violence, which was why he rushed over in a hurry. Now that he knew the

truth, he remained silent and refused to help anyone.

Ryder never actually considered divorce. Even for the sake of Tommy’s

upbringing, he still wanted to provide him with a complete family.

He didn’t go to work that day. Instead, he cooked a meal and entertained his

in–laws. It wasn’t until the afternoon that he finally saw them off.

After everyone left, Ryder decided to make things clear. “From now on,

Tommy and I will share a room. I’ll take care of picking him up and helping

with his schoolwork. Since you’re always out playing poker and coming back

late at night, you can have your own room. Also, I won’t give you any more

living expenses, and you don’t have to cook either.”

Abellyn had no objections about the rest of them, but she wouldn’t be able to

survive without any living expenses. “Ryder, are you going back on your word?

You said you would take care of me when we got married, and now you’re

refusing to provide me with living expenses?”

“Abellyn, don’t mix things up!” Ryder also became angry. Even if he was an

honest man, he had thought through everything after thinking for such a long



He then continued, “I did say I would take care of you, but I never agreed to

finance your gambling addiction. Anyway, I’ll cook the meals from now on, so

you won’t starve!”

“You… You’re shameless!” Abellyn angrily cursed and slammed the door as

she left the house.

Ryder didn’t chase after her. The moment she raised the knife against him,

their relationship was irreparably broken.

Now that they slept in separate rooms, he no longer had to worry about

falling asleep and being attacked by her in the middle of the night.

As for her love for playing poker and indulging in other activities outside, he

couldn’t be bothered anymore.

After leaving home, Abellyn went to Chloe’s place and burst into tears.

Chloe was fed up too, and she scolded her directly, “You brought all of this

upon yourself. What are you crying about?”

Abellyn stared at Chloe, thinking that she had no more usefulness and that

even her sister now despised her.

Fortunately, Chloe quickly responded, “I told you to look for a better match.

You haven’t even found a replacement yet. Why would you turn against that

honest man so quickly? Even if you divorce now, it’s your own fault.”

“Chloe, what am I supposed to do now?” Abellyn asked in tears. She really

didn’t know what to do anymore.


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